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Program Tracking
Proposal 62-507
Semester P63: 20210401 - 20211001
Principal Investigator Charlotte Angus
Programme The Young Supernova Experiment
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 10+6 hard triggers, 3+5 epoches. 12 soft triggers+3 follow-ups
Total Nights 1.6+2.4+2.25
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Follow-up soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 69:12 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
62-507 2021-04-02 00:25 SoftToO Feige_34, SN2021gno, SN2021hiz ALEd020137 - ALEd020140, LEd020167 - ALEd020175 Observed in clear skies and excellent seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-04-03 02:42 SoftToO AT2021fsb, AT2021hlp, AT2021dtj,
AT2021gyh, AT2021biy, Feige34
ALEd030054 - ALEd030063, ALEd030094 - ALEd030102 Thin clouds for most of the night. Observed AT2021biy and the standard Feige34 under program 62-505. The time spent is marked as shared between the two programs. The PI-s should coordinate to share the data. AT2021biy spectroscopy (files ALEd030075 - ALEd030079) and the standard Feige34 (files ALEd030064 - ALEd030068). Observed
62-507 2021-04-04 00:19 ToO Feige_34, AT2021hus ALEd040117 - ALEd040120, ALEd040137 - ALEd040140 Clear sky and seeing below 1 arcsec. Observed standard as part of this OB. Observed
62-507 2021-04-04 00:25 SoftToO AT2021hol ALEd040141 - ALEd040145 Clear sky and seeing below 1 arcsec. Observed standard as part of the ToO OB. Not all submitted targets could be scheduled due to time constraints, so observed 2021hol which was marked as last opportunity tonight. Observed
62-507 2021-04-05 00:30 SoftToO SN2021hpr, SN2021gez ALEd050158 - ALEd050162, ALEd050227 - ALEd050230 Observed
62-507 2021-04-10 00:53 ToO 11DYSEbwk ALEd100075-84 Observed
62-507 2021-04-10 00:24 SoftToO AT2021hbg ALEd100109 - ALEd100113 Observed
62-507 2021-04-14 01:22 SoftToO AT2021iyt, AT2021jkd, Wolf_1346 ALEd140103 - ALEd140107, ALEd140108 - ALEd140113, ALEd140114 - ALEd140117 Observed with clear skies and good seeing. Humidity started climbing rapidly towards end of AT2021jkd. Designated standard missed due humidity and rain which forced a telescope shutdown. Another standard taken before nautical twilight. Observed
62-507 2021-04-15 00:35 ToO AT2021jtt ALEd150030 - ALEd150034 Observed in clear skies with varying seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-04-18 01:45 SoftToO AT2021jsc, AT2021jzf ALEd180118 - ALEd180123, ALEd180074 - ALEd180079, targets observed with clear skies and seeing fluctuating around 1.0\". The std star, Feige 34 has been observed within the program 62-505 with a slightly higher exposure time 447 sec. Observed
62-507 2021-04-19 02:07 SoftToO SN2021iyt, Feige_34, AT2021jox ALEd190108 - ALEd190117, ALEd190136 - ALEd190141 The night started with good seeing below 1.0 arcsec and some thin clouds. More thick clouds arrived during the course of the night. The target SN2021iyt had been observed with the script for seeing below 1.5 arcsec as at the moment of starting the observation the seeing was fluctuating around 1.0\". But during the exposure clouds arrived and the seeing got worse, reaching values above 2.0\". The std star feige 34 had been observed with the script for seeing worse than 1.5 arcsec. In some part of the night was not possible to find a guiding star due to the presence of clouds. Therefore, the scripts had been interrupted and restarted when the guiding was again possible. Observed
62-507 2021-04-29 01:20 SoftToO AT2021kfy, AT2021kbj ALEd290057 - ALEd290062, ALEd290073 - ALEd290078 Started to observe with seeing fluctuating around 2.0 arcsec and clear skies. Due to a sudden rise in humidity the script for the target AT2021kbj was interrupted with a readout. Due to the bad weather it was not possible to observe the required std star Feige 34 but it is possible to use as std the target BD262606 observed within program 62-505. Observed
62-507 2021-05-03 02:37 SoftToO AT2021kcz, BD332642, AT2021kyv,
ALEe030099-104,111-126 Observed
62-507 2021-05-04 01:47 SoftToO AT202111DYSEcsp, AT2021kzx, ALEe040105 - ALEe040110,ALEe040155 - ALEe040160 Good night with clear sky and subarcecond seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-05-06 01:46 SoftToO AT2021kyv, BD332642, AT2021kqp ALEe060156 - ALEe060165, ALEe060171 - ALEe060176 Targets observed with clear skies and good seeing fluctuating from 05\" to 1.0\". The observed std star was the one with the 1.0\" slit in the setup. Observed
62-507 2021-05-07 02:00 SoftToO Feige_34, SN2021zj, AT2021lfv, BD332642 ALEe070056 - ALEe070060, ALEe070065 - ALEe070080 Observed with clear skies and good seeing fluctuating around 0.6 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-05-08 00:34 SoftToO SN2021zj ALEe080077 - ALEe080081 std star from /service/calib-directory Observed
62-507 2021-05-09 00:13 SoftToO AT2021lmt ALEe090102 - ALEe090105 Observed
62-507 2021-05-14 01:27 SoftToO AT2021lzg, AT2021kyv, BD332642 ALEe140114 - ALEe140119, ALEe140126 - ALEe140129 Targets observed with bad weather conditions: strong winds (15-18 m/s) and seeing fluctuating around 2.0 arcsec. Strong winds caused in some cases the interruption of the observations. Observed
62-507 2021-05-15 01:48 SoftToO AT2021mge, AT2021mfy ALEe150090 - ALEe150090, ALEe150106 - ALEe150111, ALEe150118 - ALEe150123 Observed with clear windy skies. Target 2021mfy interrupted mid-way through the third exposure. Failed to take the standard star, ALEe150100 - ALEe150105 (from 61-501) could be used instead. Observed
62-507 2021-05-16 00:30 SoftToO AT2021lxb, BD332642 ALEe160115 - ALEe160118, ALEe160141 - ALEe160144 Observed with clear yet dusty skies and variable seeing. Coordinates of standard seemed to be in the wrong epoch (B1950 instead of J2000). Fixing epoch to J2000 allowed for a succesful acquisition. Observed
62-507 2021-05-18 01:30 SoftToO 2021lzc, 2021kqp ALEe180115 - ALEe180126 Target 2021kqp had to be observed using 1.3\'\' slit instead due to high seeing during target acquisition. Target 2021lzc started with good seeing, but during the last exposure the seeing got a bit high. Observed
62-507 2021-05-28 00:51 SoftToO AT2021mgd, AT2021mwb ALEe280144 - ALEe280148, ALEe280154 - ALEe280157 clear sky seeing under 1.5\". Observed
62-507 2021-05-29 01:10 SoftToO AT2021lxb, AT2021lft, BD332642 ALEe290113 - ALEe290122, ALEe290128 - ALEe290131 Observed with clear sky and seeing at around 0.75 Observed
62-507 2021-05-30 00:34 ToO 11EYSEdmj, BD332642 ALEe300100 - ALEe300104, ALEe300121 - ALEe300124 In case the standard is not satisfactory, Feige34 was observed with the same setup in better weather conditions as part of a different proposal. Clear sky, seeing most of the night ~1\". Observed
62-507 2021-05-31 00:35 ToO 11EYSEdmj ALEe310087 - ALEe310091 Observed starting at 1 UT. Seeing around 1 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-05-31 02:17 SoftToO 11EYSEdmj, AT2021nsi, AT2021nsh ALEe310082 - ALEe310086, ALEe310092 - ALEe310103 Observed in clear sky. Seeing varied between 0.7 and 1 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-01 00:14 SoftToO AT2021lxb ALEf010082 - ALEf010085 Clear skies and good seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-01 00:38 ToO 11EYSEdmj ALEf010077 - ALEf010081 Clear skies and good seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-02 00:21 ToO 11EYSEdmj ALEf020090 - ALEf020093 Clear skies, variable seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-02 00:00 SoftToO BD332642, AT2021nyt ALEf020084 - ALEf020087, ALEf020117 - ALEf020121 Clear skies, variable seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-05 00:19 ToO 11EYSEdmj ALEf050094 - ALEf050097 Observed with clear skies and seeing fluctuating around 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-05 01:00 SoftToO AT2021oez, AT2021orm, BD332642 ALEf050098 - ALEf050110 Observed with clear skies and seeing fluctuating around 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-06 00:21 ToO 11EYSEdmj ALEf060078 - ALEf060081 Target observed with thin clouds and good seeing around 0.8 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-06 00:55 SoftToO AT2021luu, BD332642 ALEf060067 - ALEf060076 Targets observed with clear skies and seeing aorund 0.8\\\". Observed
62-507 2021-06-08 00:20 ToO SN2021oat ALEf080036 - ALEf080039 Observed
62-507 2021-06-08 00:00 SoftToO AT2021ojn, AT2021ovd, BD332642 ALEf080042 -52, 93-104 bad waether Failed
62-507 2021-06-09 00:18 ToO SN2021oat, ALEf090096 - ALEf090099 Observed
62-507 2021-06-09 00:34 SoftToO AT2021ojn ALEf090102 - ALEf090106 AT2021oaw failed see ALEf090092 Observed
62-507 2021-06-10 01:18 SoftToO SN2021oat, AT2021pbf, AT2021pby ALEf100089 -92, 103-112 Observed
62-507 2021-06-14 00:37 SoftToO AT2021ofq ALEf140089 - ALEf140094 Seeing less than 1. But thick clouds passed during the first exposure, so a extra one was taken by hand (ALEf140094) Observed
62-507 2021-06-15 00:51 SoftToO AT2021oaw, AT2021qbc ALEf150067 - ALEf150072, ALEf150112 - ALEf150116 target observed in a clear night, with strong winds and seeing fluctuating around 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-16 02:06 SoftToO SN2021zj, BD332642, AT2021pkt, AT2021qbc ALEf160058 - ALEf160062, ALEf160081 - ALEf160084, ALEf160090 - ALEf160095, ALEf160104 - ALEf160110 Observed with clear sky and seeing of all targets was below 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-16 00:19 ToO SN2021oat ALEf160077 - ALEf160080 Observed with clear sky and seeing of around 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-06-17 00:27 SoftToO AT2021qbc ALEf170109 - ALEf170113 SofToO observed according to requirements. Observed
62-507 2021-06-17 00:22 ToO SN2021oat ALEf170114 - ALEf170117 ToO observed according to requirements. SNe clearly visible in the exposures. Observed
62-507 2021-06-22 00:20 SoftToO SN2021oat ALEf220186 - ALEf220189 Observed with clear skies and 1.1 arcsec seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-23 00:10 ToO AT2021qvv ALEf230053 - ALEf230053 Object identified in acquisition and observed during nautical twilight. Observed
62-507 2021-06-23 02:00 SoftToO AT2021qbc, AT2021qiu, 11FYSEeda,
ALEf230072 - ALEf230076, ALEf230090 - ALEf230093, ALEf230094 - ALEf230099, ALEf230112 - ALEf230115 All targets observed with clear skies and excellent seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-24 00:33 SoftToO AT2021qvv, SN2021oat ALEf240056 - ALEf240059, ALEf240086 - ALEf240089 Targets observed with clear skies and good seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-24 00:35 ToO 11FYSEejv ALEf240060 - ALEf240064 ToO observed with clear sky and good seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-06-25 00:50 SoftToO AT2020ghq, AT2021qvr ALEf250084 - ALEf250088, ALEf250170 - ALEf25017 Observed with clear sky and seeing overall below 1.4 arcsec. One standard star target for another group was observed with the 1.0 arcsec slit for grism #4, in case you need it. Observed
62-507 2021-07-01 01:34 SoftToO AT2021qus,AT2021rgw,BD332642,AT2021rfs ALEg010065 - ALEg010069,ALEg010082 - ALEg010086,ALEg010087 - ALEg010090,ALEg010150 - ALEg010154 Clear skies, good seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-07-07 01:17 SoftToO AT2021qvv, AT2021sev, AT2021sbu,
ALEg070140 - ALEg070143, ALEg070154 - ALEg070158, ALEg070167 - ALEg070170, ALEg070215 - ALEg070218 Targets observed with clear and dark skies. Good seeing in the first half of the night, with values below 1.0 arcsec. During the second half the seeing was variable and rising over 1.0 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-07-09 00:44 ToO AT2021sje ALEg090112 - ALEg090120 We tried to find the target in the 2nd acquisition image but it was impossible due to: 1) too much exposure time during the acquisition image and 2) 2:2 binning. We tried a 10s acquisition image and we found the target. :) At the 3rd try, we found the object in the image. FJGG & AK Observed
62-507 2021-07-09 01:54 SoftToO AT2021rhi, AT2021qbc, AT2021pri ALEg090158 - ALEg090166, ALEg090171 - ALEg090176 Observed
62-507 2021-07-10 00:00 ToO SN2021smj, AT2021sje ALEg100092 - ALEg100095, ALEg100107 - ALEg100111 Dusty night with clears sky and seeing generally around 1.0\". FJGG and AK Observed
62-507 2021-07-11 00:00 ToO None None Could observe anything due to bad weather (wind above 12m/s, elevated dust levels and high clouds). Failed
62-507 2021-07-11 00:00 SoftToO None None Could not observe anything due to bad weather (wind above 12m/s, elevated dust levels and high clouds). Failed
62-507 2021-07-12 00:42 ToO AT2021sje ALEg120015 - ALEg120020 Observed with cloudy and dusty weather. Seeing was around 1.5 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-07-12 00:00 SoftToO None None Scripts had to be aborted for AT2021sqd abd AT2021sve because guide star was lost due to clouds, Observations could not be carried out at other times in the night due to bad weather (fast winds in dusty weather and high clouds). Failed
62-507 2021-07-13 00:46 ToO AT2021sje ALEg130073 - ALEg130078 AT2021sje It was observed close the zenith, becasue there were high clouds and dust. Observed
62-507 2021-07-13 00:34 SoftToO AT2021sve ALEg130079 - ALEg130083 SN2021oat was impossible to observe due to high clouds and dust. Observed
62-507 2021-07-26 01:20 SoftToO clear sky, seeing mostly around 1\". SN2020abjq- target was really faint first exposure we get some signal second one fully disappeared. We tough we managed to identify the object not fully sure. Observed
62-507 2021-07-27 00:19 SoftToO AT2021tyf ALEg270112 - ALEg270115 Clear sky and seeing around 1arcsec. The target was quite bright and its position identified clearly at the outskirts of its host. Observed
62-507 2021-07-28 00:26 SoftToO 2021too, Feige_110 ALEg280100 - ALEg280107 Observed with clear sky and seeing of around 1.7 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-08-07 01:49 SoftToO AT2021uoy, SN2021uqw, AT2020sgf,
AT2021udc, Feige_110
ALEh070117 - ALEh070120, ALEh070129 - ALEh070132, ALEh070133 - ALEh070135, ALEh070136 - ALEh070141, ALEh070146 - ALEh070149 Observed with clear sky and good seeing around 1\". Observed
62-507 2021-08-11 02:20 SoftToO AT2021tyf, AT2021vgn, SN2021uqw,
Feige_110, AT2021tie, SN2021ukt
ALEh110125 - ALEh110128, ALEh110143 - ALEh110147,ALEh110171 - ALEh110174,ALEh110175 - ALEh110178,ALEh110180 - ALEh110185,ALEh110193 - ALEh110196 Targets observed with clear skies, but variable seeing. Observed
62-507 2021-08-14 00:41 SoftToO SN2021ukt,AT2021vtq ALEh140111 - ALEh140114,ALEh140115 - ALEh140118 Observed with thin clouds, dusty conditions, and seeing around 1.1 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2021-08-19 01:37 SoftToO 2021wes, 2021wfn, 2021uvy, Feige_110 ALEh190051 - ALEh190060, ALEh190067 - ALEh190070, ALEh190085 - ALEh190088 Good seeing with calima Observed
62-507 2021-08-20 01:42 SoftToO AT2021vrt, AT2021whv, AT2021wjs,
ALEh200048 - ALEh200052, ALEh200062 - ALEh200066, ALEh200069 - ALEh200073, ALEh200077 - ALEh200080 Seeing less than 1 with a clear dusty sky. Observed
62-507 2021-08-22 00:18 SoftToO AT2021ulv, Feige_110 ALEh220056 - ALEh220059, ALEh220093 - ALEh220096 Target and std star were observed with clear sky and subarcsec seeing. The std with slit 1.3\" was observed for another proposal with another science-target, so the observational time was subtracted from these observational blocks. Observed
62-507 2021-08-25 00:57 SoftToO AT2021wtu, Feige_110, AT2021tqq ALEh250155 - ALEh250162, ALEh250163 - ALEh250166, ALEh250171 - ALEh250176 The observations of the two science targets were hindered by their proximity to the moon, which made it very difficult to identify the correct target when comparing it to the given finding charts. As such, it is possible that the wrong targets were observed. Additionally, at the end of the observation for AT2021wtu, the observing system suffered a little crash and had to be rebooted, but I believe that was after all the exposures were done. The standard star was observed twice, one for each slit size, because it was used as a standard for other proposals (the extra observation was not included). Observed
62-507 2021-08-26 00:45 SoftToO AT2021tyw, AT2021wvw, Feige_110 ALEh260081 - ALEh260094 Seeing around 0.7 with clear sky. Observed
62-507 2021-09-06 01:33 SoftToO Feige_110, AT2021xvu, AT2021yab ALEi060525 - ALEi060539 Observed with a clear sky and seeing between 1.0 and 1.3 arcsec. The standard star was observed when it was low on the sky, so it might have gone below the point of 0% vignetting (since the lower hatch was closed). For 2021xvu, I couldn\'t spot a second bright source inside the galaxy, so I might not have identified the supernova correctly. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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