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Blocking Filters

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Min FWHM     Max FWHM     

Note, for cut-on, cut-off and multi pass band (GG385 UG1) filters the FWHM has been set to 0. The Cenwave indicates the blue peak of the UG1 and GG375 filters and the cut wavelength for the rest of these filters.

Sort by clicking the column title, e.g. click on Cenwave to order the filters from blue to red

ID        Name        Thick.
71 BG25-O 390_MP 100Round 393 84 png, ascii C, UD standard, FWHM_blue 125 nm 71
72 UG1 360_MP 100Round 360 67 png, ascii C, UD standard, FWHM_blue=63nm 72
126 WG280 280_LP 51Square 280 png, ascii C, corner cracked cut-on, clear filter in STANCAM for FIES 126
73 GG385 380_LP 2 100Round 380 90 png, ascii C, UD, use brass spacer ring cut-on 73
96 776_LP 3 51Square 776 88 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 96
100 GG420 416_LP 3 60Round 416 94 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 100
101 GG475 480_LP 3 60Round 480 95 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 101
102 OG515 518_LP 3 60Round 518 92 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 102
95 674_LP 3.1 51Square 674 91 png, ascii C; UD cut-on 95
103 OG575 566_LP 3.1 60Round 566 91 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 103
93 GG375 375_LP 4 51Square 375 88 png, ascii C, UD, corner chipped cut-on 93
94 WG345 356_LP 4 51Square 356 88 png, ascii C, UD cut-on 94
11 I_Bes 728_LP 5 60Round 728 96 png, ascii Bessell I, cut-on 11
86 z'_SDSS 840_LP 5 60Round 840 92 png, ascii C, UD StanCam fixed set-up; cut-on;focus reference R-filter 86
112 z'_SDSS 832_LP 5 100Round 832 97 png, ascii C, UD FASU standard set-up, cut-on 112

Cosmetics: C=clean, UD=undamaged

Back to top Last modified: April 20 2023