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"Wedged DoubleWollaston" prism for one-shot polarimetric observations with ALFOSC

By arrangement with Asiago Observatory, Padova, Italy, a "Wedged Double Wollaston" prism (Oliva (1997) A&AS, 123, 589) for one-shot polarimetric observations with ALFOSC will be on loan to the NOT for a three-year period, starting April 1, 2010 (i.e. in Period 41).

The capabilities of the prism are described in Padova/Asiago Technical Report no. 18 (local copy) or from the Asiago Observatory.
The Asiago prism has been tested earlier at the NOT, and actual performance here is expected to be very close to that described in the Asiago report.

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023