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ALFOSC Sequencer processes, manual start and other goodies for specialists

Manual start

  1. On the Chooser click on the line

    ' Willing to manage'

  2. Log in with username 'obs'. Password is the standard one.

  3. In a terminal window start the ALFOSC and FAPOL UIF

    /usr/local/bin/alfosc-interface.SEQDBSETUP &

    /home/software/alfosc/src/FAPOL/fapoctrl-socket-new.wsh &

  4. In a terminal window start the ALFOSC UIF sequencer server

    /home/software/alfosc/src/UIF-SOAP/alfoscuifserver &

  5. In a terminal window start the ALFOSC CCD control program

    ssh obs@ccd3-alfosc


  6. In a terminal window give the following commands

    setenv TCSACCESSCODE 1234567 (with the correct code)

    source ~/seq.aliases

    Now you can use the sequencer commands in this terminal window.

Manual Stop

  1. Exit the ALFOSC and FAPOL interfaces as you would normally do.

  2. Type quit to exit the ccd3comm program.

  3. Look up the alfoscuifserver process with ps and kill it.

Process listing

These are the processes that runs on the computer selena when the ALFOSC Sequencer is started in the normal way, using the command startobssys alfosc

obs      11084  2.3  3.2 37084 16440 pts/1   S    15:48   0:00 python2.6 /usr/local/obssys/bin.client/talker-notifier
obs      11087  0.1  0.4  4944 2440 pts/1    S    15:48   0:00 xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold -fg blue -title Sequencer (alfosc) -geo +1232-97
obs      11088  0.2  0.4  4944 2448 pts/1    S    15:48   0:00 xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold -fg blue -title Sequencer (alfosc) -geo +1190-60
obs      11106  0.3  0.2  2888 1496 pts/0    S    15:48   0:00 -tcsh
obs      11111  0.3  0.2  2888 1492 pts/2    S    15:48   0:00 -tcsh
obs      11134  0.2  0.2  2688 1232 pts/1    S    15:48   0:00 /bin/csh /home/software/alfosc/.alfosc-inst-startup-SEQ
obs      11177 19.0  0.4  3620 2252 pts/1    R    15:48   0:04 ssh obs@ccd3-alfosc /usr/local/ccd3/ -geometry 484x911+55+135
obs      11178  1.3  0.3  3132 1820 pts/1    S    15:48   0:00 ssh obs@ccd3-alfosc /usr/bin/xterm -e /usr/local/bin/ccd3comm
obs      11200  0.0  0.1  1608  584 pts/1    S    15:48   0:00 /home/software/alfosc/src/UIF-SOAP/alfoscuifserver -d
obs      11201 18.9  0.6  5480 3284 pts/1    S    15:48   0:03 /usr/bin/wish -f /home/software/alfosc/src/FAPOL/fapoctrl-socket-db.wsh
obs      11202 23.5  0.6  5752 3536 pts/1    S    15:48   0:04 /usr/bin/wish /usr/local/bin/alfosc-interface.SEQDBSETUP
obs      11203  0.0  0.1  1860  776 ?        S    15:48   0:00 /usr/local/bin/xpans -e -p 14285 -l /tmp/.xpa/xpans_14285.log

and on the computer ccd3-alfosc
obs      17174  0.0  0.0  40756  1956 ?        Ssl  02:13   0:00 /usr/local/bin/remsave-client -c /etc/ccd3/remsave-client.conf -d
root     18381  0.0  0.0 218432  3248 ?        Ssl  12:00   0:00 /usr/local/bin/fitswriter -c /etc/ccd3/fitswriter.conf -r TCS -r ALFOSC -r FASU -d
root     18392  0.1  0.0  50252  2400 ?        Ssl  12:00   0:13 /usr/local/bin/ccd3db --daemon --config /etc/ccd3/ccd3db.conf
You can also use the command /usr/local/bin/ to check if all the programs are correctely started.

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