STANCAM Sequencer manual start and other
goodies for specialists
Manual start
- On the Chooser click on the line
' Willing to manage'
- Log in with username 'obs'. Password is the standard
- In an xterm start the TCS UIF
/usr/local/bin/tcsdisplay &
- In an xterm start the STANCAM BIAS
cd stancam
startbs seq
- In an xterm start the postprocess interface
- In an xterm start the observing log
- In an xterm give the following commands
setenv TCSACCESSCODE 1234567 (with the correct code)
source ~/seq.aliases
Now you can use the sequencer commands in this xterm
Manual Stop
- Type stancam.exit to exit the BIAS program.
- Exit the postprocessing interface and the TCS UIF by clicking on the
[X] icon in the top right corner of the window frame.
- Exit the observing log by pressing ESC and click OK.