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ALFOSC Sequencer Command Documentation

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Instrument : ALFOSC
Observing Mode: ANY IMA SPEC POL
Description: SHORT LONG

alfosc abort [-d] Aborts an ongoing exposure. DET
alfosc allopen [-e] Moves all ALFOSC/FASU optical wheels to the OPEN position. INST
alfosc autoshow_off [-d] Turns off the automatic image display while reading out. If a DS9 is running it will be terminated. DISP
alfosc autoshow_on [-d] Turns on the automatic image display while reading out. If no DS9 is running one will automatically be started. DISP
alfosc calibexp [-e] [-f] [-n <nn>] [-o <ObjName>] [-lmi] <lampID> <tt> Sets ALFOSC calibration items up for a calibration spectrum with lamp <lampID>, take <nn> calibration images of exposure time <tt>, switch off lamps and, if not -lmi is given, take out mirror. With <lampID>=He/Ne/HeNe/ThAr/Halogen . DET
alfosc carriage [-d] [pos] [ready] [action] Moves FAPOL carriage in or out with the [action] keyword. [action] can be 'in', 'IN', 'out' or 'OUT'. [pos] returns '1' if the carriage is in the lightpath, '0' if it is out. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. INST
alfosc cirpolexpose [-e] <Nang> <ObjName> <tt> <Ncyc> [-nowindow] Sets up and executes a set of circular polarimetry imaging exposures with <Nang> angles, exposure time <tt> and <Ncyc> cycles. If optional argument -nowindow is used, no windowing is applied. DET
alfosc cirpolspec [-e] <Nang> <ObjName> <tt> <Ncyc> Sets up and executes a set of circular polarimetry spectroscopy exposures with <Nang> angles, exposure time <tt> and <Ncyc> cycles. DET
alfosc dark [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes a dark exposure of <tt> seconds. If <tt> is set to zero a BIAS exposure is made. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc display [<file>] Loads the image <file> into the ALFOSC DS9 display. If no file is specified, the last image obtained will be loaded. DISP
alfosc dither [-e] [-t] [-nowakeup] <pattern> <offset_size> <tt> Takes single exposures with exposure time <tt> at each pointing of the dither pattern <pattern> with offset <nn> arcseconds between each exposure. DET
alfosc expose [-d] [-t] [-f] [-n]<tt> Makes an exposure of <tt> seconds. Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc focus [-e] [-n <N>] [-nodefault] [-t <nn>] [-a <mode>][-filter] Focuses the telescope. [-n <N>] makes <N> loops. [-t <nn>] sets exposure time to <nn> . [-nodefault] starts from current focus. [-a <mode>] acquisition using <mode>. TEL
alfosc focus-offset [-e] [-d <nn>] Applies focus offset for optical elements in the light beam. If no offset is known a value of 0 will be assumed. Use [-d] flag to defocus the telescope with <nn> units. TEL
alfosc imexam Initiates an IRAF imexam session on the loaded DS9 image. DATA
alfosc lamp [-d] [position] <n> <m> Turns on/off lamp number <n>, <m>=1 is turn on, <m>=0 is turn off. [position] returns a 4 bit pattern corresponding to the state of the 4 lamps. INST
alfosc linpolexpose [-e] [-nowakeup] [-std] <Nang> <ObjName> <tt> <Ncyc> [-nowindow] Sets up and executes a set of linear polarimetry imaging exposures with <Nang> angles, exposure time <tt> and <Ncyc> cycles. If optional argument -nowindow is used, no windowing is applied. DET
alfosc linpolspec [-e] [-nowakeup] [-std] <Nang> <ObjName> <tt> <Ncyc> Sets up and executes a set of linear polarimetry spectroscopy exposures with <Nang> angles, exposure time <tt> and <Ncyc> cycles. DET
alfosc log-comment "Comment in quotes" [file1 file2 ...] Set a comment in the last image (or the specified ones, if any) using the LOGCOMME keyword DATA
alfosc mdark [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> Makes <nn> dark exposures of <tt> seconds. If the [-t] flag is used, a simulated exposure is made. If the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds, automatic remnant removal is done before the exposure starts. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If the option [-n] is used, there will be no automatic remnant removal. DET
alfosc mexpose [-t] [-n] [-f]<tt> <nn> [<imtype>] Makes <nn> exposures of <tt> seconds. Remnant removal is made before the exposure starts, if the exposure time is larger then 60 seconds. If the option [-n] is used, no remnant removal is done. If the option [-f] (fast mode) is used, the prompt will be returned when the exposure time is over and before the readout begins. If [-f] is used, make sure that "alfosc.wait-camera-state idle"-command is given before any "alfosc_camera_commands". If the exposure time is larger than 300 seconds, the time left until the rotator reaches its limit will be checked. If there is not time enough to complete the exposure, an error will be generated and the exposure will not start. DET
alfosc object [-d] <text> Sets the FITS keyword OBJECT to <text>. DATA
alfosc polarizer [-d] [pos] [ready] <n> Moves the polarizer to angle <n>, where <n> is any multiple of 22.5 between '0' and '337.5'. [pos] returns the current polarizer position. [ready] returns '0' if the element is moving, '1' if it is ready. INST
alfosc polwin Windows the readout, optimized for imaging polarimetry. DET
alfosc qicpol [<2ndfile>] Circular polarimetry quick-look tool. Calculates the circular polarization from two images, <2ndfile> and the one before. DATA
alfosc qilpol [<4thfile>] Linear polarimetry quick-look tool. Calculates the linear polarization from four images, <4thfile> and the three before. DATA
alfosc readout [-d] Closes the shutter and readout the ccd. The exposure must first be put in the background. Does not work correctly when using a window in Y direction. DET
alfosc readspeed [-d] <readout_speed> Sets the CCD readout speed to <readout_speed> kpix/second. Valid values for <readout_speed> are 100, 200, 400 or 800. DET
alfosc remove_remnants Remove remnants from the CCD DET
alfosc rempath [-d] <nn> Sets the remote saving path to <nn>. DATA
alfosc remsave_off [-d] Turns off remote saving. DATA
alfosc remsave_on [-d] Turns on remote saving. DATA
alfosc reset-log Resets the talker/obslog and sets it for alfosc DATA
alfosc resetxy [-d] Resets the ccd binning to 1, the X and Y size to maximum and the X and Y beginning to 1. DET
alfosc simpolexpose [-e] [-nowakeup] [-std] <Nang> <ObjName> <tt> <Ncyc> [-nowindow] Sets up and executes a set of simultaneous linear and circular polarimetry (using lambda/4 retarder) imaging exposures with <Nang> angles, exposure time <tt> and <Ncyc> cycles. If optional argument -nowindow is used, no windowing is applied. DET
alfosc teloffset <n> <m> Offsets an object on the CCD <n> arcseconds in X direction, <m> arcseconds in Y direction. TEL
alfosc wheels [-e] [-s <slit>] [-g <grism>] [-c <crossdisp>] [-f <filterID>] [-d <diffuserID>][-nowait] [-forceFASU] Sets all 5 ALFOSC wheels to the given setup. Default is OPEN. If optional flag -nowait is used, the script exits while wheels are moving. INST
alfosc xbeg [-d] <nn> Sets the X beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc xbin [-d] <n> Sets the binning factor in the X direction to <n>. DET
alfosc xsize [-d] <nn> Sets the X size to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybeg [-d] <nn> Sets the Y beginning to <nn>. DET
alfosc ybin [-d] <nn> Sets the binning factor in the Y direction to <n>. DET
alfosc ysize [-d] <nn> Sets the Y size to <nn>. DET

In scripts, the syntax alfosc.<command> should be used.
If a part of a command is written in <angle brackets>, this is an argument that should be replaced with a value.
If a part of a command is written in [square brackets], this is an optional argument or flag.
When available, the optional flag -d will write extended debugging information to the log.
When available, the optional flag -e will show the script on standard output instead of executing the commands.
When available, the optional flag -t will only make a simulated exposure. Useful for testing scripts.

Type definitions:
DATA: All commands related to handling/modifying data (editing fits-headers, post-processing etc.).
DET: Commands related to operations with the detector.
DISP: Commands related to displaying images on the instrument computer.
INST: Commands related to operations with the instrument.
TEL: Commands related to operations with the telescope.

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