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How to edit the definition files


All the definition files associated with ALFOSC are:
   ALFOSC focus:      ~alfosc/src/tcl-uif/alfosc-interface 
   Calibration lamps: ~alfosc/src/tcl-uif/alfosc-interface
   Slit x-position:   ~obs/alfosc/slitpos.def  
   Slit y-position:   ~obs/alfosc/slitpos.def  
The slitpos files should be edited by user obs.
To edit this file, you should use the alfosc.edit-slitpos program which will test the contents of the file and tell you if everything was correct.

For horizontal slits we usually use X=1050 .
For vertical slits we usually use Y=1050 .

Note that the entries for wheel positions 0 to 7 are for slit acquisition, while further entries are to save handy CCD positions for other type of offsets.

pos X-pos Y-pos
0  1050.0   1056.76
1  1050.0   1046.71
2  1050.0   1051.07
3  1050.0   1042.98
4  1050.0   1049.24
5  1050.0   1042.61
6  1050.0   1056.13
7  0.0   0.0
8  1010.2   1052.9
9  1213.5   1012.0
10 1182.0    997.0
11 1116.0    999.9
12 1132.0    996.8
13 1220.0    992.0
14  750.0   1003.7
15 1107.0    902.1
16 1076.6   1042.4
17 1050.0   1015.0
22 1135.9    996.3
33 1212.0   1212.4
34 1086.0   1080.0
37 1152.0   1370.0
40  687.0   1011.0
55 1063.05   936.63
66 1181.69  1266.05
77 1175.0   1047.0
88 1103.9   1025.0
90 1004.4   1020.8
99 1120.    1050.0

Note: empty lines following the above table will hang the system.