CCD7 (ALFOSC), details:
Provenance | Loral/Lesser |
Horizontal pixels | 2048 |
Vertical pixels | 2048 |
Pixel size1 & plate scale | 15µ, 0.188"/pixel |
Readout noise | approx 6 e-/pixel |
Conversion factor | approx 1 e-/ADU |
Nonlinearity | better than 0.1% |
Readout time | TBM |
MTF2 | 2.24 pixels @ 543 nm |
QE: 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 nm | 60, 88, 95, 90, 80, 50 % |
CTI (H, V) | 1×10-6, 5×10-6 |
Cosmetic quality | 8 bad columns, 10 traps, many dark "speckles" |
Full well | 90,000 electrons |
Notes & Legend:
NOTE: Recent measurements show that there is some structures in the
dark-current. The variations are at a level of
3 e-/pix/1000s
1: Pixels have very slightly different dimensions in the horizontal and vertical directions.
2: Strehl equivalent width (Sørensen, A. N., 1998, CUO report).
TBM = To Be Measured