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More images of FIES and related things

The fiber switcher

The switcher
The control Arduino
The control Arduino

The etalon

The etalon (left) with temperature controller
The switch of the LDLS lamp in the front room

Pressure chamber upgrade

Pressure chamber in making
Pressure chamber in making
Pressure chamber in making
Pressure chamber in making

Coating wear of collimator mirrors 2019

Coating on collimator mirror A (dark background)
Coating on collimator mirror A (light background)
Coating on collimator mirror B (dark background)
Coating on collimator mirror B (light background)

New CCD15 detector and dewar

CCD#15 installed in FIES
CCD#15 installed in FIES
CCD#15 installed in FIES
CCD#15 installed in FIES

CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen
CCD#15 on table after arrival from Copenhagen

Old CCD13 detector and dewar

CCD#13 in dewar without front flange
CCD#13 in dewar without front flange
CCD#13 in dewar with front flange
CCD-controller ventilation duct
Dewar mounted
Dewar mounted
Dewar mounted
Dewar mounted
Dewar mounted
Dewar Cryotiger connections
Dewar alignment mark
Dewar alignment tape
Dewar in clean room
Dewar valve and sensor mounts before
Dewar valve and sensor mounts after (with galvanic clamp)
Dewar sensor mount open
Dewar sensor mounting piece
Dewar sensor mounting piece
Dewar flange pieces
Dewar window
Dewar scratch 1 2011-02-03
Dewar scratch 2 2011-02-03
Dewar window ring scratch 2011-02-03


Camera without dewar
Camera without dewar

Fiber unit in Spectrograph

New fiber-to-shutter train with Vincent Associates shutter
Fiber-to-shutter train with old Melles-Griot shutter
Fiber-to-shutter train with old Melles-Griot shutter electronics
Exit slit before mounting on 2nd fiber bundle

Fiber shaker prototype 1

On desk with dummy fiber
On desk with dummy fiber
Installed with bundles B and C
Installed with bundles B and C
Installed with bundles B and C

Fiber shaker generation 2

Installed with bundle C
Installed with bundle C
Installed with bundle C

Top-calib unit

Electronics in main box
Electronics in main box
Electronics in main box
Electronics in main box
Electronics in main box

Alignment of split calibration fiber on arm gearbox
Alignment of split calibration fiber on arm gearbox
Alignment of split calibration fiber on arm gearbox
Alignment of split calibration fiber on arm gearbox

Arm with fiber 3 open
Arm with fiber 1 open
Arm with fiber 1 open
Arm with fiber 1 open
Arm with fiber 1 open
Arm with fiber 1 open
Arm with fiber 1 open

Exposure meter

The new exposure meter inside the spectrograph

ADC version 2 after second revision

ADC bottom view
ADC side view
ADC side view
ADC side view

Solar experiment

Mount on wall
Mount on wall
Mount on wall
Mount on wall

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023