Sequencer commands

There are various commands (e.g., ``expose'') which are the same for different instruments, while in general it should also be clear what part of the observing system a command refers to. To distinguish commands for the different parts of the observing system they have different prefixes. However, it was noted that the different prefixes used for sequencer commands are not always intuitive or even consistent. This has partly a historical reason and is partly based on the different subsystems of the observing system used. It was generally agreed that it would be better to simplify this, where the general `rule' should be that, beyond any TCS command, any sequencer command used for a specific instrument should have as prefix the instrument name. A `justification' for this would be that in this way any set of commands given in a specific sequencer command window can simply be copied to a script file where only a single prefix needs to be added to the commands to make them universally executable.

The new scheme has largely been implemented but all scripts should be checked and corrected to include these changes so for a time the old prefix and the new prefix will be valid before the old ones are phased out.

Thomas Augusteijn 2009-05-14