A new virtual machine based on Distroastro (www.distroastro.org) has been prepared with FIEStool preinstaled and ready to work. It is packaged as an "OVA" (Open Virtualization Format Appliance) using VirtualBox 5.1. (www.virtualbox.org).
You can download the appliance following this link:
The Virtual Machine that we have produced which includes a pre-installed 32-bit Linux Mint along with everything needed to run FIEStool. It has been packaged as an "OVA" (Open Virtualization Format Appliance) using VirtualBox 4.2.
We have packaged the machine using VirtualBox and we recommend using it, to ensure compatibility, but you shouldn't need to install a new virtualizer if you prefer VMWare or just have it installed already: we've tested importing the appliance on VMWare 10 and, aside from having to dismiss some initial complains, it works correctly.
You can download the appliance itself following this link (2GB+). The username for the machine is fiestool (password fiestool), with sudo powers, in case you need to install anything extra (eg. your favorite text editor).
The system is prepared to login automatically without waiting for password. You will find FIEStool in the Desktop, prepared to run.
NB: The FIEStool copy installed in the machine has been setup according to the values show in the FIEStool master frames page.
If you have any technical questions about the virtual machine itself, please contact John Telting