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Suggested integration times:
U: 40 sec (1" seeing), B: 6 sec (0.9" seeing), V: 3 sec (0.6" seeing), R: 3 sec (0.8" seeing), i: 3 sec (0.7" seeing)

Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
Ru 152F 14.564±.0052 +0.635±.0057 +0.069±.0096 +0.382±.0052 +0.689±.0222 15 8
Ru 152E 13.362±.0042 +0.042±.0020 -0.086±.0020 +0.030±.0014 +0.065±.0029 12 8
Ru 152 13.017±.0011 -0.187±.0017 -1.081±.0023 -0.059±.0011 -0.147±.0027 48 33
Ru 152B 15.019±.0046 +0.500±.0088 +0.022±.0181 +0.290±.0046 +0.600±.0211 23 10
Ru 152A 14.341±.0061 +0.543±.0086 -0.085±.0168 +0.325±.0061 +0.654±.0131 14 8
Ru 152C 12.222±.0025 +0.573±.0031 -0.013±.0033 +0.342±.0025 +0.683±.0031 12 8
Ru 152D 11.076±.0013 +0.875±.0016 +0.491±.0024 +0.473±.0013 +0.921±.0019 14 10
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023