
New emergency lights were installed in the telescope building and the service building. As for the improved protections that were added to the old machines in the mechanical workshop to comply with the requirements to obtain CE certificates we are still waiting for an inspection by the the licensed company that checks our installations.

Also this time during bad weather there was an issue with visiting observers driving up to the observatory although the access to the ORM was restricted. In this case the observers did contact us and on our advise also the Residencia. The problem was that the observers did not get very clear advice (taking `the road is passable' as a permission to drive up) where they were under the impression that it is actually the Residencia that decides if the roads are open or closed. It was noted to the observers that as everybody else they should follow the official signs where only the local authorities can say if the road is open or not. The role of the Residencia in this is just that they are the ones that are in contact with the local authorities and should have the latest information. This is now also explicitly stated in our web pages and the guidelines that are send to the PI of a proposal one month before the start of an observing run.

One issued highlighted to the administration of the observatory was that it is not the task of lowly paid employees of a company hired by the observatory to manage the reception desk at the Residencia to have the responsibility to advice people if they can drive up or not.

Thomas Augusteijn 2012-02-21