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Visits to the NOT

The Observatory organizes visits to several telescopes (tipically Magic, GCT and WHT) every summer. The Nordic Optical Telescope sometimes participates in those Open Days. The dates of the Open Days are usually known by May-June each year.

Outside the Open Days, the NOT is not normally open for visits. In special cases (scientific or educational groups), and subject to availability of staff, visits may be arranged by contact to the NOT office in San Antonio (Breña Baja), no less than two weeks in advance.

The contact to arrange the visits is the admin staff (Loida Fernandez y Raquel Lopez).

Reaching our offices

The NOT offices at San Antonio are located next doors (and connected) to the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo offices. We've prepared a map showing the location. You can also follow directions in this Google Map, leading you straight to our front door from Santa Cruz (it's easy to work out the way coming from the Airport). Note that the office is at street level, and the entrance is nearly precisely halfway between two pedestrian crossings.

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023