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FITS headers for NOT data

Common-user instruments

This page lists the FITS headers for NOT data obtained until March 2004 with the common-user instruments. See recent changes for keywords that were added to NOT FITS headers after March 2004. FITS keywords with an active link were added in 1999, others were already present at that time.

The FITS headers are divided in 3 groups, image acquisition system (BIAS) information, telescope control system (TCS) information, instrument information. The FITS header contains blank lines before the 'END' keyword and between groups of cards.

The TCS FITS headers are identical for all common-user instruments, the BIAS headers are very similar. In addition to these, the FITS header contains one of the instrument-specific blocks listed below.

The ALFOSC fast-photometry mode uses non-standard image acquisition software which produces different FITS headers.

Other instruments

  • FIES (new instrument)
  • SOFIN (restricted-access instrument) headers have no TCS information.
  • TURPOL (restricted-access instrument) data are ASCII files, not FITS.
  • HiRAC (retired instrument, in operation at the NOT from 1996 to 2000)
FIES headers are under development, and as such subject to change at any moment. HiRAC headers are included for historic interest. The information on SOFIN headers was taken from the SOFIN reference guide.

BIAS FITS headers

SIMPLE  =                    T  /  FITS STANDARD                                
BITPIX  =                   16  /  FITS BITS/PIXEL                              
NAXIS   =                    2  /  NUMBER OF AXES                               
NAXIS1  =                  525  /  X AXIS                                       
NAXIS2  =                  513  /  Y AXIS                                       
BSCALE  =                    1  /  REAL = TAPE*BSCALE + BZERO                   
BZERO   =                32768  /                                               
ORIGIN  = 'BIAS'                /  Brorfelde Image Acquisition System           
OBSERVAT= 'LaPalma        '     /                                               
TELESCOP= 'NOT            '     /                                               
INSTRUME= 'ALFOSC-FASU    '     /                                               
DETNAME = 'CCD7'                /  Loral2kx2k W19-(0,0)                         
DATE    = '1999-02-12'          /  Creation/modification of Header Data Unit    
DATE-OBS= '1999-02-12'          /  End of readout 
FILENAME= 'ib110001'            /                                               
OBJECT  = 'Test object         '/                                               
OBSERVER= 'Jacob Clasen'        /                                               
IMAGETYP= 'DARK'                /                                               
EQUINOX =               2000.0  /  Equinox of RA and DEC                        
EXPTIME =                0.000  /                                               
TM_START=                36843  /  10:14:03          UT start of integration    
TM_END  =                36855  /  10:14:15          UT end of CCD readout      
CRVAL1  =                    1  /                                               
CRPIX1  =                    1  /                                               
CDELT1  =                    4  /                                               
CRVAL2  =                    1  /                                               
CRPIX2  =                    1  /                                               
CDELT2  =                    4  /                                               
COMMENT = 'Comment 1'           /                                               
GAINMODE= 'HIGH'                /  High or Low                                  
AMPLMODE= 'A '                  /  A / B or AB                                  
CCDTEMP =               -153.5  /                                               
LN2TEMP =               -125.2  /                                               
PRESSURE=               2.3E-6  /                                               
COMMENT = 'Extra Comment'       /                                               
MPP     =                    1  /  Multi Pinned Phase 1=ON, 0=OFF               
DATAMIN =                 38.0  /                                               
DATAMAX =               1022.0  /                                               
XOVERSC =                    0  /                                               
YOVERSC =                    0  /                                               
AOVERSC =                    0  /                                               

TCS FITS headers

UT      =        13.6951458338  / TCS UTC at start (13h:41m:42.5s)
ST      =        10.5971136114  / Sidereal time at start (10h:35m:49.6s)
RA      =        64.4189873628  / Right ascension at start ( 4h:29m:40.35s)     
DEC     =        54.2599309382  / Declination at start ( 54d:15m:33.1s)         
AIRMASS =         1.1072638990  / Airmass at start (sec(z))                     
FIELD   =               -90.00  / Field rotation at start                       
ROTPOS  =               234.76  / Rotator encoder position                      
TELFOCUS=                21570  / Telescope focus at start                      
TCSTGT  = 'Some kind of galaxy' / TCS Catalogue entry                          

ALFOSC/FASU specific FITS headers

APERTUR = '2 Slit 1.3"   '      / ALFOSC Aperture ID,   step position =  38488
FILTER  = '8 Empty       '      / ALFOSC Filter Description                     
FILTID  =                    0  / NOT Filter number. 0 = Empty or N/A           
FILTPOS =               281250  / ALFOSC Filter wheel step position             
GRISM   = '1 Grism #4    '      / ALFOSC Grism ID,     step position =    448
CAMERA  = '7850    '            / ALFOSC Camera focus                           
AFILTER = 'Empty         '      / FASU #A Filter description                    
AFILTID =                    0  / NOT Filter number. 0 = Empty or N/A           
AFILTPOS=                    0  / FASU #A Filter position                       
BFILTER = '    Empty     '      / FASU #B Filter description                    
BFILTID =                    0  / NOT Filter number. 0 = Empty or N/A           
BFILTPOS=                    0  / FASU #B Filter position                       

ALFOSC/FAPOL specific FITS headers

POLARIZA= '270'                 / FAPO 270 Degrees polarization 
When FAPOL is not used, this card reads:
POLARIZA= 'N/A'                 / FAPO not in light path

Stancam specific FITS headers

AMBTEMP =                 14.1  /                                              
FILTER  =                 'Off' / Stancam Filter Name 
FILTPOS =                    0  / Stancam Filter Position

NOTCAM specific FITS headers

COMMENT = ''                                                                   
COMMENT =                                                                      
EXPMODE =  'frame 12 14'                                                       
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
CHIPID  =  'HAWAII SWIR     '  /                                               
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
COMMENT =                                                                      
TM-START=                11397 / 03/09/57           UT start time              
SHSTAT  =  'OPEN          '    /                                               
APERTUR = '10 OPEN large '      / NOTcam Aperture ID, step position =  84375   
FILTER1 = '7 Fe II 1644  '      / NOTcam Filter 1 ID, step position =  42188   
FILTER2 = '1 OPEN        '      / NOTcam Filter 2 ID, step position =      1   
STOP    = '12 15mm ring  '      / NOTcam Stop ID,     step position =  77344   
GRISM   = '1 empty       '      / NOTcam Grism ID,    step position =      1   
LENS    = '1 WF Camera   '      / NOTcam Lens ID,     step position =      1   
CAMERA  = '6000    '            / NOTcam Camera focus                          
DETTEMP =               132.00  / NOTcam detector temperature                  
COLDTBL =               204.60  / Cold Table temperature                       
OUTVESS =               204.60  / Outer Vessel temperature                     
CNTWHEE =               127.20  / Center Wheel temperature                     
PRESSUR =             3.30e-04  / NOTcam pressure                              

MOSCA specific FITS headers

CHIPID  =  '2K3EB-MOSAIC    '  /                                               
P_DEWAR =              4.3E-07 /                                               
TM-START=                68783 / 19:06:23           UT start time              
SHSTAT  =  'OPEN          '    /                                               

FIES specific FITS headers

CHIPID  =  'EEV42-40, 2Kx2K '  /                                               
P_DEWAR =              5.1E-06 /                                               
TM-START=                17158 / 04/45/58           UT start time              
SHSTAT  =  'OPEN          '    /                                               

ALFOSC fast-photometry FITS headers

SIMPLE  =                    T / FITS STANDARD
BITPIX  =                   16 / FITS BITS/PIXEL
NAXIS   =                    2 / NUMBER OF AXES
NAXIS1  =                31488
NAXIS2  =                    1
BSCALE  =                    1 / REAL = DATA*BSCALE+BZERO
BZERO   =                32768
ORIGIN  = 'TCPCOM '            /
OBSERVAT= 'LaPalma'            / Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos
TELESCOP= 'NOT 2.56m'          / Nordic Optical Telescope
DETNAME = 'CCD7   '            / E2V42-40Roy v1.5
PIXSCALE= '0.188  '            / Arcsecond per pixel
PIXSIZE = '15.0   '            / [um] Pixel size
SYSVER  = 'TCPCOM 2.02'        / Observing system version
DATE    = '2004-07-15'         /
DATE-OBS= '2004-07-15T22:58:47'/ System UT at start
FILENAME= 'w00216.fits'        / tcpcom image file name
OBJECT  =         '            /
OBSERVER= '       '            /
IMAGETYP= 'OBJECT '            /
EQUINOX =               2000.0 /
EXPTIME =               25.000 / Exposure time [s]
RO_TIME =                4.629 / CCD read-out time [s]
SEQTIME =               30.000 / Time between sequence frames [s]
EXPNUM  =                  216 / Sequence number
TM_START=                82727 / (22:58:47) System start time [s]
TM_END  =                82753 / (22:59:13) System end time [s]
BUNIT   = 'ADU    '            / Data values in analog digital units
CTYPE1  = 'CCD Pixel'          / X-axis
CRVAL1  =                    1 / Pixel numbers
CRPIX1  =                    1 / Image begin at physical pixel
CDELT1  =                    1 / Binning factor
CTYPE2  = 'CCD Pixel'          / Y-axis
CRVAL2  =                    1 / Pixel numbers
CRPIX2  =                    1 / Image begin at physical pixel
GAINMODE= 'HIGH   '            / High or Low
AMPLMODE= 'A      '            / Active amplifier(s)
CCDTEMP =             -119.990 / Chip temperature at start [C]
LN2TEMP =             -190.370 / Cold point temp at start [C]
MPPMODE = 'ON     '            / Multi pinned phase option
CHIPID  = 'E2V42-40'           / CCD chip ID
DATAMIN =                    0 / Minimum data value
DATAMAX =                65535 / Maximum data value
XOVERSC =                    0 / # of overscan pix after line
YOVERSC =                    0 / # of overscan lines after image
AOVERSC =                    0 / # of overscan pixels before line
FILTER  =                    1 / W#92
FILTID  =                   92 / NOT Filter ID#
APERTUR =                    8 / Open
GRISM   =                    8 / Open_(Lyot)
AFILTER = 'Open          '     / FASU A: filter type
AFILTID =                    0 / FASU A: NOT filter ID#
AFILTPOS=                    0 / FASU A: slot position
BFILTER = 'Open          '     / FASU B: filter type
BFILTID =                    0 / FASU B: NOT filter ID#
BFILTPOS=                    0 / FASU B: slot position
CALMIRRO= 'In     '            / Calibration lamp unit mirror
LAMP1   = 'Off    '            / Calibration lamp 1
LAMP2   = 'Off    '            / Calibration lamp 2
LAMP3   = 'Off    '            / Calibration lamp 1
LAMP4   = 'Off    '            / Calibration lamp 2
TGTRA   =        268.383333273 / Target RA in deg (17:53:32.0)
TGTDEC  =        10.6238888865 / Target DEC in deg (10:37:26.0)
TGTEPOCH=               2000.0 / Epoch of target coordinates
POLARIZA= 'Out    '            / FAPO not in light path
PHOTWN1 = '[1000:1063,952:1015]' / Location of photometry window 1
PHOTWN2 = '[340:403,1156:1219]' / Location of photometry window 2
PHOTWN3 = '[976:1039,464:527]'            / Location of photometry window 3
PHOTWN4 = '[1680:1743,1292:1355]' / Location of photometry window 4
PHOTWN5 = '[888:951,464:527]'             / Location of photometry window 5
PHOTWN6 = '[424:487,1156:1219]' / Location of photometry window 6
HISTORY Written by Fits++ V0.3 (Roy Ostensen 1998-2003)

HiRAC specific FITS headers (retired in 2000)

FILTER  =             'HiRAC-V' / HiRAC Filter Description                      
FILTID  =                   12  / NOT Filter number                             
FILTPOS =                    3  / HiRAC Filter wheel position                   
XPROBE  =                17000  / HiRAC probe X pos                             
YPROBE  =                17000  / HiRAC probe Y pos                             
ZPROBE  =                 2500  / HiRAC probe Z pos                             

Common for all FITS files

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