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If you have, or know of, a publication not listed here and which should be please inform .

This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. T.R. Ayres, G.M. Harper, et al.
    The remarkable far-ultraviolet spectrum of FK Comae Berenices: King of Spin
    2006, ApJ 644, 464

  2. C. Balland, M. Mouchet, R. Pain, N.A. Walton, R. Amanullah, P. Astier, R. S. Ellis, S. Fabbro, A. Goobar, et al.
    Spectroscopy of twelve type Ia supernovae at intermediate redshift
    2006, A&A 445, 387

  3. D. Bettoni, M. Moles, P. Kj�rgaard, G. Fasano, and J. Varela
    The scaling relation of early-type galaxies in clusters
    2006, A&A 452, 811

  4. Buta R., Laurikainen E., Salo H., Block D.L., Knapen J.H.
    Fourier Dissection of Early-Type Galaxy Bars
    2006, AJ 132, 1859

  5. J.A. Caballero, E.L. Mart�n, M.R. Zapatero Osorio, V.J.S. Béjar, R. Rebolo, Ya. Pavlenko, and R. Wainscoat
    S Ori J053825.4024241: a classical T Tauri-like object at the substellar boundary
    2006, A&A 445, 143

  6. Campins H., Ziffer J., Licandro J. et al.
    Nuclear Spectra of Comet 162P/Siding Spring (2004 TU12)
    2006, AJ 132, 1346

  7. Dahle, H.
    The Cluster Mass Function from Weak Gravitational Lensing
    2006, ApJ 653, 954

  8. Djupvik, A.A., André, Ph., Bontemps, S., Motte, F., Olofsson, G., Gålfalk, M., Florén, H.-G.
    A multi-wavelength census of star formation activity in the young embedded cluster around Serpens/G3-G6
    2006, A&A 458, 789

  9. Duffard R., de Leon J., Licandro J., Lazzaro D., Serra-Ricart M.
    Basaltic asteroids in the Near-Earth Objects population: a mineralogical analysis
    2006, A&A 456, 775

  10. Fynbo, J. P. U., Starling, R., Ledoux, C., et al.
    Probing Cosmic Chemical Evolution with Gamma-Ray Bursts: GRB060206 at z=4.048
    2006, A&A 451, L47

  11. G.F. Gahm, P. Carlqvist, L.E.B. Johansson, S. Nikolic
    Rotating elephant trunks
    2006, A&A 454, 201

  12. J.F. Gameiro, D.F.M. Folha, and P.P. Petrov
    The veiling spectrum of DI Cephei and its relationship to emission line profiles
    2006, A&A 445, 323

  13. P. Gandhi, A. C. Fabian, C. S. Crawford
    4C +39.29 - extended emission around a powerful type 2 quasar
    2006, MNRAS 369, 1566

  14. Gonzalez Perez, J.M., J.-E. Solheim, R. Kamben
    A search for photometric variability of hydrogen-deficient planetary-nebula nuclei:
    2006, A&A 454, 527

  15. Gorlova, Lobel, et al.,
    On the CO near-infrared band and the line-splitting phenomenon in the yellow hypergiant rho Cassiopeiae
    2006, ApJ 651, 1130

  16. J. Gorosabel, A. J. Castro-Tirado, S. Guziy, A. de Ugarte Postigo et al.
    The short-duration GRB 050724 host galaxy in the context of the long-duration GRB hosts
    2006, A&A 450, 87

  17. J. Gorosabel, A. J. Castro-Tirado, et al.
    Revealing the jet structure of GRB 030329 with high-resolution multicolor photometry
    2006, ApJ 641, L13

  18. Gorosabel J., Larionov V., Castro-Tirado A. J., Guziy S., Larionova L., Del Olmo A., Martínez M. A., Cepa J., Cedrés B., de Ugarte Postigo A., Jelínek M., Bogdanov O., Llorente A.
    Detection of optical linear polarization in the SN 2006aj/XRF 060218 non-spherical expansion
    2006, A&A 459, L33
  19. Gruendl, Guerrero, et al.,
    XMM-Newton observations of the bipolar planetary nebulae NGC 2346 and NGC 7026
    2006, ApJ 653, 339

  20. G.J. Herczeg, J.L. Linsky, et al.
    The origins of fluorescent H2 emission from T Tauri stars
    2006, ApJS 165, 256

  21. Jakobsson, P., Levan, A., Fynbo, J. P. U., Priddey, R., Hjorth, J., Tanvir, N., Watson, D., Jensen, B. L., Sollerman, J., Natarajan, P., Gorosabel, J., Castro Cer�n, J. M., Pedersen, K., Pursimo, T., �rnad�ttir, A. S., Castro-Tirado, A. J., Davis, C. J., Deeg, H. J., Fiuza, D. A., Mykolaitis, S., Sousa, S. G.
    A mean redshift of 2.8 for Swift gamma-ray bursts
    2006, A&A 447, 897

  22. Jakobsson, P., Fynbo, J. P. U., Ledoux, C.P.
    HI column densities of z > 2 Swift gamma-ray bursts
    2006, A&A 460, L13

  23. Justtanont, K., Olofsson, G., Dijkstra, C., Meyer, A.W.
    Near-inrared observations of water-ice in OH/IR stars
    2006, A&A 450, 1051

  24. Keel, White, et al.
    The spiral host galaxy of the double radio source 03131921
    2006, AJ 132, 2233

  25. M. Kun, S. Nikolic, L.E.B. Johansson, Z. Balog, A. Gaspar
    Low-mass star formation in Lynds 1333
    2006, MNRAS 371, 732

  26. Laurikainen, Salo, Buta et al.
    Morphology of 15 southern early-type disk galaxies
    2006, AJ 132, 2634

  27. N. Law, C. Mackay, J. Baldwin
    Lucky Imaging: High Angular Resolution Imaging in the Visible from the Ground
    2006, A&A 446, 739

  28. Nicholas Law, Simon Hodgkin, Craig Mackay
    Discovery of five very low mass close binaries, resolved in the visible with Lucky Imaging
    2006, MNRAS 368, 1917

  29. Levan, A.J., Fruchter, A.S., Rhoads, J., et al.
    Infrared and Optical Observations of GRB 030115 and its Extremely Red Host Galaxy: Implications for Dark Bursts
    2006, ApJ 647, 471

  30. Levan, A.J.; Tanvir, N.R.; Fruchter, A.S., et al.
    The Faint Afterglow and Host Galaxy of the Short-Hard GRB 060121
    2006, ApJ 648, L9

  31. Lindfors, E.J., M. Turler, E. Valtaoja, H. Aller, M. Aller, D. Mazin, C. M. Raiteri, J. A. Stevens, M. Tornikoski, G. Tosti and M. Villata
    Synchrotron flaring in the jet of 3C279:
    2006, A&A 456, 895

  32. R. Lopez, R. Estalella, G. Gomez and A. Riera
    Optical imaging of L723: the structure of HH 223
    2006, A&A 454, 233

  33. Lopez-Sanchez, A.R., Esteban, C., Garcia-Rojas, J.
    Star formation and stellar populations in the Wolf-Rayet(?) luminous compact blue galaxy IRAS 08339+6517
    2006, A&A 449, 997

  34. Maiorano, E., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., et al.
    Physics of the GRB 030328 afterglow and its environment
    2006, A&A 455, 423

  35. C. Moss
    Enhanced mergers of galaxies in low-redshift clusters
    2006, MNRAS, 373, 167

  36. Muinonen K., Virtanen J., Granvik M., Laakso T.
    Asteroid orbits using phase-space volumes of variation
    2006, MNRAS 368, 809

  37. Nilsson, R., H. Uthas, M. Ytre-Eide, J-E. Solheim, B. Warner
    New pulsating white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables
    2006, MNRAS 370, L56

  38. D. Paraficz, J. Hjorth, I. Burud, et al.
    Microlensing variability in time-delay quasars
    2006, A&A 455, L1

  39. Pian, E., L. Foschini, V. Beckmann, S. Soldi, M. T�rler, N. Gehrels, G. Ghisellini, P. Giommi, L. Maraschi, T. Pursimo, C. M. Raiteri, G. Tagliaferri, M. Tornikoski, G. Tosti, A. Treves, M. Villata, P. Barr, T. J.-L. Courvoisier, G. Di Cocco, R. Hudec, L. Fuhrmann, G. Malaguti, M. Persic, F. Tavecchio and R. Walter
    INTEGRAL observations of the blazar 3C 454.3 in outburst
    2006, A&A 449, L21

  40. M. Pozzo, W. P. S. Meikle, J. T. Rayner, et al.
    Optical and infrared observations of the Type IIP SN 2002hh from days 3 to 397
    2006, MNRAS 368, 1169

  41. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Kadler, M., Ibrahimov, M. A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Larionov, V. M., Tornikoski, M., Boltwood, P., Lee, C.-U., Aller, M. F., Romero, G. E., Aller, H. D., Araudo, A. T., Arkharov, A. A., Bach, U., Barnaby, D., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C. S., Carini, M. T., Carosati, D., Cellone, S. A., Cool, R., Dolci, M., Efimova, N. V., Fuhrmann, L., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Holcomb, M., Ilyin, I., Impellizzeri, V., Ivanidze, R. Z., Kapanadze, B. Z., Kerp, J., Konstantinova, T. S., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Yu. A., Kraus, A., Krichbaum, T. P., L�hteenm�ki, A., Lanteri, L., Leto, P., Lindfors, E., Mattox, J. R., Napoleone, N., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Papadakis, I. E., Pasanen, M., Poteet, C., Pursimo, T., Ros, E., Sigua, L. A., Smith, S., Takalo, L. O., Trigilio, C., Tr�ller, M., Umana, G., Ungerechts, H., Walters, R., Witzel, A., Xilouris, E.
    Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis
    2006, A&A 459, 731

  42. G. Ramsay, R. Napiwotzki, P. Hakala, H. Lehto
    RApid Temporal Survey (RATS) II. Followup observations of four newly discovered short-period variables
    2006, MNRAS 371, 957

  43. Sbarufatti, B., R. Falomo, A. Treves, J. Kotilainen
    Optical spectroscopy of BL Lacertae objects. Broad lines, companion galaxies and redshift lower limits
    2006, A&A 457, 35

  44. E. Schinnerer et al.,
    Molecular Gas Dynamics in NGC 6946: A Bar-driven Nuclear Starburst "Caught in the Act"
    2006, ApJ 649, 181

  45. R.S. Schnerr, H.F. Henrichs, R.D. Oudmaijer, J.H. Telting
    On the Halpha emission from the beta Cephei system
    2006, A&A 459, L21

  46. J. Sollerman, A. O. Jaunsen, J. P. U. Fynbo, J. Hjorth, P. Jakobsson, M. Stritzinger, C. F�ron, P. Laursen, J.-E. Ovaldsen, J. Selj, C. C. Th�ne, D. Xu, T. Davis, J. Gorosabel, D. Watson, R. Duro, I. Ilyin, B. L. Jensen, N. Lysfjord, T. Marquart, T. B. Nielsen, J. N�r�nen, H. E. Schwarz, S. Walch, M. Wold, G. �stlin
    Supernova 2006aj and the associated X-Ray Flash 060218
    2006, A&A 454, 503

  47. Suárez O., García-Lario P., Manchado A., Manteiga M., Ulla A., Pottasch S. R.
    A spectroscopic atlas of post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae selected from the IRAS point source catalogue
    2006, A&A 458, 173
  48. A.M. Swinbank, R.G. Bower, et al.
    Galaxies under the cosmic microscope: resolved spectroscopy and new constraints on the z = 1 Tully-Fisher relation
    2006, MNRAS 368, 1631

  49. Taubenberger, S. et al.
    SN 2004aw: confirming diversity of Type Ic supernovae
    2006, MNRAS 371, 1459

  50. J. Telting, R. �stensen
    Time-resolved spectroscopy of the bright sdBV Balloon090100001
    2006, A&A 450, 1149

  51. J. Telting, C. Schrijvers, I. Ilyin, K. Uytterhoeven, et al.
    A high-resolution spectroscopy survey of beta Cephei pulsations in bright stars
    2006, A&A 452, 945

  52. A. Villar-Sbaffi, N. St-Louis, et al.
    An extreme case of a misaligned highly flattened wind in the Wolf-Rayet binary CX Cephei
    2006, ApJ 640, 995

  53. Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Balonek, T. J., Aller, M. F., Jorstad, S. G., Kurtanidze, O. M., Nicastro, F., Nilsson, K., Aller, H. D., Arai, A., Arkharov, A., Bach, U., Ben�tez, E., Berdyugin, A., Buemi, C. S., B�ttcher, M., Carosati, D., Casas, R., Caulet, A., Chen, W. P., Chiang, P.-S., Chou, Y., Ciprini, S., Coloma, J. M., di Rico, G., D�az, C., Efimova, N. V., Forsyth, C., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Gadway, B., Gupta, S., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Harvey, J., Heidt, J., Hernandez-Toledo, H., Hroch, F., Hu, C.-P., Hudec, R., Ibrahimov, M. A., Imada, A., Kamata, M., Kato, T., Katsuura, M., Konstantinova, T., Kopatskaya, E., Kotaka, D., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Yu. A., Krichbaum, T. P., Kubota, K., Kurosaki, M., Lanteri, L., Larionov, V. M., Larionova, L., Laurikainen, E., Lee, C.-U., Leto, P., L�hteenm�ki, A., L�pez-Cruz, O., Marilli, E., Marscher, A. P., McHardy, I. M., Mondal, S., Mullan, B., Napoleone, N., Nikolashvili, M. G., Ohlert, J. M., Postnikov, S., Pursimo, T., Ragni, M., Ros, J. A., Sadakane, K., Sadun, A. C., Savolainen, T., Sergeeva, E. A., Sigua, L. A., Sillanp��, A., Sixtova, L., Sumitomo, N., Takalo, L. O., Ter�sranta, H., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Volvach, A., Voss, B., Wortel, S.
    The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3
    2006, A&A 453, 817

  54. B. Voss, D. Koester, R. �stensen, S. O. Kepler, R. Napiwotzki, D. Homeier, and D. Reimers
    Discovery of seven ZZ Ceti stars using a new photometric selection method
    2006, A&A 450, 1061

  55. Vuckovic M., Kawaler S. D., O'Toole S., et al.
    Whole Earth Telescope Observations of the Pulsating Subdwarf B Star PG 0014+067
    2006, ApJ 646, 1230

  56. D. Watson, J.P.U. Fynbo, C. Ledoux, et al.
    A log N(HI) = 22.6 DLA in a dark gamma-ray burst: the environment of GRB050401
    2006, ApJ 652, 1011

  • O.L. Creevey, T.M. Brown, S. Jimenez-Reyes, J.A. Belmonte
    Interested in observing TrES-Her0-07621 ?
    2006, ASPC 349, 387

  • G.F. Gahm
    Enhanced activity in close T Tauri binaries
    Ap&SS 304, 149

  • de Leon J., Licandro J., Duffard R., Serra-Ricart M.
    Spectral analysis and mineralogical characterization of 11 olivine pyroxene rich NEA
    2006, Advances in Space Research, 37, 178

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