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Program Tracking
Proposal 62-507
Semester P64: 20211001 - 20220401
Principal Investigator Charlotte Angus
Programme The Young Supernova Experiment
Instrument ALFOSC
Time Allocation 10+6 hard triggers, 3+5 epoches. 12 soft triggers+3 follow-ups
Total Nights 1.6+2.4+2.25
Type ToO+SoftToO
Notes Override. Follow-up soft triggers during Nordic service or Technical nights
Total Time Spent 25:51 (hh:mm)
Proposal Date Time Type Targets Files Comments Status
62-507 2021-10-04 01:08 SoftToO AT2021aadd, Feige_110, AT2021aaez ALEj040121 - ALEj040125, ALEj040126 - ALEj040129, ALEj040139 - ALEj040143 Observed part of the SoftToO. Clear sky. Observed
62-507 2021-10-10 01:55 SoftToO Feige_110, AT2021aaqi, 11JYSEhat,
ALEj100169 - ALEj100172, ALEj100173 - ALEj100178, ALEj100179 - ALEj100183, ALEj100197 - ALEj100200 Observed with clear sky. Observed
62-507 2021-10-15 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2021-10-16 00:40 SoftToO AT2021aabp, AT2021aaev ALEj160073 - ALEj160076, ALEj160080 - ALEj160083 Observed with dusty sky and seeing of around 1.0-1.2 arcsec. First run of 2021aabp was aborted because seeing was bad (perhaps due to poor focusing) and target was close to the Moon. Ultimately the proximity to the Moon could not be avoided. Observed
62-507 2021-10-30 00:00 SoftToO Telescope could not be opened due to the presence of ash. Failed
62-507 2021-11-13 01:56 SoftToO AT2021aeja, AT2021adsn, AT2021adly ALEk130074 - ALEk130079, ALEk130094 - ALEk130097, ALEk130131 - ALEk130135 AT2021aeja was observed with seeing of around 1.5, AT2021adsn was observed with seeing of around 1.4, however, it was hard to discern between the target and the galaxy core. so the wrong object might have been observed. AT2021adly was observed with seeing of around 2.6 (had to CTRL C first run because an earthquake messed up the acquisition image). Observed
62-507 2021-11-22 00:58 SoftToO Feige_110, AT2021aapa ALEk220097 - ALEk220100, ALEk220109 - ALEk220114 The target AT2021aapa has been observed with seeing around 1.5arcsec. During its second and third exposure two earthquakes occurred that might have affected the final spectra. The guiding stars have been lost for few seconds. Observed
62-507 2021-11-27 00:00 SoftToO Targets could not be observed due to bad weather (100% humidity). Failed
62-507 2021-11-28 00:00 SoftToO Could not carry observations due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2021-12-01 00:00 SoftToO All night lost to high humidity. Failed
62-507 2021-12-02 00:00 SoftToO Strong winds throughout. Failed
62-507 2021-12-05 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2021-12-06 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2021-12-12 00:12 SoftToO SN2021afkk ALEl120068 - ALEl120071 The rest of the targets could not been observed, as the telescope remained closed due to southern wind direction. Observed
62-507 2021-12-29 02:10 SoftToO AT2021aapa, SN2021afkk, SN2019uit_host ALEl290126 - ALEl290131, ALEl290132 - ALEl290135, ALEl290174 - ALEl290178 Observed with clear sky and variable seeing. Observed
62-507 2022-01-03 01:05 SoftToO AT2022I, AT2022B, AT2022D, AT2022C ALFa030144-ALFa030160 bad seeing Observed
62-507 2022-01-06 00:50 SoftToO SN2021aadc ALFa060122 - ALFa060127 Observed with clear sky. Observed
62-507 2022-01-07 01:48 SoftToO DECAM_27172, DECAM_38834 ALFa070174 - ALFa070183, ALFa070184 - ALFa070189 Observed with clear sky, strong wind during exposure of one target. Observed
62-507 2022-01-10 01:10 SoftToO AT2021agla, DECAM_1818 ALFa100054 - ALFa100058, ALFa100077 - ALFa100082 Seeing was about 2 arcsec. Observations of DECAM_1818 were interrupted by fast increasing humidity, telescope was closed (2/3 exposures were completed). Observed
62-507 2022-01-22 00:00 SoftToO The targets could not be observed due to high humidity. Failed
62-507 2022-01-23 00:00 SoftToO No observations due to high humidity. Failed
62-507 2022-01-24 00:00 SoftToO - - Telescope was closed due to high humidity level. Failed
62-507 2022-01-26 00:00 SoftToO Observations not carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2022-01-27 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2022-01-28 00:00 SoftToO Observations not carried out due to bad weather. Failed
62-507 2022-01-31 01:48 SoftToO KenLE_Position_1, KenLE_Position_2 ALFa310187 - ALFa310192, ALFa310168 - ALFa310173 The target in the Position 1 could hardly identified due to bad seeing and cloudy sky in contradiction with the position 2. Observed
62-507 2022-02-07 00:22 SoftToO AT2022blq ALFb070194, ALFb070195 The script for AT2022bls was run by mistake. AT2022blq was observed with dusty sky and seeing of around 2.0 arcsec. However, only one and a half exposures could be carried out. The second exposure had to be stopped midway because the telescope had to be closed due to fast winds with dust. Failed
62-507 2022-02-08 00:00 SoftToO Had multiple attempts to observe targets, but observations failed due to clouds. Failed
62-507 2022-02-10 00:45 SoftToO AT2022blq ALFb100089 - ALFb100094 One target observed through thin clouds. Other completely missed due to clouds. Observed
62-507 2022-02-13 01:43 SoftToO AT2022ann, AT2022ccl, SN2021uiq ALFb130087 - ALFb130091, ALFb130099 - ALFb130102, ALFb130111 - ALFb130116 AT2022ann and AT2022ccl have been observed with clear sky and good seeing. SN2021uiq has been observed with cloudy sky and bad seeing around 2 arcsec. AT2022ann has shared observations with the proposal ID 64-507. Observed
62-507 2022-02-14 01:07 SoftToO AT2022K, Feige_34, AT2022ann, ALFb140089 - ALFb140093, ALFb140094 - ALFb140097, AT2022ann The targets have been observed with variable seeing 1-1.6arcsec. For the target 2022ann a second attempt has been made with better seeing and clear sky. Observed
62-507 2022-02-15 00:00 SoftToO - - Failed to meet the requirements. Seeing above 2.5arcsec throughout its visibility. Failed
62-507 2022-02-16 01:09 SoftToO BD+332642,SN2021uiq ALFb160267 - ALFb160270,ALFb160271 - ALFb160276 Clear sky, decent seeing Observed
62-507 2022-02-25 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be observed due to bad weather (high humidity). Failed
62-507 2022-02-26 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather (high humidity, rain, wind and clouds). Failed
62-507 2022-03-01 00:42 SoftToO AT2022dbs ALFc010084 - ALFc010088 Observed with clear sky and seeing around 1.5arcsec. Observed
62-507 2022-03-03 00:36 SoftToO AT2022dwu ALFc030070 - ALFc030074 AT2022dwu was observed with clear sky and seeing of around 1.2\". Script for AT2022ddh had to be readout during the first exposure and then aborted because the telescope had to be closed due to high humidity (file ALFc030079 has the half exposure, so it may still be of use). Observed
62-507 2022-03-08 00:25 SoftToO AT2022edq ALFc080163 - ALFc080167 Observed
62-507 2022-03-23 00:00 SoftToO Could not observe due to high humidity and low temperatures - ice on telescope dome. Failed
62-507 2022-03-27 00:00 SoftToO Observations could not be carried out due to bad weather (high humidity and rain). Failed
62-507 2022-03-29 00:34 SoftToO AT2022arb, AT2022ffg ALFc290004 - ALFc290008, ALFc290013 - ALFc290017 The targets have been observed with clear sky and seeing 1-1.5arcsec. AT 2022ffg observations have been shared with P64-507 and the corresponding observing time have been split. Observed
62-507 2022-03-30 01:17 SoftToO AT2022ffg, Feige_34, AT2022fhz,
ALFc300101 - ALFc300104, ALFc300105 - ALFc300108, ALFc300180 - ALFc300184, ALFc300214 - ALFc300218 All the targets have been observed with clear sky and seeing below 1.5 arcsec. Observed
62-507 2022-03-31 01:31 SoftToO KenLE_Position_1, SN2022czy ALFc310110 - ALFc310114, ALFc310055 - ALFc310059. All the targets have been observed with clear sky and variable seeing around 1.5 arcsec. Observed


The above information is collected from the ToO/Mon reports that have been created by the observer.

Should any of the observations have been carried out using the OB system, you will find additional information HERE

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