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Star V B-V U-B V-R V-I n m
PG1525-071 15.046±.0027 -0.211±.0005 -1.177±.0027 -0.068±.0020 +0.012±.0020 20 13
PG1525-071A 13.506±.0008 +0.773±.0015 +0.282±.0019 +0.437±.0006 +0.421±.0024 15 8
PG1525-071B 16.392±.0039 +0.729±.0043 +0.141±.0097 +0.450±.0037 +0.387±.0066 17 8
PG1525-071C 13.519±.0007 +1.116±.0028 +1.073±.0052 +0.593±.0010 +0.509±.0015 16 9
PG1525-071D 16.300±.0021 +0.393±.0714 +0.224±.0316 +0.405±.0108 +0.343±.0196 15 8
n: number of times star was observed
m: number of nights star was observed

The circle around a star indicates the U-B-colour.

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