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Photometric Standard stars

A catalogue with selected photometric standard star fields is available from the TCS ( These fields have three or more "well" observed stars from Landolt, A. 2009 AJ 137 4186. The full catalogue (exluding the TPhe-field) ia also available ( and the old Landolt, A. 1992 AJ 104 340 version as

The easiest way to access these stars is using command
alfosc.photstd (default is nearest field and UBVRi)
or commands
guide-object TCS-command e.g. A_F11 from the sequencer terminal or
goto-object A_F11 from the TCS and wait until the telescope is autoguiding.

The "SDSS" in the comments field indicates if SDSS DR8 magnitudes are available. "GMOS-S" indicates that this field overlaps with the GMOS-S standard fields.

finding chart
RA (2000.) Decl (2000.) B-V
of stars
TCSTGT Comments
SA92 249 00:54:43 +00:40:15 0.52 - 1.13 4 A_SA92_249 SDSS
SA92 SF2 00 56 06 +00 51 50 0.57 - 1.19 3 A_SA92_SF2 SDSS
Feige 11 01 04 25 +04 12 31 -0.24 - 0.84 3 A_F11 SDSS
PG0231+051 02:33:38 +05:18:40 -0.32 - 1.44 6 A_PG0231+051 StanCam, SDSS
Feige 24 02 35 17 +03 43 00 -0.20 - 1.13 4 A_F24 SDSS
SA95_SF4 03 54 38 +00 27 20 1.23 - 1.99 3 A_SA95_SF4 SDSS
GD 71 05 52 24 +15 53 30 -0.25 - 1.18 6 A_GD71 StanCam
SA98_670 06 52 12 -00 20 56 0.00 - 1.91 11 A_SA98_670 StanCam, SDSS
RU_149 07 24 16 -00 32 38 -0.13 - 1.12 8 A_RU_149 StanCam NIR standard
RU_152 07 29 56 -02 05 39 -0.19 - 0.88 7 A_RU_152 StanCam?
PG0918+029 09 21 34 +02 46 39 -0.27 - 1.04 5 A_PG0918+029 StanCam?, SDSS
PG0942-029 09 45 12 -03 08 10 -0.30 - 0.89 5 A_PG0942-029 SDSS, GMOS-S
SA101_326 09 56 14 -00 28 00 0.58 - 1.16 3 A_SA101_326 SDSS
GD 108 10 00 48 -07 32 41 -0.21 - 0.84 5 A_GD108 GMOS-S
PG1047+003 10 50 09 -00 01 08 -0.29 - 0.69 4 A_PG1047+003 StanCam, SDSS
SA104_334 12 42 20 -00 40 28 0.52 - 0.83 4 A_SA104_334 SDSS
PG1323-086 13 25 44 -08 50 00 -0.14 - 0.76 4 A_PG1323-086 StanCam
PG1525-071 15 28 13 -07 16 01 -0.21 - 1.12 5 A_PG1525-071 StanCam
SA107_602 15 39 14 -00 14 55 0.50 - 1.41 4 A_SA107_602 StanCam, SDSS
PG1633+099 16 35 34 +09 47 08 -0.19 - 1.14 7 A_PG1633+099 StanCam, SDSS, GMOS-S
SA110_229 18 40 49 +00 01 37 0.73 - 1.91 4 A_SA110_229 StanCam, SDSS
Mark A 20 43 59 -10 46 37 -0.25 - 0.94 5 A_MarkA  
G26-7 21 31 17 -09 49 00 0.56 - 1.66 4 A_G26-7  
G93-48 21 52 17 +02 22 30 -0.01 - 1.32 5 A_G93-48 StanCam, SDSS
PG2213-006 22 16 24 -00 21 27 -0.21 - 0.75 4 A_PG2213-006 StanCam, SDSS
GD246 23 12 25 +10 47 30 -0.32 - 0.92 4 A_GD246 SDSS
PG2336+004 23 38 41 +00 42 59 -0.16 - 0.69 3 A_PG2336+004 StanCam, SDSS

Some other standard star catalogues:

SDSS standard Star Catalog for Stripe 82
This catalogue lists positions and ugriz photometry for 1,006,849 candidate standard stars from SDSS stripe 82:
|Dec|<1.266 deg and RA in the range 20h 34m to 4h 00m; about 300 sq.deg.
The random photometric errors are below 0.01 mag for stars brighter than (19.5, 20.5, 20.5, 20, 18.5) in ugriz, respectively.
The RA 4h end of this strip is visible in winter evening and RA 21h in spring morning.

Stetson Photometric Standard Fields
229 fields, with BVRI photometry, some southern fields; see also Stetson P.B. PASP, 112, 925, 2000
A catalogue of "Stetson" standard stars with declination > -40deg is available from the TCS (
Stetson fields in the TCS-catalogue have a prefix "S_" e.g. "S_Ru149".

Selected fields BVRI photometry: NGC2419 (approximate centre RA=07h38m10s dec=+39:52:56), Pal4 (RA=11h29m15s dec=+28:58:26)
Pal14 (RA=16h11m00s dec=+14:57:45) Saha, A. et al, PASP, 117, 37 (2005). About NGC2419 see also Stetson, P.B. PASP 117, 563 (2005)

There are five GMOS-S Photometric Standard Star Fields with declination -10 or -30 degrees (SDSS system). Note, some of the GMOS-S Standard Stars Fields are
"Landolt"-fields (see comment in the Table above).

For a random SDSS field one can have better than 2% photometry using the field stars.

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