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Suggested integration times (UBVRI):
90, 20, 12, 5, 5 seconds

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
G26-7A 13.047±.0016 +0.725±.0017 +0.279±.0025 +0.405±.0016 +0.776±.0022 17 9
G26-7 12.006±.0017 +1.664±.0006 +1.231±.0041 +1.298±.0017 +2.968±.0015 25 12
G26-7C 12.468±.0006 +0.624±.0013 +0.093±.0042 +0.354±.0006 +0.695±.0010 12 6
G26-7B 13.454±.0017 +0.562±.0021 +0.027±.0037 +0.323±.0017 +0.652±.0029 16 9
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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