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ALFOSC GAIN and RON test instructions

Could be done during the day time.

Taking images

  • Get beta light source from carousel, don't drop!
  • Put beta light into FASU B, position 6, align with marks on slot edge
  • Put FASU control to local, open shutter
  • Disconnect the dewar pressure sensors (this reduces the RON)
  • Close FASU covers or turn off all lights from dome and close the door
  • Update the ALFOSC filter wheel setup definition file to include "Beta Light" using the GUI editor. For unforeseen cases, it is possible to manually edit the setup file (~alfosc/src/uif/setup/fasub.def). Please take great care to adhere to the format instructions when you are using a text editor.
  • ALFOSC UIF: press "read setup" button

    None Sequencer
    • ALFOSC UIF: FASU B wheel "Beta Light", all other wheels "OPEN"
    • start ALFOSC BIAS if not running, filename should be the normal name for current day in order to save images to CD
    • ALFOSC BIAS: run betafull
      • sequence takes 3 darks (not saved), 2 15 second flats (saved), 3 darks (not saved) and 2 darks (saved), runtime 70 s
      • this is done four times, for amp B hi, amp B lo, amp A lo and amp A hi each
    • Start the ALFOSC software in sequencer mode .
    • run betafull.seq. This, as well as making the exposures, first positions all the wheels correctly.
  • Take out beta light from FASU B and put back to carousel
  • edit fasub.def to remove "Beta Light"
  • ALFOSC UIF: press "read setup" button

    Analysing images

    • log into cassandra as guest
    • cd /data/alfosc, and locate test files
    • run script by typing /var/qc-user/bin/alfosc_analyse <first-image-name>.fits, do this also for fifth, ninth and thirteenth image.
      • Don't worry if you typed it wrong, IDL program will ask for the file if it does not exist.
      • If you gave the wrong filename, you can kill the process with ctrl-c.
    • click on fancy IDL splash screen to continue
    • if you did not specify file when calling the script, you are prompted for FIRST test file, select and press OK
      • since there are gazillion images in directory /data, it may take quite long before selection window appears
      • to narrow down number of files, type day prefix into "filter" box
    • check here for nice pictures

    How analysing scripts work

  • Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023