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MOSCA general characteristics:

MOSCA is a direct CCD camera mounted in the Cassegrain focus. The curvature of the focal plane is corrected by a field flattener window. Actually this is the only additional optical element to a desired filter in the light path.

Arrays: 4 2048x2048 Loral-Lesser thinned CCDs (CCD7/10/11/12)
Pixel size/scale: 15µ, 0.217"/pixel on sky (2x2 binning)
QE 75% @ 370nm; 97% @ 430nm; 92% @ 535nm; 83% @ 630nm; 63% @ 780
Read-noise: ~6.5 e-/pixel (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Gain: ~1.30 e-/ADU (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Linearity 2x2 binning: Very good, non-linearity below 0.2%over the whole range for all CCDs; 1x1 binning: Very good apart from the bottom right hand corner of the top left CCD see also test report
Dark current ~2e-/h/pixel (1x1 binning), a couple of areas of hot pixels (in detail)
Field of view: 7.7' x 7.7'
The gaps between the detectors: 9-12"
Minimum exposure time 0.5 seconds
Typical bias level ~250 - 400 ADU (see quality monitoring for latest measurement)
Orientation TCS field=-90 North-up East-left
Read-out time 37 seconds, 2x2 binning: 113 seconds 1x1 binning
Filters Full field of view with 100 mm filter, 60mm round filter FOV about 5'25" (diameter) Available filters: (100 mm) Bessell UBVRI, SDSS u'g'r'i'z';(90mm) Str�mgren uvby, H-beta wide, narrow (see filters at NOT)
Zero points U 24.6, B 26.2, V 26.0, R 25.7, I 25.2 (Exposure time calculator)
Default focus 23250 (UBVRI), ( for all CCDs)
Default focus offset from MOSCA R to StanCam R -100

NOTE,The CCD9 was replaced by CCD7 in Decmber 2006
Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023