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FIES read-out times CCD15

Some approximate readout times are indicated in the table below. For more info on the FIES detector: CCD15

Amplifier Binning Read speed Read-out time (sec)
B 1x1 100 46
B 2x2 100 16


  • B amplifier with speed 100 gives the best RON (~3.3 e-). For the moment i see no reason to offer other readmodes. JHT

FIES read-out times CCD13 (decommissioned!)

Some approximate readout times are indicated in the table below. For more info on the FIES detector: CCD13

Amplifier Binning Read-out time (sec)
A or B (single) 1x1 90
A or B (single) 2x2 30
A and B (dual) 1x1 45
A and B (dual) 2x2 15


  • The default readmode uses the B amplifier.

  • The A and B amplifier gains and bias levels are not exactly equal, but proper spectral reduction for AB-mode dual readout is possible.

    For Xbin=2 together with AB-mode dual readout the two central CCD columns are not recorded in the image:
    the central echelle order (around 4450-4550Å) is difficult to reduce, and spectral coverage may have a gap in this order.

  • For CCD13 the default binning is 1x1, however for the low-res fiber (R=25000) we advise to use 2x2 binning.

Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023