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E2V CCD#14 Read out times:

The table below contain readout times for different setups and readout speeds of the CCD.
The four readout speeds offered are: 200 (default), 100 and 400 (800 Kpixels/sec, not yet available).

Note : For every command you issue (exp, mexp) add an additional overhead of 2 seconds.
Note : One pixel corresponds to about 0.19 arcsec.

Examples : Total time spent for a full frame, bin 1x1, mexp 10 5 command at 200 Kpix/sec readout speed:
2 sec overhead for mexp command + (10 sec integration + 24.3 sec readout time) x 5 exposures = 173.5 sec

Total time spent for a full frame, bin 1x1, 5 times exp 10 command at 200 Kpix/sec readout speed:
(2 sec overhead for exp command + 10 sec integration + 24.3 sec readout time) x 5 exposures = 181.5 sec

Window 100 kpxl/s 200 kpxl/s 400 kpxl/s 800 kpxl/s
bin 1x1 bin 2x2 bin 1x1 bin 2x2 bin 1x1 bin 2x2 bin 1x1 bin 2x2
full frame 2148x210243.212.9 24.38.1 5.5
ysize full 2102:
xsize 1024 23.58.0 14.45.7 9.04.4
xsize 512 14.55.8 10.04.6 7.34.0
xsize 256 4.6 7.84.0
xsize 128 7.74.1 6.63.8 5.83.6
xsize 64 6.63.8 6.13.7 5.73.5
xsize 32 6.03.6 5.83.6 5.63.5
xsize full 2148:
ysize 1024 21.87.1 12.64.7 7.13.3
ysize 512 11.64.2 7.03.1 4.32.4
ysize 256 2.9 4.22.2
ysize 128 4.02.1 2.91.9 2.11.7
ysize 64 2.71.8 2.11.6 1.81.5
ysize 32 2.01.6 1.81.6 1.61.5
ysize = xsize:
1024 12.24.6 7.83.5 5.22.9
512 4.72.5 3.52.2 2.92.0
256 1.8 2.21.8
128 1.8 1.81.6 1.7
64 1.61.6 1.61.5 1.61.5
32 1.51.5 1.51.5 1.51.4