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ALFOSC CCD3 daemon processes, manual restart and other goodies for specialists

Manual restart

  1. In a terminal window log in to ccd3-alfosc as user obs:

    ssh obs@ccd3-alfosc

    The password is the usual one.

  2. If the daemon 'fitswriter' has stopped, give the command:

    'sudo /etc/init.d/fitswriter restart'.

    You will be prompted for the obs password, which is the standard one.

  3. If the daemon 'ccd3db' has stopped, give the command:

    'sudo /etc/init.d/ccd3db restart'.

    You will be prompted for the obs password, which is the standard one.

  4. If the daemon 'remsave-client' has stopped, give the command:

    'sudo /etc/init.d/remsave-client restart'.

    You will be prompted for the obs password, which is the standard one.

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