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ALFOSC GAIN and RON test instructions

Should be done during the day time.

Taking images

  • Get the Beta Light Source from its drawer on the wall next to the filter cabinet. Don't drop! See Safety precautions for Beta Light Source.
  • Put beta light into FASU B, position 6, align with marks on slot edge
  • Put FASU control to local, open shutter
  • Close FASU covers or turn off all lights from dome and close the door
  • Update the ALFOSC filter wheel setup definition file to include "Beta Light" using the GUI editor. For unforeseen cases, it is possible to manually edit the setup file (~alfosc/src/uif/setup/fasub.def). Please take great care to adhere to the format instructions when you are using a text editor.
  • ALFOSC UIF: press "read setup" button

  • Start the ALFOSC software in sequencer mode .
  • Run qc-script, this will:
    • Position all the wheels correctly
    • Sets the controller and takes images, amplifiers A and B, for 3 read-out speeds, altogether 6 sets of images
    • Analyses the images, and compares the new RON and GAIN values to the archival values. If the new values differ more than 3-sigma from the archival value(s), it is recommended to rerun qc-script, in order to verify that the change is real.
    • Updates the database if the user wishes.
  • Check here for nice pictures, i.e. the results

  • Take out beta light from FASU B and put back in its drawer.
  • edit fasub.def to remove "Beta Light"
  • ALFOSC UIF: press "read setup" button
The old qc-data can be found from here.
The old instructions, including non-sequencer can be found from here .

How analysing scripts work

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