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FIES - A high resolution FIber-fed Echelle Spectrograph for NOT

The information provided below is for a large part historical and not intended as a source of information if you consider to submit a proposal for FIES.

FIES is a cross-dispersed (prism) Echelle spectrograph. With its full weight of 600 kg, it is currently mounted on the telescope pier aiming to serve as a stand-by high-resolution Spectrograph.

During technical time in February 2001, the last modifications and tests were successfully accomplished, and spectra were obtained with a test-CCD.

Latest developments: In the fall of 2002 funding for several upgrades to the instrument, including a new detector, has been accomplished. We aim to move FIES to a separate building outside the telescope offering a stable environment for the spectrograph. Furthermore, FIES software will be adapted such that the spectrograph can be offered by the NOT as a common-user instrument.

FIES will offer a fixed format R=60000 multi-order spectral format. The fiber projects to 1.3 arcsec on the sky.



Technical and pre-commissioning reports