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If you have, or know of, a publication not listed here and which should be please inform .

This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. Abia et al.
    85Kr s-Process Branching
    2001, ApJ 559, 1117

  2. Colin Aspin, G�ran Sandell
    Further evidence for the FU Orionis nature of PP 13S

    2001, MNRAS 328, 751

  3. Augusto, Pedro; Browne, Ian W. A.; Wilkinson, Peter N.; Jackson, Neal J.; Fassnacht, Chris D.; Muxlow, Tom W. B.; Hjorth, Jens; Jaunsen, Andreas O.; Koopmans, Leon V.; Patnaik, Alok R.; Taylor, Greg B.
    "B2114+022: a distant radio source gravitationally lensed by a starburst galaxy"
    2001, MNRAS 326, 1007

  4. J. E. Baldwin, R. N. Tubbs, G. C. Cox, C. D. Mackay, R. W. Wilson and M. I. Andersen
    "Diffraction-limited 800 nm imaging with the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope"
    2001, A&A 368, L1

  5. A. Berdyugin, P. Teerikorpi, L. Haikala, M. Hanski, J. Knude, and T. Markkanen.
    Interstellar polarization at high galactic latitudes from distant stars. IV. A catalog of polarization data for the North Galactic Pole Area

    2001, A&A 372, 276

  6. A. Berdyugin and P. Teerikorpi
    "Interstellar polarization at high galactic latitudes from distant stars. V. First results for the South Galactic Pole"
    2001, A&A 368, 635

  7. Luz Marina Cair�s , Jos� M. V�lchez , et al.
    Multiband Analysis of a Sample of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. I. Surface Brightness Distribution, Morphology, and Structural Parameters

    2001, ApJS 133, 321

  8. Luz M. Cair�s ,1,2 Nicola Caon ,1 Jos� M. V�lchez ,1,3 Jos� N. Gonz�lez-P�rez ,1 and Casiana Mu�oz-Tu��n
    Multiband Analysis of a Sample of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies. II. Spatially Resolved and Integrated Photometry

    2001, ApJS 136, 393

  9. A. J. Castro-Tirado, V. V. Sokolov, J. Gorosabel, J.M. Castro Ceron, J. Greiner, R.A.M.J. Wijers, B.L. Jensen, J. Hjorth, S. Toft, H. Pedersen, E. Palazzi, E. Pian, N. Masetti, R. Sagar, V. Mohan, A.K. Pandey, S.B. Pandey, S.N. Dodonov, T.A. Fatkhullin, V.L. Afanasiev, V.N. Komarova, A.V. Moiseev, R. Hudec, V. Simon, P. Vreeswijk, E. Rol, S. Klose, B. Stecklum, M.R. Zapatero-Osorio, N. Caon, C. Blake, J. Wall, D. Heinlein, A. Henden, S. Benetti, A. Magazzu, F. Ghinassi, L. Tommasi, M. Bremer, C. Kouveliotou, S. Guziy, A. Shlyapnikov, U. Hopp, G. Feulner, S. Dreizler, D. Hartmann, H. Boehnhardt, J.M. Paredes, J. Marti, E. Xanthopoulos, H.E. Kristen, J. Smoker, H. Hurley
    "The extraordinarily bright beamed optical afterglow of GRB 991208 and its host galaxy"
    2001, A&A 370, 398

  10. St�phane Charpinet, G. Fontaine and P. Brassard
    A Theoretical Exploration of the Pulsational Stability of Subdwarf B Stars

    2001, PASP 113, 775

  11. Corradi, Romano L. M.; Munari, Ulisse; Livio, Mario; Mampaso, Antonio; Gongalves, Denise R.; Schwarz, Hugo E.
    "The Large-Scale Ionized Outflow of CH Cygni"
    2001, ApJ 560, 912

  12. L. J. Corral, and A. Herrero
    Planetary nebula candidates in a southern region of M 33

    2001, A&A 376, 820

  13. Drechsel, Heber, Napiwotzki, Ostensen, Solheim, Johannesen, Deetjen, Schuh, Zola,
    ``HS 0705+6700: a new aclipsing sdB binary''
    2001, A&A 379, 893

  14. Igor O. Drozdovsky, Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck, Ulrich Hopp, Mary M. Crone, and Laura Greggio
    The Stellar Content of NGC 6789, A Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy in the Local Void

    2001, ApJ 551, L135

  15. Duemmler, R.; Aarum, V.
    "The radial velocities of the RS CVn star UX Ari. A triple system with a binary on the same line of sight"
    2001, A&A 370, 974

  16. L. M. Freyhammer, J. V. Clausen, T. Arentoft, and C. Sterken.
    On the eclipsing nature of $\mathsf{CPD-59\degr2628}$

    2001, A&A 369, 561

  17. Freyhammer, L.M., T. Arentoft and C. Sterken
    "Multimode Delta Scuti stars in the open cluster NGC 7062"
    2001, A&A 368, 580

  18. Fynbo, J., Gorosabel, J., Dall, T. H., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Andersen, M. I., Moller, P., Smail, I., Kobayashi, N., Vreeswijk, P., Burud, I., Holland, S., Jensen, B. L., Thomsen, B., Henden, A., Vrba, F., Canzian, B., Castro Ceron, J.M., Castro-Tirado, A.J., Cline, T., Goto, M., Greiner, J., Hanski, M. T., Hurley, K., Lund, N., Pursimo, T., Oestensen, R., Solheim, J., Tanvir, N., Terada, H.
    "The optical afterglow and host galaxy of GRB000926"
    2001, A&A 373, 796

  19. Fynbo, J. U., Jensen, B. L., Gorosabel, J., Hjorth, J., Pedersen, H., Abbott, T., Castro-Tirado, A.J., Delgado, D., Greiner, J., Henden, A., Magazzu, A., Masetti, N., Merlino, S., Masegosa, J., Oestensen, R., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Schwarz, H. E., Cline, T., Guidorzi, C., Goldsten, J., Hurley, K., Mazets, E., McClanahan, T., Montanari, E., Starr, R., Trombka, J. "Detection of the optical afterglow of GRB 000630: Implications for dark bursts"
    2001, A&A 369, 373

  20. Fynbo J.U., Moller P., Thomsen B.,
    "Deep Imaging of Q2112+059: A bright host galaxy but no DLA absorber"
    2001, A&A 368, 408

  21. Gavazzi, G.; Boselli, A.; Mayer, L.; Iglesias-Paramo, J.; Vmlchez, J. M.; Carrasco, L.
    "75 Kiloparsec Trails of Ionized Gas behind Two Irregular Galaxies in A1367"
    2001, ApJ 563, L23

  22. Gladman, Brett; Kavelaars, J. J.; Holman, Matthew; Nicholson, Philip D.; Burns, Joseph A.; Hergenrother, Carl W.; Petit, Jean-Marc; Marsden, Brian G.; Jacobson, Robert; Gray, William; Grav, Tommy
    "Discovery of 12 satellites of Saturn exhibiting orbital clustering"
    2001, Nature 412, 163

  23. Goldhaber, G.; Groom, D. E.; Kim, A.; Aldering, G.; Astier, P.; Conley, A.; Deustua, S. E.; Ellis, R.; Fabbro, S.; Fruchter, A. S.; Goobar, A.; Hook, I.; Irwin, M.; Kim, M.; Knop, R. A.; Lidman, C.; McMahon, R.; Nugent, P. E.; Pain, R.; Panagia, N.; Pennypacker, C. R.; Perlmutter, S.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Schaefer, B.; Walton, N. A.; York, T.
    "Timescale Stretch Parameterization of Type Ia Supernova B-Band Light Curves"
    2001, ApJ 558, 359

  24. Gonzalez-Perez, Kidger, & Martin-Luis,
    Optical and near-infrared calibration of agn field stars: an all-sky network of faint stars calibrated on the landolt system

    2001, AJ 122, 2055

  25. Grinin, V. P.; Kozlova, O. V.; Natta, A.; Ilyin, I.; Tuominen, I.; Rostopchina, A. N.; Shakhovskoy, D. N.
    Optical spectra of five UX Orionis-type stars
    2001, A&A 379, 482

  26. Hackman, T., Jetsu, L., Tuominen I.,
    "Surface imaging of HD 199178 (V1794 Cygni)"
    2001, A&A 374, 171

  27. Hartman, R.C., Böttcher, M., Aller, H., Aller, M., Backman, D.E., Balonek, T.J., Bertsch, D.L., Bloom, S.D:, Bock, H., Boltwood, P., Collmar, W., De Francesco, G., Gear, W.K., Ghisellini, G., Hall, P.B., Heidt, J., Hughes, P., Hunter, S.D:, Jogee, S., Johnson, W.N., Katajainen, S., Kidger, M., Kii, T., Koskimies, M., Kraus, A., Kubo, H., Kurtanidze, O., Lawrence, G.F., Lawson, A., Lin, Y.C., Lisenfield, U., Madejski, G., Makino, F., Marachi, L., Marscher, A.P., McHardy, I., Miller, H.R., Mukherjee, R., Nikolashvili, M., Nilsson, K., Ostorero, L., Pian, E., Puccio, M., Pursimo, T., raiter, C.M., Reich, W., Richter, G.M., Robson, E.I., Sadun, A., Savolainen, T., Sillanpää, A., Sobrito, G., Sreekumar, P., Stevens, J.A., Takalo, L.O., Teräsranta, H., Thompson, T.J., Tornikoski, M., Tosti, G., Ungerechts, H., Urry, C.M., Valtaoja, E., Villata, M., Wagner, S.J.,
    "Multiepoch Multiwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C 279"
    2001, ApJ 553, 683

  28. Hartman, R.C., Villata, M., Balonek, T.J., Bertsch, D.L., Bock, H., Böttcher, M., Collmar, C., De Francesco, G., Ferrara, E.C., Heidt, J., Kanbach, G., Katajainen, S., Kurtanidze, O., Lanteri, L., Lawson, A., lin, Y.C., Marscher, A.P., McFarland, J.C., McHardy, I.M., Miller, H.R., Nikolashvili, M., Nilsson, K., Nucciarelli, G., Ostorero, L., Pursimo, T., Raiteri, C.M., Rekola, R., Savolainen, T., Sillanpää:, A., Smale, A., Sobrito, G., Takalo, L.O., Thompson, D.J., Tosti, G., Wagner, S.J., Wilson, J.W.
    "Day-Scale variability of 3C 279 and possible correlations in Gamma-ray, X-ray and optical bands
    2001, ApJ 558, 583

  29. Holland S., Fynbo J.U., Hjorth J., et al.
    "The Host Galaxy and Optical Light Curve of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 980703"
    2001, A&A 371, 52

  30. Homer, L.; Charles, P. A.; Hakala, P.; Muhli, P.; Shih, I.-C.; Smale, A. P.; Ramsay, G.
    "On the multi-periodicities in the X-ray dipper XB1916-053"
    2001, MNRAS 322, 827

  31. Israelian, G., Rebolo, R., Garcia Lopez, R., Molaro, P., Bonifacio, P., Basri, G., Shchukina, N.
    "Oxygen in the Very Early Galaxy"
    2001, ApJ 551, 833

  32. Jaunsen, A. O., Hjorth, J., Bjvrnsson, G., Andersen, M. I., Pedersen, H., Kjernsmo, K., Korhonen, H., Sxrensen, P. M., Palazzi, E.
    "The Jet and Circumburst Stellar Wind of GRB 980519"
    2001, ApJ 546, 127

  33. B. L. Jensen, J. U. Fynbo, J. Gorosabel, J. Hjorth, S. Holland, P. Mxller, B. Thomsen, G. Bjornsson, H. Pedersen, I. Burud, A. Henden, N. R. Tanvir, C. J. Davis, P. Vreeswijk, E. Rol, K. Hurley, T. Cline, J. Trombka, T. McClanahan, R. Starr, J. Goldsten, A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Greiner, C. A. L. Bailer-Jones, M. Kuemmel, R. Mundt,
    "The afterglow of the short/intermediate-duration gamma-ray burst GRB 000301C: A jet at z=2.04"
    2001, A&A 370, 909

  34. Jerjen, H., Rekola, R., Takalo, L., Coleman, M., Valtonen, M.,
    "Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distances for nearby Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies"
    2001, A&A 380, 90

  35. Korhonen, H., Berdyugina, S.V., Strassmeier, K.G., Tuominen, I.,
    "The first close-up of the "flip-flop" phenomenon in a single star"
    2001, A&A 379, L30

  36. L.F. Miranda, M.A. Guerrero, J.M. Torrelles
    "Precessing collimated outflows in the planetary nebula IC 4846"
    2001, MNRAS 322, 195

  37. L.F. Miranda, J.M. Torrelles, M.A. Guerrero, R. Vázquez, Y. Gáomez
    "Morphological and kinematic signatures of a binary central star in the planetary nebula Hu\,2-1"
    2001, MNRAS 321, 487

  38. Montes, D., Lopez-Santiago, J., Fernandez-Figueroa M.J., Galvez, M.C.,
    "Chromospheric activity, lithium and radial velocities of single late-type stars members of young moving groups"
    2001, A&A 379, 976

  39. T. Morel, A. Efstathiou, S. Serjeant, I. M�rquez, J. Masegosa, P. H�raudeau, C. Surace, A. Verma, S. Oliver, M. Rowan-Robinson, I. Georgantopoulos, D. Farrah, D.M. Alexander, I. P�rez-Fournon, C.J. Willott, F. Cabrera-Guerra, E.A. Gonzalez-Solares, A. Cabrera-Lavers, J.I. Gonzalez-Serrano, P. Ciliegi, F. Pozzi, I. Matute, H. Flores
    The European Large Area ISO Survey - VI. Discovery of a new hyperluminous infrared galaxy

    2001, MNRAS 327, 1187

  40. Morgan, N. D.; Chartas, G.; Malm, M.; Bautz, M. W.; Burud, I.; Hjorth, J.; Jones, S. E.; Schechter, P. L.
    "Chandra X-Ray Observations of the Quadruply Lensed Quasar RX J0911.4+0551"
    2001, ApJ 555, 1

  41. Moriondo, G.; Baffa, C.; Casertano, S.; Chincarini, G.; Gavazzi, G.; Giovanardi, C.; Hunt, L. K.; Pierini, D.; Sperandio, M.; Trinchieri, G.
    "Near-infrared observations of galaxies in Pisces-Perseus. IV. Color maps of 41 cluster spirals"
    2001, A&A 370, 881

  42. Nasser, M. R.; Solheim, J.-E.; Semionoff, D. A.
    "NLTE accretion disc models for the AM Canum Venaticorum systems"
    2001, A&A 373, 222

  43. W. Nowotny, F. Kerschbaum, H. E. Schwarz and H. Olofsson
    "A census of AGB stars in Local Group galaxies, I. Photometry of a field in M 31"
    2001, A&A 367, 557

  44. A. Oscoz , D. Alcalde , M. Serra-Ricart , E. Mediavilla , C. Abajas , R. Barrena , J. Licandro , V. Motta , and J. A. Mu�oz
    Time Delay in QSO 0957+561 From 1984-1999 Optical Data

    2001, ApJ 552, 81

  45. Østensen, Silvotti, Heber, Solheim, Dreizler, Edelmann
    ``Four new subdwarf B pulsators'',
    2001, A&A 378, 466

  46. R. Østensen, J.-E. Solheim, U. Heber, R. Silvotti, S. Dreizler and H. Edelmann
    "Detection of pulsations in three subdwarf B stars"
    2001, A&A 368, 175

  47. Oudmaijer, R.D., Palacios, J., Eiroa, C., Davies, J.K., de Winter, D., Ferlet, R., Garzon, F., Grady, C.A., Cameron, A., Deeg, H.J., Harris, A.W., Horne, K., Merin, B., Miranda, L.F., Montesinos, B., Mora, A., Penny, A., Quirrenbach, A., Rauer, H., Schneider, J., Solano, E., Tsapras, Y., Wesselius, P.R.
    "EXPORT: Optical photometry and polarimetry of Vega-type and pre-main sequence stars"
    2001, A&A 379, 564

  48. Petrov, P. P.; Gahm, G. F.; Gameiro, J. F.; Duemmler, R.; Ilyin, I. V.; Laakkonen, T.; Lago, M. T. V. T.; Tuominen, I.
    "Non-axisymmetric accretion on the classical TTS RW Aur A"
    2001, A&A 369, 993

  49. Raiteri, C.M., Villata, M., Aller, H.D., Aller, M.F., Heidt, J., Kurtanidze, O., Lanteri, L., Maesano, M., Massaro, E., Montagni, F., Nesci, R., Nilsson, K., Nikolashvili, M., Nurmi, P., Ostorero, L., Pursimo, T., Rekola, R., Sillanpää, Takalo, L.O., Teräsranta, H., Tosti, G., Balonek, T., Feldt, M., Heines, A., Heisler, C., Hu, J., Kidger, M., Mattox, J.R., Pati, A., Robb, R., Sadun, A.C., Shastri, P., Wagner, S.J., Wei, J.
    Optical and radio variability of the BL Lac object AO 0235+164: a possible 5-6 year periodicity
    2001, A&A 377, 396

  50. M. Rodr�guez, R. L. M. Corradi, and A. Mampaso
    Evidence for binarity in the bipolar planetary nebulae A 79, He 2-428 and M 1-91

    2001, A&A 377, 1042

  51. Rögnvaldsson, Ö.E., Greve, T.R., Hjorth, J., Gudmundsson, E.H., Sigmundsson, V.S., Jakobsson, P., Jaunsen, A.O., Christensen, L.L., van Kampen, E., Taylor, A.N.,
    Depletion of background galaxies owing to the cluster lens CL0024+1654: U- and R-band observations
    2001, MNRAS 322, 131

  52. James E. Rhoads and Andrew S. Fruchter
    The Near-Infrared and Multiwavelength Afterglow of GRB 000301C

    2001, ApJ 546, 117

  53. A. Smette, A. S. Fruchter, T. R. Gull, K. C. Sahu, L. Petro, H. Ferguson, J. Rhoads, D. L. Lindler, R. Gibbons, D. W. Hogg, C. Kouveliotou, M. Livio, D. Macchetto, M. R. Metzger, H. Pedersen, E. Pian, S. E. Thorsett, R. Wijers, J. P. U. Fynbo, J. Gorosabel, J. Hjorth, B. L. Jensen, A. Levine, D. A. Smith, T. Cline, K. Hurley, J. Trombka
    "HST/STIS observations of GRB000301C: CCD imaging and NUV MAMA spectroscopy"
    2001, ApJ 556, 70

  54. V. V. Sokolov, T. A. Fatkhullin, A. J. Castro-Tirado, A. S. Fruchter, V. N. Komarova, E. R. Kasimova, S. N. Dodonov, V. L. Afanasiev, and A. V. Moiseev
    Host galaxies of gamma-ray bursts: Spectral energy distributions and internal extinction
    2001, A&A 372, 438

  55. G. Soucail, J.-P. Kneib, A. O. Jaunsen, 3, J. Hjorth, 4, 5, M. Hattori and T. Yamada
    "Spectroscopic confirmation of a cluster of galaxies at in the field of the gravitational lens MG 2016+112"
    2001, A&A 367, 741

  56. Tautvaisiene, G., Edvardsson B., Tuominen, I., Ilyin, I.,
    "Chemical composition of red horizontal branch stars in the thick disk of the Galaxy",
    2001, A&A 380, 578

  57. Tommasi, L., Palazzi, E., Pian, E., Piirola, V., Sillnapää, A., Takalo, L.O., Poretti, E., Scaltriti, F., Treves, A.,
    Multiband optical polarimetry of BL Lacerta objects with the Nordic Optical Telescope
    2001, A&A, 376, 51

  58. I. Trujillo, J. A. L. Aguerri, C. M. Guti�rrez and J. Cepa
    Quantitative morphology of the intermediate-redshift galaxy cluster Abell 2443 from ground-based imaging: evidence for a galaxy concentration index correlation with cluster density

    2001, AJ 122, 38

  59. Uslenghi, M.; Tommasi, L.; Treves, A.; Piirola, V.; Reig, P.
    "Discovery of circular polarization in the Intermediate Polar 1WGA J1958.2+3232"
    2001, A&A 372, L1

  60. Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Yun, M. S.; Williams, B. A.; Huchtmeier, W. K.; Del Olmo, A.; Perea, J.
    "Where is the neutral atomic gas in Hickson groups"
    2001, A&A 377, 812

  61. M. G. Watson, J.-L. Augu�res, J. Ballet, X. Barcons, D. Barret, et al.
    The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Survey. I. The role of XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre
    2001, A&A 365, L51

  62. Chris J. Willott , Steve Rawlings, Katherine M. Blundell
    Extremely red galaxy counterparts to 7C radio sources

    2001, MNRAS 324, 1

  63. Wold M., Lacy M., Lilje P.B., Serjeant S.
    "Radio-quiet quasar environments at 0.5 < z < 0.8"
    2001, MNRAS 323, 231

  64. L. Zampieri, S. Campana, R. Turolla, M. Chieregato, R. Falomo, D. Fugazza, A. Moretti, and A. Treves
    1RXS J214303.7+065419/RBS 1774: A new Isolated Neutron Star candidate

    2001, A&A 378, L5

  • Latorre A., Montes D., Fernandez-Figueroa M.J.,
    "Multiwavelength optical observations of the chromospherically active binary system OU Gem",
    2001, ASP Conf Proc. 223, 997

  • Montes D., Lachaume R., Fernandez-Figueroa M.J. "Chromospheric activity of the double-lined spectroscopic binary BF Lyn",
    2001, ASP Conf. Proc. 223, 1018

  • Õstlin, G.
    "Photometrical constraints on the age of IZw18A"
    2001, ApSSS 277, 345

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