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StanCam CCD monitoring script documentation

To really understand how analysing script works, one should look at the script which take images, and script itself. Here is given only the ideas how different things are calculated.

Analysing is done using IDL scripts and many built in IDL functions.

Preparation procedures

  • The whole CCD is illuminated by the dome tungsten lamps, but in order to keep out of overscan and other side effects, 100 pixels is cut from every side of the CCD image

Good to know

  • For general statistics the whole image area is used
  • For real calculations images are divided into 16x16 pixel subimages

GAIN and RON calculations

  • GAIN and RON are calculated using the 3249 subwindows from flats and bias frames using Janesick's method
  • In the end, sigma clipped mean of all results has been taken to be the GAIN and the standard deviation divided by square root of number of remaining subwindows of that clipped mean is taken as the error of the GAIN.
  • For RON the sigma clipped gain value is used.

Count level

  • Count level is measured taking first MEAN values from those 3249 small boxes from both flats
  • Then sigma clipped mean value is taken
  • Errors are calculated dividing sigma clipped standard deviation by square root of number of used areas

BIAS level

  • Bias level is measured taking first MEAN values from those 3249 small boxes from both bias images
  • Then sigma clipped mean value is taken
  • Errors are calculated dividing sigma clipped standard deviation by square root of number of used areas


  • Scripts can be found on cassandra
Back to top Last modified: April 19 2023