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If you have, or know of, a publication not listed here and which should be please inform .

This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. R. Amanullah R., Stanishev V., Goobar A., et al.
    Light curves of five type Ia supernovae at intermediate redshift
    2008, A&A 486, 375

  2. Anton S., I. W. A. Browne and M. J. March
    The colour of the narrow line Sy1-blazar 0324+3410
    2008, A&A 490, 583

  3. T. Arentoft, H. Kjeldsen, T.R. Bedding, et al.
    A Multisite Campaign to Measure Solar-like Oscillations in Procyon. I. Observations, Data Reduction, and Slow Variations
    2008, ApJ 687, 1180

  4. B. Ascaso, M. Moles, J. A. L. Aguerri, R. Sánchez-Janssen, J. Varela
    The bright galaxy population of five medium redshift clusters - I. Color-magnitude relation, blue fractions, and visual morphology
    2008, A&A 487, 453

  5. H. Atek, D. Kunth, M. and Hayes, G.
    On the detectability of Ly\alpha emission in star forming galaxies - The role of dust
    2008, A&A 488, 491

  6. Baldwin, J.E., P.J.Warner and C.D. Mackay
    The point spread function in Lucky Imaging and variations in seeing on short timescales
    2008, A&A 480, 589

  7. Bouy H., Huélamo N., Pinte C. et al.
    Structural and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case of 2MASS J04442713+2512164
    2008, A&A 486, 877

  8. Caballero J. A., Valdivielso L., Martín E. L., Montes D., Pascual S., Pérez-González P. G.
    Low-resolution spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions of selected sources towards σ Orionis
    2008, A&A 491, 515

  9. Covino, S., D'Avanzo, P, Klotz, S., et al.
    The complex light curve of the afterglow of GRB 071010A
    2008, MNRAS 388, 347-356

  10. Delorme P., Willott C.J., Forveille T., Delfosse X., Reylé C., Bertin E., Albert L., Artigau E., Robin A.C., Allard F., Doyon R., Hill G.J.
    Finding ultracool brown dwarfs with MegaCam on CFHT: method and first results
    2008, A&A 484, 469

  11. Dillon, M., B.T. Gänsicke, A. Aungwerojwit, P. Rodriguez-Gil, T.R. Marsh, S.C.C. Barros, P. Szkody, S. Brady, T. Krajci, A. Oksanen
    Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS. III. Time-series photometry obtained during the 2004/5 International Time Project on La Palma
    2008, MNRAS 386, 1568

  12. M. Dobrinčić, E. Villaver, M.A. Guerrero, and A. Manchado
    Kinematical Analysis of A Sample of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae
    2008, AJ 135, 2199

  13. A. Durbala, A. del Olmo, M. S. Yun, M. Rosado, J. W. Sulentic, H. Plana, A. Iovino, J. Perea, L. Verdes-Montenegro and I. Fuentes-Carrera
    Seyfert's Sextet: A Slowly Dissolving Stephan's Quintet?
    2008, AJ 135, 130

  14. P. Erwin, M. Pohlen and J. E. Beckman
    The Outer Disks of Early-Type Galaxies. I. Surface-Brightness Profiles of Barred Galaxies
    2008, AJ 135, 20

  15. Esquej P., Saxton R.D., Komossa S., et al.
    Evolution of tidal disruption candidates discovered by XMM-Newton
    2008, A&A 489, 543

  16. J. A. Frieman, B. Bassett, A. Becker, C. Choi, D. Cinabro, F. DeJongh, D. L. Depoy, B. Dilday, M. Doi, P. M. Garnavich, C. J. Hogan, J. Holtzman, M. Im, S. Jha, R. Kessler, K. Konishi, H. Lampeitl, J. Marriner, J. L. Marshall, D. McGinnis, G. Miknaitis, R. C. Nichol, J. L. Prieto, A. G. Riess, M. W. Richmond, R. Romani, M. Sako, D. P. Schneider, M. Smith, N. Takanashi, K. Tokita, K. van der Heyden, N. Yasuda, C. Zheng, J. Adelman-McCarthy, J. Annis, R. J. Assef, J. Barentine, R. Bender, R. D. Blandford, W. N. Boroski, M. Bremer, H. Brewington, C. A. Collins, A. Crotts, J. Dembicky, J. Eastman, A. Edge, E. Edmondson, E. Elson, M. E. Eyler, A. V. Filippenko, R. J. Foley, S. Frank, A. Goobar, T. Gueth, J. E. Gunn, M. Harvanek, U. Hopp, Y. Ihara, Z. Ivezi&occute, S. Kahn, J. Kaplan, S. Kent, W. Ketzeback, S. J. Kleinman, W. Kollatschny, R. G Kron, J. Krzesinski, D. Lamenti, G. Leloudas, H. Lin, D. C. Long, J. Lucey, R. H. Lupton, E. Malanushenko, V. Malanushenko, R. J. McMillan, J. Mendez, C. W. Morgan, T. Morokuma, A. Nitta, L. Ostman, K. Pan, C. M. Rockosi, A. K. Romer, P. Ruiz-Lapuente, G. Saurage, K. Schlesinger, S. A. Snedden, J. Sollerman, C. Stoughton, M. Stritzinger, M. SubbaRao, D. Tucker, P. Vaisanen, L. C. Watson, S. Watters, J. C. Wheeler, B. Yanny and D. York
    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Technical Summary
    2008, AJ 135, 338

  17. Freyhammer, L.M., Elkin, V.G. and Kurtz, D.W.
    On the spectroscopic nature of the cool evolved Am star HD151878
    2008, MNRAS 390, 257

  18. G. F. Gahm, F. M. Walter, H. C. Stempels, P. P. Petrov and G. J. Herczeg
    Unveiling extremely veiled T Tauri stars
    2008, A&A 482, L35

  19. M. Gålfalk and G. Olofsson
    A detailed study of the L1641N star formation region
    2008, A&A 489, 1409

  20. Grundahl F., Clausen J. V., Hardis S., Frandsen S.
    A new standard: age and distance for the open cluster NGC 6791 from the eclipsing binary member V20
    2008, A&A 492, 171

  21. Guerrero, M.A., Miranda, L.F., Riera, A., Velázquez, P.F., Olguín, L., Vázquez, R., Chu, Y.-H., Raga, A. and Benítez, G.
    Multiple and Precessing Collimated Outflows in the Planetary Nebula IC 4634
    2008, ApJ 683, 272

  22. Harutyunyan A.H., Pfahler P., Pastorello A., et al.
    ESC supernova spectroscopy of non-ESC targets
    2008, A&A 488, 383

  23. J.A. Holtzman, J. Marriner, R. Kessler, et al.
    The Sloan digital sky survey-II: photometry and supernova Ia light curves from the 2005 data
    2008, AJ 136, 2306

  24. S. P. Järvinen, H. Korhonen, S. V. Berdyugina, I. Ilyin, K. G. Strassmeier, M. Weber, I. Savanov, I. Tuominen
    Magnetic activity on V889 Herculis - Combining photometry and spectroscopy
    2008, A&A 488, 1047

  25. Jaunsen, A.O., E. Rol, D. J. Watson, D. Malesani, J. P. U. Fynbo, B. Milvang-Jensen, J. Hjorth, P. M. Vreeswijk, J.-E. Ovaldsen, K. Wiersema, N. R. Tanvir, J. Gorosabel, A. J. Levan, M. Schirmer, and A. J. Castro-Tirado
    GRB 070306: A Highly Extinguished Afterglow
    2008, ApJ 681, 453

  26. Kankare E., Mattila S., Ryder S.E., et al.
    Discovery of a Very Highly Extinguished Supernova in a Luminous Infrared Galaxy
    2008, ApJL 689, L97

  27. M. Kowalski, D. Rubin, G. Aldering, R. Agostinho, et al.
    Improved Cosmological Constraints from New, Old, and Combined Supernova Data Sets
    2008, ApJ 686, 749

  28. Larionov, V. M., Jorstad, S. G., Marscher, A. P., Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Agudo, I., Aller, M. F., Arkharov, A. A., Asfandiyarov, I. M., Bach, U., Bachev, R., Berdyugin, A., Böttcher, M., Buemi, C. S., Calcidese, P., Carosati, D., Charlot, P., Chen, W.-P., di Paola, A., Dolci, M., Dogru, S., Doroshenko, V. T., Efimov, Yu. S., Erdem, A., Frasca, A., Fuhrmann, L., Giommi, P., Glowienka, L., Gupta, A. C., Gurwell, M. A., Hagen-Thorn, V. A., Hsiao, W.-S., Ibrahimov, M. A., Jordan, B., Kamada, M., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kovalev, Y. Y., Kovalev, Y. A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Lähteenmäki, A., Lanteri, L., Larionova, L. V., Leto, P., Le Campion, P., Lee, C.-U., Lindfors, E., Marilli, E., McHardy, I., Mingaliev, M. G., Nazarov, S. V., Nieppola, E., Nilsson, K., Ohlert, J., Pasanen, M., Porter, D., Pursimo, T., Ros, J. A., Sadakane, K., Sadun, A. C., Sergeev, S. G., Smith, N., Strigachev, A., Sumitomo, N., Takalo, L. O., Tanaka, K., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Ungerechts, H., Volvach, A., Yuan, W.
    Results of WEBT, VLBA and RXTE monitoring of 3C 279 during 2006-2007
    2008, A&A 492, 389

  29. Law, N.M., S. T. Hodgkin and C. D. Mackay
    The LuckyCam survey for very low mass binaries - II. 13 new M4.5-M6.0 binaries
    2008, MNRAS 384, 150

  30. J. Licandro, A. Alvarez-Candal, J. de León, N. Pinilla-Alonso, D. Lazzaro, H. Campins
    Spectral properties of asteroids in cometary orbits
    2008, A&A 481, 861

  31. H. Lietzen, K. Nilsson, L. O. Takalo, P. Heinämäki, P. Nurmi, P. Keinänen, and S. Wagner
    Clustering environment of BL Lacertae object RGB 1745+398
    2008, A&A 482, 771

  32. R. Lopez, S.F. Sanchez, B. Garcia-Lorenzo, R. Estalella, A. Riera, G. Busquet
    The nature of HHL 73 from optical imaging and Integral Field Spectroscopy
    2008, MNRAS 384, 464

  33. Á. R. López-Sánchez, C. Esteban
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. I. Optical and NIR photometric results
    2008, A&A 491, 131

  34. Manthey E., Hüttemeister S., Aalto S., Horellou C., Bjerkeli P.
    Stars and gas in the Medusa merger
    2008, A&A 490, 975

  35. Martínez, M.A., del Olmo, A. Coziol, R. Focardi, P.
    Deficiency of Broad-Line AGNs in Compact Groups of Galaxies
    2008, ApJ 678, L9

  36. Mazzali P.A., Sauer D.N., Pastorello A., Benetti S. and Hillebrandt W.
    Abundance stratification in Type Ia supernovae - II. The rapidly declining, spectroscopically normal SN2004eo
    2008, MNRAS 386, 1897

  37. Melita M., Licandro J., Jones D., Williams I.P.
    Physical properties and orbital stability of the Trojan asteroids
    2008, Icarus 195, 686

  38. Michielsen D., Boselli A., Conselice C. J., et al.
    The relation between stellar populations, structure and environment for dwarf elliptical galaxies from the MAGPOP-ITP
    2008, MNRAS 385, 1374

  39. I. Negueruela, A. Marco
    Stellar tracers of the Cygnus Arm - II. A young open cluster in Camelopardalis OB3
    2008, A&A 492, 441

  40. K. Nilsson, T. Pursimo, A. Sillanpää, L. O. Takalo, and E. Lindfors
    Detection of the host galaxy of S5 0716+714
    2008, A&A 487, L29

  41. M. Patel, R. Oudmaijer, J. Vink, J. Bjorkman, et al.
    Spectropolarimetry of the massive post-red supergiants IRC +10420 and HD 179821
    2008, MNRAS 385, 967

  42. C. B. Pereira, L. F. Miranda, V. V. Smith, and K. Cunha
    High-resolution spectroscopic observations of the peculiar planetary nebula Me 1-1
    2008, A&A 477, 535

  43. G. Pignata, S. Benetti, P. Mazzali, R. Kotak, et al.
    Optical and infrared observations of SN 2002dj: some possible common properties of fast-expanding Type Ia supernovae
    2008, MNRAS 388, 971

  44. Piirola, V., Vornanen, T., Berdyugin, A., Coyne, G.V.
    V405 Aurigae: A High Magnetic Field Intermediate Polar
    2008, ApJ 684, 558

  45. Raiteri, C.M. Villata, V. M. Larionov, M. F. Aller, U. Bach, M. Gurwell, O. M. Kurtanidze, A. Lähteenmäki, K. Nilsson, A. Volvach, H. D. Aller, A. A. Arkharov, R. Bachev, A. Berdyugin, M. Böttcher, C. S. Buemi, P. Calcidese, E. Cozzi, A. Di Paola, M. Dolci, J. H. Fan, E. Forné, L. Foschini, A. C. Gupta, V. A. Hagen-Thorn, L. Hooks, T. Hovatta, M. Joshi, M. Kadler, G. N. Kimeridze, T. S. Konstantinova, A. Kostov, T. P. Krichbaum, L. Lanteri, L. V. Larionova, C.-U. Lee, P. Leto, E. Lindfors, F. Montagni, R. Nesci, E. Nieppola, M. G. Nikolashvili, J. Ohlert, A. Oksanen, E. Ovcharov, P. Päkkönen, M. Pasanen, T. Pursimo, J. A. Ros, E. Semkov, L. A. Sigua, R. L. Smart, A. Strigachev, L. O. Takalo, K. Torii, I. Torniainen, M. Tornikoski, C. Trigilio, H. Tsunemi, G. Umana, and A. Valcheva
    Radio-to-UV monitoring of AO 0235+164 by the WEBT and Swift during the 2006/2007 outburst
    2008, A&A 480, 339

  46. Raiteri C.M., Villata M., Chen, W.P., et al.
    The high activity of 3C 454.3 in autumn 2007 - Monitoring by the WEBT during the AGILE detection
    2008, A&A 485, L17

  47. Raiteri,C.M, M. Villata, V. M. Larionov, M. A. Gurwell, W. P. Chen, O. M. Kurtanidze, M. F. Aller, M. Böttcher, P. Calcidese, F. Hroch, A. Lähteenmäki, C.-U. Lee, K. Nilsson, J. Ohlert, I. E. Papadakis, I. Agudo, H. D. Aller, E. Angelakis, A. A. Arkharov, U. Bach, R. Bachev, A. Berdyugin, C. S. Buemi, D. Carosati, P. Charlot, E. Chatzopoulos, E. Forné, A. Frasca, L. Fuhrmann, J. L. Gómez, A. C. Gupta, V. A. Hagen-Thorn, W.-S. Hsiao, B. Jordan, S. G. Jorstad, T. S. Konstantinova, E. N. Kopatskaya, T. P. Krichbaum, L. Lanteri, L. V. Larionova, G. Latev, J.-F. Le Campion, P. Leto, H.-C. Lin, N. Marchili, E. Marilli, A. P. Marscher, B. McBreen, B. Mihov, R. Nesci, F. Nicastro, M. G. Nikolashvili, R. Novak, E. Ovcharov, E. Pian, D. Principe, T. Pursimo, B. Ragozzine, J. A. Ros, A. C. Sadun, R. Sagar, E. Semkov, R. L. Smart, N. Smith, A. Strigachev, L. O. Takalo, M. Tavani, M. Tornikoski, C. Trigilio, K. Uckert, G. Umana, A. Valcheva, S. Vercellone, A. Volvach4 and H. Wiesemeyer
    A new activity phase of the blazar 3C 454.3
    2008, A&A 491, 755

  48. G. Ramos-Larios, M. A. Guerrero and L. F. Miranda
    The Unusual Distributions of Ionized Material and Molecular Hydrogen in NGC 6881: Signposts of Multiple Events of Bipolar Ejection in a Planetary Nebula
    2008, AJ 135, 1441

  49. Rossi A., de Ugarte Postigo A., Ferrero P., et al.
    A photometric redshift of z = 1.8{+0.4}{-0.3} for the AGILE GRB 080514B
    2008, A&A 491, L29

  50. M. Sako, B. Bassett, A. Becker, D. Cinabro, F. DeJongh, D. L. Depoy, B. Dilday, M. Doi, J. A. Frieman, P. M. Garnavich, C. J. Hogan, J. Holtzman, S. Jha, R. Kessler, K. Konishi, H. Lampeitl, J. Marriner, G. Miknaitis, R. C. Nichol, J. L. Prieto, A. G. Riess, M. W. Richmond, R. Romani, D. P. Schneider, M. Smith, M. SubbaRao, N. Takanashi, K. Tokita, K. van der Heyden, N. Yasuda, C. Zheng, J. Barentine, H. Brewington, C. Choi, J. Dembicky, M. Harnavek, Y. Ihara, M. Im, W. Ketzeback, S. J. Kleinman, J. Krzesinski, D. C. Long, E. Malanushenko, V. Malanushenko, R. J. McMillan, T. Morokuma, A. Nitta, K. Pan, G. Saurage and S. A. Snedden
    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey: Search Algorithm and Follow-up Observations
    2008, AJ 135, 348

  51. J. Sanz-Forcada, A. K. Dupree
    Active cool stars and He I 10830 Å : the coronal connection
    2008, A&A 488, 715

  52. P. Sestito, F. Palla, S. Randich
    An assessment of Li abundances in weak-lined and classical T Tauri stars of the Taurus-Auriga association
    2008, A&A 487, 965

  53. Shahbaz T., Watson C.A., Zurita C., Villaver E., Hernandez-Peralta H.
    Time-Resolved Optical Photometry of the Ultracompact Binary 4U 0614+091
    2008, PASP 120, 848

  54. Yu. A. Shibanov, N. Lundqvist, P. Lundqvist, J. Sollerman, D. Zyuzin
    Optical identification of the 3C 58 pulsar wind nebula
    2008, A&A 486, 273

  55. Southworth J., Gänsicke B.T., Marsh T.R., Torres M.A.P., et al.
    Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS - V. VLT, NTT and Magellan observations of nine equatorial systems
    2008, MNRAS 391, 591

  56. Stempels, H.C., Hebb, L., Stassun, K.G., Holtzman, J., Dunstone, N., Glowienka, L. and Frandsen, S.
    The pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary ASAS J052821+0338.5
    2008, A&A 481, 747

  57. Telting J. H., Geier S., Østensen R. H., Heber U., Glowienka L., Nielsen T., Oreiro R., Frandsen S.
    Time-resolved high-resolution spectroscopy of the bright pulsating subdwarf B star Balloon 090100001
    2008, A&A 492, 815

  58. C. F. Thomas, C. Moss, P. A. James, S. M. Bennett, A. Aragón-Salamanca, M. Whittle
    Star-forming galaxies in low-redshift clusters: data and integrated galaxy properties
    2008, A&A 486, 755

  59. Thöne C.C., Wiersema K., Ledoux C., et al.
    The host of GRB 060206: kinematics of a distant galaxy
    2008, A&A 489, 37

  60. S. Valenti, N. Elias-Rosa, S. Taubenberger, V. Stanishev, et al.
    The carbon-rich type Ic SN 2007gr: The photospheric phase
    2008, ApJ 673, L155

  61. Valtonen M., Kari Nilsson, Jochen Heidt, Carolin Villforth, Leo Takalo, Aimo Sillanpää, Harry Lehto, Mark Kidger, Gary Poyner, Tapio Pursimo, Stanislaw Zola, Jianghua Wu, Kozo Sadakane, Marek Drozdz, Dorota Koziel, Dragomir Marchev, Waldemar Ogloza, Czeslaw Porowski, Michal Siwak, Grzegorz Stachowski, Maciej Winiarski, Veli-Pekka Hentunen, Markku Nissinen, Alexios Liakos, Sertac Serkan Dogru, Xu Zhou
    A test of a massive binary black hole system and of Einstein's General Relativity in the quasar OJ287
    2008, Nature 452, 851

  62. R. Wesson, M. J. Barlow, R. L. M. Corradi, et al.
    A Planetary Nebula around Nova V458 Vulpeculae Undergoing Flash Ionization
    2008, ApJ 688, L21

  63. Wiersema, K., van der Horst, A.J., Kann, D.A, et al.
    Spectroscopy and multiband photometry of the afterglow of intermediate duration γ-ray burst GRB 040924 and its host galaxy
    2008, A&A 481, 319

  64. Yun, J.L., Djupvik, A.A., Delgado, A.J. and Alfaro, E.J.
    A young double stellar cluster in an HII region, emerging from its parent molecular cloud
    2008, A&A 483, 209

  65. Y.-Y. Zhang, A. Finoguenov, H. Boehringer, J.-P. Kneib, G.P. Smith, R. Kneissl, N. Okabe and H. Dahle
    LoCuSS: Comparison of Observed X-ray and Lensing Galaxy Cluster Scaling Relations with Simulations
    2008, A&A 482, 451

  66. C. Zheng, R. W. Romani, M. Sako, J. Marriner, B. Bassett, A. Becker, C. Choi, D. Cinabro, F. DeJongh, D. L. Depoy, B. Dilday, M. Doi, J. A. Frieman, P. M. Garnavich, C. J. Hogan, J. Holtzman, M. Im, S. Jha, R. Kessler, K. Konishi, H. Lampeitl, J. L. Marshall, D. McGinnis, G. Miknaitis, R. C. Nichol, J. Luis Prieto, A. G. Riess, M. W. Richmond, D. P. Schneider, M. Smith, N. Takanashi, K. Tokita, K. van der Heyden, N. Yasuda, R. J. Assef, J. Barentine, R. Bender, R. D. Blandford, M. Bremer, H. Brewington, C. A. Collins, A. Crotts, J. Dembicky, J. Eastman, A. Edge, E. Elson, M. E. Eyler, A. V. Filippenko, R. J. Foley, S. Frank, A. Goobar, M. Harvanek, U. Hopp, Y. Ihara, S. Kahn, W. Ketzeback, S. J. Kleinman, W. Kollatschny, J. Krzesinski, G. Leloudas, D. C. Long, J. Lucey, E. Malanushenko, V. Malanushenko, R. J. McMillan, C. W. Morgan, T. Morokuma, A. Nitta, L. Ostman, K. Pan, A. K. Romer, G. Saurage, K. Schlesinger, S. A. Snedden, J. Sollerman, M. Stritzinger, L. C. Watson, S. Watters, J. C. Wheeler and D. York
    First-Year Spectroscopy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey
    2008, AJ 135, 1766

  67. A. Zurita and I. Pérez
    Where are the stars of the bar of NGC 1530 forming?
    2008, A&A 485, 5

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