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FIES for MOSCA user

This page is aimed for MOSCA users who need to use FIES for over ride programmes. The idea is just to show the core commands and the details can be found from the FIES documentation and the FIES Cookbook.


  • Start/re-start the FIES+STANCAM software (please ignore the first line "On lisa choose...") . The FIES+STANCAM Sequencer is usually in different work space in lisa than MOSCA.
  • Run the fies-calibs script in a sequencer window for the requested fibre,
    • For example for the medium resolution fibre (a.k.a. fib 3)
      fies.fies-calibs -fib 3
    • The script can be run in the afternoon and takes about 45 minutes to complete.


Before starting FIES observations,
  • write down the telescope focus for MOSCA, assuming you have focused the telescope earlier using MOSCA.

  • Setup the telescope for FIES: tcs.setup-tel-fies
    (this will set the correct focus, camera-probe etc for fies)
  • navigate to the correct directory (StanCam sequencer window), e.g. cd scripts/42-007

  • Run the fies-script (provided by the override PI) from the StanCam sequencer window. Follow the instructions given by the script.

When all FIES observations are done Make sure that the camera-probe is in the "park-position" and that the telescope focus have correct value (close to ).
Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023