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Publications including NOT Data


  1. Aparicio A., Gallart C.
    The Stellar Content of the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
    1995, AJ 110, 2105

  2. Beardmore A. P., Done C., Osborne J. P., Ishida M.
    The GINGA hard X-ray spectrum of AM Herculis
    1995, MNRAS 272, 749

  3. Berdyugin, A., Snare, M.-O., Teerikorpi, P.:
    "Interstellar polarization at high galactic latitudes from distant stars: I. First results for ~600pc"
    1995, A&A 294, 568

  4. Casares J., Martin A. C., Charles P. A., Martin E. L., Rebolo R., Harlaftis E. T., Castro-Tirado A. J.
    On the mass of the compact object in GRO J0422+32
    1995, MNRAS, 276, L35

  5. Castander, F.J., Bower, R.G., Ellis, R.S., Aragon-Salamanca, A., Mason, K.O., Hasinger, G., McMahon, R.G., Carrera, F.J., Mittaz, J.P.D., Perez-Fournon, I., Barcons, X., Lehto, H.J.:
    "Deficit of distant X-ray-emitting galaxy clusters and implications for cluster evolution"
    1995, Nature 377, 39

  6. Cuesta L., Phillips J. P., Mampaso A.
    The outflow structure of NGC 6537.
    1995, A&A 304, 475
  7. Garcia Lopez R. J., Severino G., Gomez M. T.
    Galactic evolution of beryllium. I. NLTE effects and accuracy of beryllium abundances in metal-poor stars.
    1995, A&A 297, 787
  8. Grundahl F., Hjorth J.:
    "The optical appearance of the gravitational lens system B0218+35.7"
    1995, MNRAS 275, L67

  9. Hakala P.J.:
    "Accretion stream mapping in eclipsing polars, an application of MEM and genetic optimisation"
    1995, A&A 296, 164

  10. Hawley S. L., Fisher G. H., Simon T., Cully S. L., Deustua S. E., Jablonski M., Johns-Krull C. M., Pettersen B. R., Smith V., Spiesman W. J., Valenti J.
    Simultaneous Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer and Optical Observations of AD Leonis: Evidence for Large Coronal Loops and the Neupert Effect in Stellar Flares
    1995, ApJ, 453, 464
  11. Hjorth J., Grundahl F., Nilsson K., Festin L.:
    "High-resolution imaging of the gravitational lens candidate 1208+1011 with the Nordic Optical Telescope"
    1995, A&A 299, 365

  12. Hjorth J., Vestergaard M., Sörensen A.N., Grundahl F.:
    "Detection of a faint optical jet in 3C 120"
    1995, ApJ 452, L17

  13. Jaunsen A.O., Jablonski M., Pettersen B.R., Stabell B.R.:
    "The NOT GL survey for multiply imaged quasars"
    1995, A&A 300, 323

  14. Kidger, M.R., Gonzalez-Perez, J.N., De Diego, J.A., Zapatero-Osorio, M.R., Hammersley, P.L., Cepa, J., Devaney, N., Sahu, K., Vidal, I.:
    "A large optical and infrared outburst in OJ 287"
    1995, A&AS 113, 431

  15. Kjeldsen H., Bedding T. R., Viskum M., Frandsen S.
    Solarlike oscillations in eta Boo
    1995, AJ 109, 1313
  16. Lagerkvist, C.-I., Erikson, A., Debehogne, H., Festin, L., Magnusson, P., Mottola, S., Oja, T., De Angelis, G., Belskaya, I.N., Dahlgren, M., Gonano-Beurer, M., Lagerros, J., Lumme, K., Pohjolainen, S.:
    "Physical studies of asteroids XXIX. Photometry and analysis of 27 asteroids."
    1995, A&AS 113, 115

  17. Lorimer, D.R., Lyne, A.G., Festin, L., Nicastro, L.:
    "Birth rate of millisecond pulsars"
    1995, Nature 376, 393

  18. Mediavilla E., Arribas S.
    Two-dimensional spectroscopy of the Seyfert galaxies NGC 5728 and 4151 in the [OIII] 4959, 5007 and Hα spectral ranges
    1995, MNRAS 276, 579
  19. Möller, P., Stiavelli, M., Zeilinger, W. W.:
    "Core properties of elliptical galaxies: I. A Northern hemisphere sample at high resolution"
    1995, MNRAS 276, 979

  20. Navarro J., de Bruyn A. G., Frail D. A., Kulkarni S. R., Lyne A. G.
    A Very Luminous Binary Millisecond Pulsar
    1995, ApJ 455, L55
  21. Picard A., Johnston H. M.
    Astrometry of 19 globular clusters.
    1995, A&AS 112, 89
  22. R. Rebolo, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, E. L. Mart�n
    Discovery of a brown dwarf in the Pleiades star cluster
    1995, Nature 377, 129

  23. Roennback J., Bergvall N.
    Blue low surface-brightness galaxies. II. Spectroscopy and chemical abundances.
    1995, A&A 302, 353
  24. Serra-Ricart, M., Trapero, J., Beckman, J.E., Garrido, L., Gaitan, V.:
    "Multidimensional interpolation using artificial neural networks: Application to an H I cloud in Perseus"
    1995, AJ 109, 312

  25. Singh, K.P., Szkody, P., Barrett, P., White, N.E., Fierce, E., Silber, A., Hoard, D.W., Hakala, P.J., Piirola, V., Sohl, K.B.:
    "A new magnetic cataclysmic variable: WGA J1047.1+6335"
    1995, ApJ 453, L95

  26. Szkody, P., Silber, A., Hoard, D.W., Fierce, E., Singh, K.P., Barrett, P., Schlegel, E., Piirola, V.:
    "Identification of the soft X-ray source WGA J1802.1+1804 with a new magnetic cataclysmic variable"
    1995, ApJ 455, L43

  27. Trapero, J., Beckman, J.E., Serra-Ricart, M., Davies, R.D., Watson, R.A., Gracia Lopez, R.:
    "A cold massive interstellar cloud within 120 parsecs of the Sun: K I optical and H I radio observations"
    1995, ApJ 445, 231

  28. Vauclair G., Pfeiffer B., Grauer A. D., Belmonte J. A., Jimenez A., Chevreton M., Dolez N., Vidal I.
    The multi-periodic pulsating PG 1159 white dwarf PG 0122+200.
    1995, A&A 299, 707
  29. Wiklind T., Combes F.
    CO, HCO+ and HCN absorption in the gravitational lens candidate B0218+357 at Z =0.685.
    1995, A&A 299, 382
  • Benitez, E., Dultzin-Hacyan, D., Sillanpää, A., Takalo, L., Nilsson, K., Pursimo, T.:
    "Induced star formation in the system Arp 298"
    1995, RMxAC 3, 85

  • Grundahl F., Hjorth J., Sörensen A.N.:
    "Observations of three gravitational lens candidates with the Nordic Optical Telescope"
    1995, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol 10, 658

  • Kaas, A.A., Olofsson, G., Fridlund, M.:
    "How to identify embedded young stellar objects : a case study of the Serpens Cloud Core"
    1995, MmSAI 66, 685

  • Lagage, P.O., Galdemard, PH., Pantin, E., Jouan, R., Masse, P., Olofsson, G., Huldtgren, M., Nordh, L., Belmonte, J.A., Regulo, C., Rodriguez-Espinosa, J.M., Vidal, L., Mosser, B., Ulla, A., Gautier, D.:
    "Collision of Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragments A, E, H, L, Q1 with Jupiter: Mid-infrared light curves"
    1995, GeoRL 22, 1773

  • Lagerkvist, C.-I., Di Martino, M., Blanco, C., Dahlgren, M., Erikson, A., Lahulla, J.F., Lazzarin, M., Lumme, K., Pohjolainen, S., Riccioli, D.:
    "Physical studies of asteroids XXX: The asteroid 153 Hilda"
    1995, EM&P 71, 189


    1. Aparicio A.
      The distance to the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy: an open question
      1994, ApJ 437, L27
    2. Clayton K. L., Osborne J. P.
      The Soft X-Ray Properties of the Polar Ek-Ursae
      1994, MNRAS 268, 229
    3. Dahle, H., Maddox, S.J., Lilje, P.B.:
      "Deep imaging of the double quasar 0957+561: new constraints on Ho"
      1994, ApJ 435, L79

    4. de Juan L., Colina L., Perez-Fournon I.
      Surface photometry of low-luminosity radio galaxies
      1994, ApJS, 91, 507
    5. Dietrich, M., Kollatschny, W., Alloin, D., Aretxaga, I., Axon, D., de Bruyn, A.G., Clavl, J., Goad, M.R., Gondhalekar, P., van Groningen, E., Horne, K., Jackson, N., Laurikainen, E., Lawrence, A., Masegosa, J., Moles, M., O'Brien, P., del Olmo, A., Penston, M.V., Perea, J., Perez, E., Perez-Fournon, I., Perry, J.J., Peterson, B.M., Robinson, A., Rodriguez-Espinoza, J.M., Stirpe, G.M., Tadhunter, C., Terlevich, R., Unger, S., Wagner, S.J., Wanders, I., Williams, R.:
      "Monitoring of active galactic nuclei IV. The Seyfert galaxy NGC 4593"
      1994, A&A 284, 33

    6. Fridlund C.V.M., Liseau R.:
      "The velocity field of the L1551 IRS5 jet"
      1994, A&A 292, 631

    7. González-Serrano, J.I., Pirez-Fournon, I., & Morganti, R.
      "Optical emission associated with the radio jet in B2 1243+26"
      1994, MNRAS 267, 424

    8. Hakala P.J., Piirola V., Vilhu O., Osborne J.P., Hannikainen D.C.:
      "The Record Circular Polarisation Variability Observed in the Shortest Period Magnetic Binary RE 1307+535"
      1994, MNRAS 271, L41

    9. Kotilainen, J.K., Ward, M.J.:
      "The host galaxies of Seyfert type 1 nuclei"
      1994, MNRAS 266, 953

    10. Lacy, M., Miley, G., Rawlings, S., Saunders, R., Dickinson, M., Garrington, S., Maddox, S., Pooley, G., Steidel, C., Bremer, M. N., Cotter, G., van Ojik, R., Rottgering, H., Warner, P.:
      "8C 1435+635: a radio galaxy at z=4.25"
      1994, MNRAS 271, 504

    11. Lipari S., Colina L., Macchetto F.
      Galaxies with extreme infrared and Fe II emission. 1: Markarian 231: The signature of a young infrared QSO
      1994, ApJ 427, 174
    12. Martin E. L., Rebolo R., Magazzu A., Pavlenko Y. V.
      Pre-main sequence lithium burning. 1: Weak T Tauri stars
      1994, A&A 282, 503
    13. Nordström, B., Johansen, B.T.:
      "Radii and Masses for Beta Aurigae"
      1994, A&A 291, 777

    14. Osborne J.P., Beardmore A.P., Wheatley P.J., Hakala P.J., Watson M.G., Mason K.O.:
      "Discovery of RE1307+535: The shortest period AM Her system"
      1994, MNRAS 270, 650

    15. Picard A., Johnston H. M.
      A comparison of methods for determining the centers of globular clusters
      1994, A&A 283, 76
    16. Piirola, V., Coyne, G.V. S.J., Takalo, L., Larsson, S., Vilhu, O.:
      "UBVRI polarimetry of AM Her type binaries - V. The Asynchronous (?) polar BY Cam (=H0538+608)"
      1994, A&A 283, 163

    17. Ponman, T.J., Allan, D.J., Jones, L.R., Merrifield, M., McHardy, I.M., Lehto, H.J., Luppino, G.A.:
      "A possible fossil galaxy group"
      1994, Nature 369, 462

    18. Rönnback, J., Bergvall, N.:
      "Blue low surface brightness galaxies. I. Surface photometry"
      1994, A&AS 108, 193

    19. Salamanca, I, Alloin, D., Baribaud, T., Axon, D., de Bruyn, G., Goad, M., Gondhalekar, P., van Groningen, E., Jackson, N., Kollatschny, W., Laurikainen, E., Lawrence, A., Masegosa, J., O'Brien, P., Pelat, D., Penston, M.V., Perez, E., Perez-Fournon, I., Robinson, A., Santos-Lleo, M., Stirpe, G., Tadhunter, C., Terlevich, R., Unger, S., Wagner, S., Wanders, I.:
      "Spectroscopic monitoring of active galactic nuclei III. Size of the broad line region in NGC 3227"
      1994, A&A 282, 742

    20. Stirpe, G.M., Alloin, D., Axon, D.J., Clavel, J., de Bruyn, A.G., del Olmo, A., Goad, M., Gondhalekar, P.M., Jackson, N., Kollatschny, W., Laurikainen, E., Lawrence, A., Masegosa, J., McHardy, I.M., Moles, M., O'Brien, P.T., Penston, M.V., Perea, J., Perez, E., Perez-Fournon, I., Robinson, A., Rodriguez-Espinoza, J.M., Tadhunter, C.N., Terlevich, R.J., Unger, S.W., van Groningen, E., Vila-Vilario, B., Wagner, S.J.:
      "Monitoring of active galactic nuclei V. The Seyfert galaxy Markarian 2779"
      1994, A&A 285, 857

    21. Takalo, L.O., Sillanpää, A., Nilsson, K.:
      "Simultaneous UBVRI photopolarimetry of three blazars: 3C66A, S5 0716+714 and OJ 287"
      1994, A&AS 107, 497

    22. Takalo, L.O., Sillanpää, A., Nilsson, K., Kidger, M. de Diego, J.A.:
      "Intense blazar activity in photopolarimetric light curves of OJ 287"
      1994, A&AS 104, 115

    23. Teuber, J., Østensen, R., Stabell, R., Florentin-Nielsen, R.:
      "Rotate-And-Stare: A new method for PSF estimation"
      1994, A&AS 108, 509

    24. Thejll P., Theissen A., Jimenez R.
      Detecting red stellar companions to hot subdwarfs with CCD imaging
      1994, A&A 292, 457
    25. Vernin J., Munoz-Tunon C.
      Optical seeing at La Palma Observatory. 2: Intensive site testing campaign at the Nordic Optical Telescope
      1994, A&A 284, 311


    1. Cuesta L., Phillips J. P., Mampaso A.
      Spectroscopy and shock modelling of the unusual bipolar outflow NGC 6905
      1993, A&A 267, 199
    2. Fridlund C.V.M., Liseau R., Perryman M.A.C.:
      "High-resolution spectrophotometric imaging of the Herbig-Haro object HH29 in the L1551 outflow"
      1993, A&A 273, 601

    3. Gilliland R. L., Brown T. M., Kjeldsen H., McCarthy J. K., Peri M. L., Belmonte J. A., Vidal I., Cram L. E., Palmer J., Frandsen S., Parthasarathy M., Petro L., Schneider H., Stetson P. B., Weiss W. W.
      A search for solar-like oscillations in the stars of M67 with CCD ensemble photometry on a network of 4 M telescopes
      1993, AJ 106, 2441
    4. Hakala P.J., Watson M.G., Vilhu O., Hassall B.J.M., Kellett B.J., Mason K.O., Piirola V.:
      "The Discovery of a new bright Eclipsing AM Her system"
      1993, MNRAS 263, 61

    5. Jonch-Sorensen H.
      Vby-beta CCD field star photometry with the Nordic Optical Telescope
      1993, A&A 267, 54
    6. Kidger, M.R., Takalo, L.O., de Diego, J.A., Sillanpää, A., Okyodo, M.:
      "Optical photometry and polarimetry and infrared photometry of 3C345 in outburst"
      1993, ApJ 407, L1

    7. Kotilainen, J.K., Ward, M.J., Williger, G.M.:
      "CCD imaging of Seyfert galaxies: Deconvolution of the stellar and non-stellar nuclear components"
      1993, MNRAS 263, 655

    8. Lagage, P.O., Olofsson, G., Cabrit, S., Cesarsky, C.J., Nordh, L., Rodriguez-Espinosa, J.M.:
      "A Deeply Embedded Companion to LkH alpha 198"
      1993, ApJ 417, L79

    9. Laurikainen, E., Salo, H., Aparicio, A.:
      "Interacting system NGC 7753-7752 (Arp~86)~I. BVRI photometry"
      1993, ApJ 410, 574

    10. Martin E. L.
      The peculiar nature of BD + 24 deg 676
      1993, PASP 105, 277
    11. McKeith, C.D., Garcia Lopez, R.J., Rebolo, R., Barnett, E.W., Beckman, J.E.$ Martin, E.L., Trapero, J.:
      "IACUB - A new echelle spectrograph for use at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos"
      1993, A&A 273, 331

    12. Norgaard-Nielsen, Goudfrooij, P., Jorgensen, H. E., Hansen, L.:
      "The extinction and star clusters in NGC 1275"
      1993, A&A 279, 61

    13. Piirola V., Hakala P., Coyne G.V.:
      "The Discovery of Variable Polarisation over the 13.9 minute spin period of the intermediate polar RE0751+14"
      1993, ApJ 410, L107

    14. Rosen S.R., Mittaz J.P.D., Hakala P.J.:
      "RE0751+14, the first 'Intermediate' Polar?"
      1993, MNRAS 264, 171

    15. Salo, H., Laurikainen, E.:
      "Interacting system NGC 7753-7752 (Arp 86) II. N-body simulations"
      1993, ApJ 410, 586

    16. Scaltriti, F., Piirola, V., Coyne, G.V., Koch, R.H., Elias, N.M., Holenstein, B.D.:
      "UBVRI linear and Circular Polarization of RS CVn-type Binaries"
      1993, A&AS 102, 343

    17. Schramm, K.-J., Borgeest, U., Camenzind, M., Valtaoja, E., Wagner, S.J., Bade, N., Dreissigacker, O., Heidt, J., Hoff, W., Kayser, R., Kuhl, D., v. Linde, J., Linnert, M.D., Pelt, J., Schramm, T., Sillanpää, A., Takalo, L.O., Vigotti, M.:
      "Another active period in the optical and radio lightcurves of the blazar 3C 345: indications for the "lighthouse effect" due to jet rotation"
      1993, A&A 278, 391

    18. Stangellini, C., O'Dea, C. P., Baum, S., Laurikainen, E.:
      "Optical CCD-imaging of Gigahertz-peaked-spectrum radio sources"
      1993, ApJS 88, 1

    19. Valtaoja, L., Karttunen, H., Efimov, Yu., Shakhovskoy, N.M.:
      "The long and short timescale polarization variability of the BL Lac object PKS 0109+224"
      1993, A&A 278, 371

    20. Valtaoja, L., Karttunen, H., Valtaoja, E., Shakhovskoy, N.M., Efimov, Yu.:
      "Optical circular polarization in two BL Lac objects?"
      1993, A&A 273, 393

    21. Vauclair G., Belmonte J. A., Pfeiffer B., Chevreton M., Dolez N., Motch C., Werner K., Pakull M. W.
      A new pulsating PG 1159 white dwarf - RXJ 2117.1 + 3412
      1993, A&A 267, L35
    22. Vestergaard, M., Barthel, P.D.:
      "The nucleus of the Cygnus A galaxy"
      1993, AJ 105, 456

    23. Zeilinger, W. W., Möller, P., Stiavelli, M.:
      "Multi-colour surface photometry of NGC 4486 (M87) and its jet"
      1993, MNRAS 261, 175

  • Kotilainen, J.K.:
    "The stellar content of nearby Seyfert I galaxies"
    1993, A&SS 205, 107

  • Sillanpää, A., Takalo, L.O., Nilsson, K., and Kikuchi, S.:
    "Photopolarimetry of BL Lac"
    1993, Ap&SS 206, 55

  • Takalo, L.O.:
    "Photopolarimetry of Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 509; Detection of Blazar like Activity"
    1993, Ap&SS 202, 161

  • Takalo, L.O., Sillanpää, A.:
    "Simultaneous linear and circular polarization observations of blazars 3C 66A, OJ 287 and Markarian 421"
    1993, Ap&SS 206, 191

  • Vestergaard, M., Barthel, P.D.:
    "The nucleus of the Cygnus A galaxy at high resolution"
    1993, Ap&SS 205, 135


    1. Hagen H.-J., Cordis L., Engels D., Groote D., Haug U., Heber U., Koehler T., Wisotzki L., Reimers D.
      HS 1946 + 7658 - The most luminous QSO so far
      1992, A&A 253, L5

    2. Jackson, N., O'Brien, P.T., Good, M, Alloin, D., Axon, D.J., de Bruyn, A.G., Clavel, J., Dietrich, M., Gondhalekar, D.M., van Groningen, E., Kollatschny, W., Laurikainen, E., Lawrence, A., McHardy, I.M., Penston, M.V., Perez, E., Perez-Fournon, Robinson, A., Stirpe, G..M., Tadhunter, C.N., Terlevich, R.J., Wagner, S.:
      "Monitoring of active galactic nuclei I: the quasars 1302-102 and 1217+023"
      1992, A&A 262, 17

    3. Kidger M.R., Takalo L.O., de Diego J.A.:
      "Rapid Variations and a large antiflare in the light curve of Markarian 501"
      1992, A&A 254, 65

    4. Kjeldsen H., Frandsen S.
      High-precision time-resolved CCD photometry
      1992, PASP 104, 413

    5. O'Dea C. P., Baum S. A., Stanghellini C., Dey A., van Breugel W., Deustua S., Smith E. P.
      Radio and optical observations of 0218+357 - The smallest Einstein ring?
      1992, AJ 104, 1320

    6. Piirola, V., Scaltriti, F., Coyne, G. V.:
      ``Circumstellar disks deduced from sub-arcsecond polarization observations of two young stars''
      1992, Nature 359, 399

    7. Sillanpää, A., Takalo L.O., Nilsson K., Kidger M., de Diego J.-A.:
      "A polarized accretion disk flare in OJ 287?"
      1992, A&A 254, L33

    8. Stiavelli, M., Biretta, J., Möller, P., Zeilinger, W. W.:
      "Optical counterpart of the east radio lobe of M87"
      1992, Nature 355, 802

    9. Takalo, L.O., Kidger, M.R., de Diego, J.A., and Sillanpää, A.:
      "First simultaneous UBVRI photopolarimetric observations of normal quasars"
      1992, A&A 261, 415

    10. Takalo L.O., Sillanpää, A., Nilsson K., Kidger M., de Diego J.A., Piirola V.:
      "Simultaneous UBVRI photopolarimetry of blazars II"
      1992, A&AS 94, 37

    11. Trapero, J., Beckman, J. E., Genova, R., McKeith, C.D.:
      "Observation of fine structure in the cold phase interstellar medium using K I absorption"
      1992, ApJ 394, 552

    12. Vauclair G., Belmonte J. A., Pfeiffer B., Grauer A. D., Jimenez A., Chevreton M., Dolez N., Vidal I., Herpe G.
      The pulsating DA white dwarf PG2303+243 revisited
      1992, A&A 264, 547

    13. Vernin J., Munoz-Tunon C.
      Optical seeing at La Palma Observatory. I - General guidelines and preliminary results at the Nordic Optical Telescope
      1992, A&A 257, 811


    1. Dahlgren, M., Fitzsimmons, A., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Williams, I.P.:
      "Differential CCD Photometry of Dubiago, Chiron and Hektor"
      1991, MNRAS 250, 115

    2. Egonsson J., Hakala P.J.:
      "Discovery of variable optical polarization in Her X-1"
      1991, A&A 244, L41

    3. Kidger M.R., Takalo L.O., Valtaoja E., de Diego J.A., Sillanpää, A.:
      "A turned-over optical spectrum of OJ 287 during the 1989 minimum"
      1991, A&A, 252, 538 (1991)

    4. Perryman, M.A.C., Adriaens, M., Andersson, S., Cox, G.C., Debray, B., Fridlund, C.V.M.:
      "A second generation photon counting detector"
      1991, A&A 245, 341

    5. Ruiz-Lapuente P., Kidger M., Gomez G., Canal R., Lopez R.
      SN 1988A in M58 - Departure from Co-56 decay 700 days after explosion
      1991, ApJ 378, L41
    6. Sillanpää, A., Takalo L.O., Kikuchi S., Kidger M., de Diego J.A.:
      "Internight and intranight variations in the wavelenght dependent polarization of OJ287"
      1991, AJ 101, 2017

    7. Stiavelli, M., Möller, P., Zeilinger, W. W.:
      "High--resolution optical observations compared to radio structure of the jet in M87"
      1991, Nature 354, 132

    8. Takalo L.O.:
      "Simultaneous UBVRI photopolarimetric observations of blazars"
      1991, A&AS 90, 161

    9. Valtaoja, L., Sillanpää, A., Valtaoja, E., Shakhovskoi, N.M., Efimov, Yu.S.:
      "UBVRI photopolarimetry of BL Lac objects - The connection between frequency-dependent polarization and growing radio shocks"
      1991, AJ 101, 78

    10. Valtaoja L., Valtaoja E., Shakhovskoy N.M., Efimov Yu,S., Takalo L.O., Sillanpää, A., Tornikoski M., Kidger M., de Diego J.A.:
      "The connection between the low polarization quasar 3C 273 and blazars"
      1991, AJ 102, 1946


    1. Huovelin J., Piirola V.
      A note on stellar ultraviolet linear polarization observations
      1990, A&A 231, 588
    2. Jetsu, L., Huovelin, J., Tuonimen, I., Bopp, B., Efimov, YU.S., Linnaluoto, S., Nations, H.L., Piirola, V., Shakhovskoy, N.M., Virtanen, H.:
      "Collected photometric and polarimetric observations of HD 199178"
      1990, A&AS 85, 813

    3. Jetsu, L., Huovelin, J., Tuominen, I., Vilhu, O., Bopp, B.W., Piirola, V.:
      "Rotational and long-term variations of HD 199 178 - A double period activity cycle"
      1990, A&A 236, 423

    4. Kidger M., Takalo L.O.:
      "A large anti-flare in the light curve of 3C345"
      1990, A&A 239, L9

    5. Takalo L.O., Kidger M., de Diego J.A., Sillanpää, A., Piirola V., Terasranta H.:
      "The sudden fade of OJ 287"
      1990, A&AS 83, 459

    6. Valtaoja E., Valtaoja L., Efimov I. S., Shakhovskoi N. M.
      Blazarlike activity in the low polarization quasar 3C 273
      1990, AJ 99, 769
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