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Suggested integration times (UBVRI):
120, 25, 25, 25, 10 seconds

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
Mark A 13.256±.0008 -0.246±.0008 -1.159±.0021 -0.114±.0008 -0.238±.0029 88 71
Mark A1 15.911±.0040 +0.609±.0090 -0.014±.0136 +0.367±.0040 +0.740±.0148 25 10
Mark A2 14.540±.0028 +0.666±.0031 +0.096±.0046 +0.379±.0028 +0.751±.0059 21 10
Mark A3 14.818±.0023 +0.938±.0034 +0.651±.0104 +0.587±.0023 +1.098±.0045 22 10
Mark A4 14.767±.0020 +0.795±.0030 +0.176±.0040 +0.471±.0020 +0.952±.0052 22 11
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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