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Suggested integration times:
U:80 sec (0.8" seeing) B:25 sec (0.8" seeing) V:20 sec (0.6" seeing) R:20 sec (0.9" seeing) I:10 sec (0.7" seeing)

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
GD246 13.090±.0009 -0.318±.0009 -1.194±.0014 -0.148±.0008 -0.328±.0021 113 97
GD246A 12.962±.0019 +0.463±.0022 -0.047±.0034 +0.288±.0017 +0.584±.0025 21 11
GD246B 14.368±.0019 +0.919±.0028 +0.693±.0111 +0.512±.0023 +0.944±.0070 20 09
GD246C 13.637±.0018 +0.879±.0015 +0.540±.0052 +0.484±.0016 +0.933±.0031 20 10
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023