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Links to MOSCA data reduction related sites

Reducing CCD Mosaic Images - A Beginner's Cook Book" by Gilles Bergond
This gives an good overview on MOSAIC data reductions.

NOAO Mosaic Data Handling System
Many useful MOSAIC documents.

The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey MOSAIC Data Reductions
This fits almost one to one to the MOSCA data.
The differences are obviously the Section II "Preparations", which is partly telescope and/or institute related stuff.
Section III A "Process the Calibration Frames": There is no overscan region in MOSCA, so don't subtract the overscan, use bias frames instead (no overscan subtraction either).
You need to process dark frames.
You need to either create FILTER-keyword or use "@list"-files (one for each filter).
Section III H Ace-package is not publicly available (not included in IRAF 2.12.2 or earlier)

Reducing Palomar 200-inch LFC data

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