Optical and near-IR filters at the NOT
The optical filter set consists of 60mm diameter round filters, 51mm
square filters, and some 75mm square, 95mm round, and 100mm round
filters. Most of the 51mm square filters belong to the Instituto de
Astrofísica de Andalusía (IAA) and are at the NOT as
part of the ALFOSC contract. There is one 13mm diameter NaD narrow
band filter for use with SOFIN as ordersorter allowing long slit
echelle spectroscopy to be done. The optical set is interchangable
between instruments.
The near-IR set can only be
used inside NOTCam.
There is also the possibility to use filters available at the ING,
some of which are complementary to our filters (e.g., NOT has a
collection of 51-mm square redshifted Hbeta and OIII filters, and ING
has a collection of 51-mm square redshifted Halpha filters). If you
are interested in using any filter from the ING, visit the ING filters
web page for contact information. You should also
contact the NOT staff before your observing run to see if the filter
can be fitted and/or needs a special adapter.
The table below shows the various instruments in which the optical
filters can be mounted; note that in some cases there is vignetting as
in the table. In ALFOSC, filters are used in a parallel beam. Due to
the large ratio of the focal lengths of the telescope and ALFOSC's
collimator, the angles at which the light passes through the filters
changes considerably from one side of the field to the other, causing
wavelength shifts. For narrowband filters these wavelength shifts can
be more than the FWHM and such filters should be used in the FASU
(Filter And Shutter Unit), which is always
mounted on the telescope in front of ALFOSC.
Filter sizes for the various optical instruments at
the NOT. For each size the number of available filter holders are
Instrument | 51mm s | 60mm r |
75mm s | 90mm r |
100mm r | FWHM <= 15nm | FOV / Vignetting |
3 |
8 |
no |
no |
no |
no |
FOV=6.5' square; 51mm filter needs aligning |
8 |
yes |
FOV=4.9' square; needs aligning by 15 degrees |
10 |
yes |
FOV=5.8' diameter |
2 |
6 |
7 |
yes |
FOV=6.5' square |
7 |
yes |
FOV=7.7' square |
10 |
yes |
FOV=5.5' diameter |
StanCam |
9 |
10 |
no |
no |
no |
yes |
FOV=3.0' |
In the optical filter lists, the columns give respectively the NOT
identification number, the size in mm (diameter or side) and r for
round, s for square filters, the name, the central wavelength (centre
of gravity of the transmission curve), the FWHM, the maximum
transmission, and the marking on the edge of the filter. The filter
lists also contain some abbreviations: rlb means red leak
blocked; rs means the filter is red shifted from a well known
emission line. Some transmission curves are measured using ALFOSC, but
nearly all filters have had their transmission measured on a Cary
measuring machine belonging to the ING, La Palma. The wavelength range
of the Cary is 190 to 900nm, so red leaks beyond 900nm are not
detected. For the special HiRAC filters we do have the manufacturers
transmission curves, showing that there are no transmission features
between 900 and 1200nm stronger than 0.01%. Anything beyond 1200nm is
not seen by the CCD.
The 5 HiRAC special UBVRi filters have one side indicated with an
up arrow marked on the edge of each filter. This side has been
polished to lambda/12 instead of the more usual lambda/4, and is
coated with a special multi--layer which is reflective over
the whole visible range except in the pass band of the filter. This
has been done to provide light for the adaptive optics of HiRAC, and
these filters should only be used in HiRAC. Due to their high cost and
sensitive coating, extra care should be taken in handling them.
There are two
Beam-shaping diffusers for ALFOSC to do high-precision photometry
providing about 5 or 9 arcsec FWHM images.
There are a set of plastic rings to be used together with the 95mm
round filterholders for FASU in order to mount ING TAURUS filters,
which are 76mm round and about 14 mm thick. At most 4 such filters can
be mounted at the same time. The set of rings is found in the drawer
"FASU rings". Mount such that the filter protrudes in the upward
direction when viewing the filterholder the way it is mounted in
FASU, and mount them only in FASU B, which is the uppermost wheel.
NOT filters should never be handled by visiting astronomers but
only by NOT staff.
Staff instructions for cleaning filters.
Staff instructions for installing filters.