On 31/1/2002 we have done wide-slit observations with camera 2 of
flux-standard star HD93521. These on-blaze results are for AirMass=1,
and do not include slit losses.
Exposure times for a U=B=V=R=I=8 star in typical observing conditions
reaching S/N=100 per pixel at the blaze in the extracted unbinned
spectrum are given as well (for the case of no slit losses).
AB magnitude: the magnitude of a star giving 1 e-/Å/s.
Efficiency: ratio of detected and emitted stellar flux (with flux in energy/s/Hz/area).
wavelength | AB magnitude | NOT+SOFIN+EEV7 efficiency | expo time for S/N=100 and m=8 | Dispersion Å/pixel |
3500 | 12.3 | 0.1% | 8300s (450000 e-/Å) | 0.022 |
3600 | 12.6 | 0.1% | 6700s (450000 e-/Å) | 0.022 |
4000 | 13.5 | 0.3% | 2600s (380000 e-/Å) | 0.026 |
4500 | 14.0 | 0.6% | 1500s (370000 e-/Å) | 0.027 |
5000 | 14.4 | 1.1% | 820s (310000 e-/Å) | 0.032 |
5500 | 15.0 | 1.9% | 440s (280000 e-/Å) | 0.035 |
5800 | 15.1 | 2.2% | 380s (260000 e-/Å) | 0.038 |
6500 | 15.1 | 2.6% | 340s (240000 e-/Å) | 0.042 |
7500 | 15.0 | 2.6% | 360s (210000 e-/Å) | 0.048 |
8000 | 14.5 | 1.8% | 500s (190000 e-/Å) | 0.053 |
8500 | 14.0 | 1.2% | 750s (180000 e-/Å) | 0.056 |
9000 | 13.7 | 1.0% | 900s (170000 e-/Å) | 0.059 |