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Polarimetry - Useful references


  • Patat, F., Romaniello, M., 2006, Error Analysis for Dual-Beam Optical Linear Polarimetry 2006PASP..118..146P

  • Simmons, J.F.L., Stewart, B.G., 1985, Point and interval estimation of the true unbiased degree of linear polarization in the presence of low signal-to-noise ratios 1985A&A...142..100S

  • E. Landi Degl'Innocenti, S. Bagnulo, L. Fossati, 2006, Polarimetric Standardization ASP Conference Series

  • G. Leyshon, 1998, On the reduction and presentation of data in astronomical two-channel photopolarimetry Exper.Astron. 8 (1998) 153-175

  • Leinert, Ch., 1990, Polarization of galactic background light in the visible spectral region 1990IAUS..139...75L

Some science using polarimetry

  • Andersson, B.-G., Piirola, V., De Buizer, J., Clemens, D. P., Uomoto, A., Charcos-Llorens, M., Geballe, T. R., Lazarian, A., Hoang, T., Vornanen, T. Evidence for H2 Formation Driven Dust Grain Alignment in IC 63, 2013, ApJ 775, 84A (Linear spectro-polarimetry with FAPOL.)

  • Burwitz, V., Reinsch, K., Schwope, A.D., Hakala, P.J., Beuermann, K., Rousseau, Th., Thomas, H.-C., Gansicke, B.T., Piirola, V., Vilhu, O., 1998, A new ROSAT discovered polar near the lower period limit: RXJ1015.5+0904 in Leonis, 1998, A&A 331, 262 . (Imaging circular polarimetry.)

  • Hakala, P.J., Piirola, V., Vilhu, O., Osborne, J.P., Hannikainen, D.C., 1994, Record Circular Polarization Discovered in the Shortest Period Cataclysmic Variable RE:1307+535, 1994, MNRAS 271, L41 . (Imaging circular polarimetry.)

  • Harjunpää, P., Kaas, A.A., Carlqvist, P., Gahm, G.F., 1999, Linear polarisation and molecular filamentary clouds, 1999, A&A 349, 912 (Wide field linear polarimetry using polaroids.)

  • Norton, A.J., Quaintrell, H., Katajainen, S., Lehto, H.J., Mukai, K., Negueruela, I., 2002, Pulsations and orbital modulation of the intermediate polar 1WGA J1958.2+3232, 2002, A&A 384, 195 . ( ALFOSC B and R band polarimetry.)

  • Piirola, V., Scaltriti, F., Coyne, G.V., 1992, Circumstellar disks deduced from sub-arcsecond polarization observations of two young stars, 1992, Nature, 359, 399 . (Wide field linear polarimetry using polaroids.)

  • Piirola, V., 1999, Polarimetry at the NOT, In: Astrophysics with the NOT, eds. H. Karttunen, V. Piirola, University of Turku, p. 63 (or see ps file, Fig. 1 , Fig. 2 ). (Overview.)

  • Singh, K.P., Szkody, P., Barrett, P., White, N.E., Fierce, E., Silber, A., Hoard, D.W., Hakala, P.J., Piirola, V., Sohl, K., 1995, A New Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable: WGA J1047.1+6335, 1995, ApJ 453, L95 . (Imaging circular polarimetry.)

  • Szkody, P., Silber, A., Hoard, D.W., Fierce, E., Singh, K.P., Barrett, P., Schlegel, E., Piirola, V., 1995, Identification of the Soft X-Ray Source WGA J1802.1+1804 with a New Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable, 1995, ApJ 455, L43 . (Circular spectro-polarimetry, using the LDS, Fig. 5 .)

  • Vornanen, T., Berdyugina, S.V., Berdyugin, A., 2013, Spectropolarimetric observations of cool DQ white dwarfs, 2013, A&A 557, A38 . (Circular spectro-polarimetry with FAPOL+ALFOSC.)


  • Björnsson, C.-I., 1993, Polarization of Compact Radio Sources 1993ApJ...416..104B

  • Björnsson, C.-I., 1982, Polarization properties of a source in relativistic motion 1982ApJ...260..855B

  • Björnsson, C.-I., Blumenthal, G. R., 1982, Spectral polarization properties of optically thin synchrotron radiation 1982ApJ...259..805B

To be updated. Suggestions are welcome.