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MOSCA CCD monitoring script documentation

To really understand how analysing scripts work, one should look at the scripts themselves. Here are given only the ideas how different things are calculated.

Preparation procedures

  • Since betalight gives good illumination only for center part of the CCD combination, test is done using area of the each individual CCD which is nearest to center

Good to know

  • For general statistics in unbinned mode is used 100x100 pixels area and for binned mode 50x50 pixels area
  • However for real calculations both these areas are divided into 100 small boxes, meaning 10x10 pixels for unbinned and 5x5 pixels for binned

GAIN and RON calculations

  • GAIN and RON are calculated for all small boxes defined above using Janesick's method
  • For GAIN sigma clipped mean value of all results per CCD is taken
  • Error of the GAIN is sigma clipped standard deviation divided by square root of number of used areas
  • For RON calculations final gain value per CCD is used

Count level

  • Count level is measured taking first MEAN values from those 100 small boxes from each CCD and from both flats
  • Then sigma clipped mean value per CCD is taken
  • Errors are calculated dividing sigma clipped standard deviation by square root of number of used areas

BIAS level

  • Bias level is measured taking first MEAN values from those 100 small boxes from each CCD and from both bias images
  • Then sigma clipped mean value per CCD is taken
  • Errors are calculated dividing sigma clipped standard deviation by square root of number of used areas

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