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Software Test Documents for DAS/CCD3 software

References listed in the document "Overall description of functional tests for DAS/CCD3 software"

  1. Data Aquisition System, Requirements and Development Plan
  2. Current NOT CCD control program and sequencer (external) commands
  3. Email from Jeppe to Jacob on 28/5 2009
  4. Email from Jacob to Jeppe on 15/5 2009
  5. Definition of the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) (FITS standard version 3.0
  6. A detailed overview of required FITS header keywords and FITS file structure (version 1.1)
  7. Specification of WCS module for external FITS writer
  8. Direct commands for Copenhagen CCD3 controllers (to be continued)
  9. List of events produced by the CCD3 program (to be made)
  10. Email from Jacob to Jeppe on 28/1 2009
ALFOSC images for WCS test
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