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If you have, or know of, a publication not listed here and which should be please inform .

This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. Acciari, V. A., Aliu, E., Aune, T., Beilicke, M., Benbow, W., Böttcher, M., Boltuch, D., Buckley, J. H., Bradbury, S. M., Bugaev, V., Byrum, K., Cannon, A., Cesarini, A., Ciupik, L., Cogan, P., Cui, W., Dickherber, R., Duke, C., Falcone, A., Finley, J. P., Fortin, P., Fortson, L., Furniss, A., Galante, N., Gall, D., Gibbs, K., Gillanders, G. H., Grube, J., Guenette, R., Gyuk, G., Hanna, D., Holder, J., Hui, C. M., Humensky, T. B., Kaaret, P., Karlsson, N., Kertzman, M., Kieda, D., Konopelko, A., Krawczynski, H., Krennrich, F., Lang, M. J., Le Bohec, S., Maier, G., Mc Arthur, S., Mc Cann, A., Mc Cutcheon, M., Millis, J., Moriarty, P., Ong, R. A., Otte, A. N., Pandel, D., Perkins, J. S., Pichel, A., Pohl, M., Quinn, J., Ragan, K., Reyes, L. C., Reynolds, P. T., Roache, E., Rose, H. J., Sembroski, G. H., Smith, A. W., Steele, D., Theiling, M., Thibadeau, S., Varlotta, A., Vassiliev, V. V., Vincent, S., Wakely, S. P., Ward, J. E., Weekes, T. C., Weinstein, A., Weisgarber, T., Williams, D. A., Wissel, S., Wood, M., Pian, E., Vercellone, S., Donnarumma, I., D'Ammando, F., Bulgarelli, A., Chen, A. W., Giuliani, A., Longo, F., Pacciani, L., Pucella, G., Vittorini, V., Tavani, M., Argan, A., Barbiellini, G., Caraveo, P., Cattaneo, P. W., Cocco, V., Costa, E., Del Monte, E., De Paris, G., Di Cocco, G., Evangelista, Y., Feroci, M., Fiorini, M., Froysland, T., Frutti, M., Fuschino, F., Galli, M., Gianotti, F., Labanti, C., Lapshov, I., Lazzarotto, F., Lipari, P., Marisaldi, M., Mastropietro, M., Mereghetti, S., Morelli, E., Morselli, A., Pellizzoni, A., Perotti, F., Piano, G., Picozza, P., Pilia, M., Porrovecchio, G., Prest, M., Rapisarda, M., Rappoldi, A., Rubini, A., Sabatini, S., Soffitta, P., Trifoglio, M., Trois, A., Vallazza, E., Zambra, A., Zanello, D., Pittori, C., Santolamazza, P., Verrecchia, F., Giommi, P., Colafrancesco, S., Salotti, L., Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Aller, H. D., Aller, M. F., Arkharov, A. A., Efimova, N. V., Larionov, V. M., Leto, P., Ligustri, R., Lindfors, E., Pasanen, M., Kurtanidze, O. M., Tetradze, S. D., Lahteenmaki, A., Kotiranta, M., Cucchiara, A., Romano, P., Nesci, R., Pursimo, T., Heidt, J., Benitez, E., Hiriart, D., Nilsson, K., Berdyugin, A., Mujica, R., Dultzin, D., Lopez, J. M., Mommert, M., Sorcia, M., de la Calle Perez, I.
    Multiwavelength Observations of a TeV-Flare from W Comae
    2009, ApJ 707, 612

  2. I. Agnoletto, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, L. Zampieri, et al.
    SN 2006gy: Was it really extraordinary?
    2009, ApJ 691, 1348

  3. R. Amorín, J. A. L. Aguerri, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, L. M. Cairós
    The host in blue compact galaxies. - Structural properties and scaling relations
    2009, A&A 501, 75

  4. B. Ascaso, J. A.L. Aguerri, M. Moles, R. Sanchez-Janssen, D. Bettoni
    The bright galaxy population of five medium redshift clusters. II. Quantitative galaxy morphology
    2009, A&A 506, 1071

  5. Botticella, M. T., Pastorello, A., Smartt, S. J., Meikle, W. P. S., Benetti, S., Kotak, R., Cappellaro, E., Crockett, R. M., Mattila, S., Sereno, M., Patat, F., Tsvetkov, D., van Loon, J. Th., Abraham, D., Agnoletto, I., Arbour, R., Benn, C., di Rico, G., Elias-Rosa, N., Gorshanov, D. L., Harutyunyan, A., Hunter, D., Lorenzi, V., Keenan, F. P., Maguire, K., Mendez, J., Mobberley, M., Navasardyan, H., Ries, C., Stanishev, V., Taubenberger, S., Trundle, C., Turatto, M., Volkov, I. M.
    SN 2008S: an electron-capture SN from a super-AGB progenitor?
    2009, MNRAS 398, 1041

  6. O.W. Butters, S. Katajainen, A. J. Norton, H. J. Lehto, V. Piirola
    Circular polarization survey of intermediate polars I. Northern targets in the range 17h<R.A.<23h
    2009, A&A 496, 891

  7. Catelan M., Grundahl F., Sweigart A. V., Valcarce A. A. R., Cortés C.
    Constraints on Helium Enhancement in the Globular Cluster M3 (NGC 5272): The Horizontal Branch Test
    2009, ApJ 695, L97

  8. Bernabé Cedrés, Jorge Iglesias-Páramo, José Manuel Vílchez, Daniel Reverte, Vasiliki Petropoulou, Jonathan Hernández-Fernández
    Star-forming galaxies in the Hercules cluster: Hα imaging of A2151
    2009, AJ 138, 873

  9. Creevey O.L., Uytterhoeven K., Martín-Ruiz S., al.
    HD 172189: another step in furnishing one of the best laboratories known for asteroseismic studies
    2009, A&A 507, 901

  10. D.J. Christian , N. P. Gibson, E. K. Simpson, R. A. Street, I. Skillen, D. Pollacco, A. Collier Cameron, Y. C. Joshi, F. P. Keenan, H. C. Stempels, C. A. Haswell, K. Horne, D. R. Anderson, S. Bentley, F. Bouchy, W. I. Clarkson, B. Enoch, L. Hebb, G. H??rard, C. Hellier, J. Irwin, S. R. Kane, T. A. Lister, B. Loeillet, P. Maxted, M. Mayor, I. McDonald, C. Moutou, A. J. Norton, N. Parley, F. Pont, D. Queloz, R. Ryans, B. Smalley, A. M. S. Smith, I. Todd, S. Udry, R. G. West, P. J. Wheatley, D. M. Wilson
    WASP-10b: a 3MJ, gas-giant planet transiting a late-type K star
    2009, MNRAS 392, 1585

  11. Shlomo Dado, Arnon Dar, and A. De Rújula
    The Diverse Broadband Light Curves of Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts Reproduced with the Cannonball Model
    2009, ApJ 696, 994

  12. F. D'Antona, P. Stetson, P. Ventura, A. Milone, et al.
    The influence of the C+N+O abundances on the determination of the relative ages of globular clusters: the case of NGC1851 and NGC6121 (M4)
    2009, MNRAS 399, L151

  13. A. Del Moro, M. G. Watson, S. Mateos, M. Akiyama, Y. Hashimoto, N. Tamura, K. Ohta, F. J. Carrera, G. Stewart
    An extreme EXO: a type 2 QSO at z = 1.87
    2009, A&A 493, 445

  14. M. Desmet, M. Briquet, A. Thoul, et al.
    An asteroseismic study of the beta Cephei star 12 Lacertae: multisite spectroscopic observations, mode identification and seismic modelling
    2009, MNRAS 396, 1460

  15. M. Durant, P. Gandhi, T. Shahbaz, H. Peralta, V. Dhillon
    Multiwavelength spectral and high time resolution observations of SWIFT J1753.5-0127: new activity?
    2009, MNRAS 392, 309

  16. Chloé Féron, Jens Hjorth, John P. McKean, and Johan Samsing
    A Search for Disk-Galaxy Lenses in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    2009, ApJ 696, 1319

  17. P. Ferrero , S. Klose, D.A. Kann, et al.
    GRB 060605: multi-wavelength analysis of the first GRB observed using integral field spectroscopy
    2009, A&A 497, 729

  18. L. Fossati, T. Ryabchikova, S. Bagnulo, E. Alecian, J. Grunhut, O. Kochukhov, G. Wade
    The chemical abundance analysis of normal early A- and late B-type stars
    2009, A&A 503, 945

  19. Fynbo J.P.U., Jakobsson P., Prochaska J.X., Malesani D. et al.
    Low-resolution Spectroscopy of Gamma-ray Burst Optical Afterglows: Biases in the Swift Sample and Characterization of the Absorbers
    2009, ApJS 185, 526

  20. D. Goncalves, A. Mampaso, R. Corradi, C. Quireza
    Low-ionization pairs of knots in planetary nebulae: physical properties and excitation
    2009, MNRAS 398, 2166

  21. J. I. González Hernández, S. Iglesias-Groth, R. Rebolo, et al.
    The Chemical Composition of Cernis 52 (BD+31° 640)
    2009, ApJ 706, 866

  22. Guidorzi C., Clemens C., Kobayashi S. et al.
    Rise and fall of the X-ray flash 080330: an off-axis jet?
    2009, A&A 499, 439

  23. M. Haas, C. Leipski, R. Siebenmorgen
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon selected galaxies
    2009, A&A 507, 713

  24. P. Hakala, L. Hjalmarsdotter, D. Hannikainen, P. Muhli
    Light curve morphology study of UW CrB - evidence for a 5 d superorbital period
    2009, MNRAS 394, 892

  25. K. F. Huber, U. Wolter, S. Czesla, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, M. Esposito, I. Ilyin, J. N. González-Pérez
    Long-term stability of spotted regions and the activity-induced Rossiter-McLaughlin effect on V889 Herculis - A synergy of photometry, radial velocity measurements, and Doppler imaging
    2009, A&A 501, 715

  26. Hunter, D.J., Valenti, S., Kotak, R., Meikle, P., Taubenberger, S., Pastorello, A., Benetti, S., Stanishev, V., Smartt, S.J., Trundle, C., Arkharov, A.A., Bufano, M., Cappellaro, E., Di Carlo, E., Dolci, M., Elias-Rosa, N., Frandsen, S., Fynbo, J.U., Hopp, U., Larionov, V.M., Laursen, P., Mazzali, P., Navasardyan, H., Ries, Ch., Riffeser, A., Rizzi, L., Tsvetkov, D.Y., Turatto, M., Wilke, S.
    Extensive optical and near-infrared observations of the nearby, narrow-lined type Ic SN 2007gr: days 5 to 415
    2009, A&A 508, 371

  27. Joshi, Y.C., D. Pollacco, A. Collier Cameron, I. Skillen, E. Simpson, I. Steele, R. A. Street, H. C. Stempels, D. J. Christian, L. Hebb, F. Bouchy, N. P. Gibson, G. H??rard, F. P. Keenan, B. Loeillet, J. Meaburn, C. Moutou, B. Smalley, I. Todd, R. G. West, D. R. Anderson, S. Bentley, B. Enoch, C. A. Haswell, C. Hellier, K. Horne, J. Irwin, T. A. Lister, I. McDonald, P. Maxted, M. Mayor, A. J. Norton, N. Parley, C. Perrier, F. Pont, D. Queloz, R. Ryans, A. M. S. Smith, S. Udry, P. J. Wheatley, D. M. Wilson
    WASP-14b: 7.3 MJ transiting planet in an eccentric orbit
    2009, MNRAS 392, 1532

  28. Kalirai J.S., Zucker D.B., Guhathakurta P. et al.
    The SPLASH Survey: A Spectroscopic Analysis of the Metal-Poor, Low-Luminosity M31 dSph Satellite Andromeda X
    2009, ApJ 705, 1043

  29. O. Karlsson, C.-I. Lagerkvist, B. Davidsson
    (U)BVRI photometry of Trojan L5 asteroids
    2009, Icarus 199, 106

  30. S. Lipari, S. F. Sanchez, M. Bergmann, R. Terlevich, B. Garcia-Lorenzo, B. Punsly, E. Mediavilla, Y. Taniguchi, M. Ajiki, W. Zheng, J. Acosta, K. Jahnke
    GEMINI 3D spectroscopy of BAL + IR + FeII QSOs - I. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in Mrk 231
    2009, MNRAS 392, 1295

  31. M. L. Lister, M. H. Cohen, D. C. Homan, et al.
    MOJAVE: Monitoring of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei with VLBA Experiments. VI. Kinematics Analysis of a Complete Sample of Blazar Jets
    2009, AJ 138, 1874

  32. R. López, R. Estalella, G. Gomez, A. Riera, C. Carrasco-Gonzalez
    The nature of HH 223 from long-slit spectroscopy
    2009, A&A 498, 761

  33. A. R. López-Sánchez, C. Esteban
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies - II. Optical spectroscopy results
    2009, A&A 508, 615

  34. G. Lombardi, V. Zitelli and S. Ortolani
    The astroclimatological comparison of the Paranal Observatory and El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory
    2009, MNRAS 399, 783

  35. D. Malesani, J. P. U. Fynbo, J. Hjorth,  et al.,
    Early spectroscopic identification of SN 2008D
    2009, ApJL 692, L84 

  36. J. Manfroid, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, A. Cochran, J.-M. Zucconi, C. Arpigny, R. Schulz, J. A. Stüwe, I. Ilyin
    The CN isotopic ratios in comets
    2009, A&A 503, 613

  37. Søren Meibom, Frank Grundahl, Jens Viggo Clausen, Robert D. Mathieu, Søren Frandsen, Andrzej Pigulski, Artur Narwid, Marek Steslicki, Karolien Lefever
    Age and Distance for the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 from the Eclipsing Binary Member V 12
    2009, AJ 137, 5086

  38. L. F. Miranda, C. B. Pereira, and M. A. Guerrero
    Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Planetary Nebula Nature of PM 1-242, PM 1-318, and PM 1-333 and Morphological Analysis of the Nebulae
    2009, AJ 137, 4140

  39. Mookerjea B., Sandell, G.
    Star Formation in the Cometary Globule Ori I-2
    2009, ApJ 706, 896

  40. Mosquera,A.M, J. A. Muñoz and E. Mediavilla
    Detection of chromatic microlensing in Q 2237 + 0305 A
    2009, ApJ 691, 1292

  41. Nilsson, K., T. Pursimo, C. Villforth, E. Lindfors, L. O. Takalo
    The Host Galaxy of 3C 279
    2009, A&A 505, 601

  42. M. Manteiga, I. Carricajo, A. Rodríguez, C. Dafonte, B. Arcay
    STARMIND: a fuzzy logic knowledge-based system for the automated classification of stars in the MK system
    2009, AJ 137, 3245

  43. Masamune Oguri, Joseph F. Hennawi, Michael D. Gladders, Håkon Dahle, et al.
    Subaru Weak Lensing Measurements of Four Strong Lensing Clusters: Are Lensing Clusters Overconcentrated?
    2009, ApJ 699, 1038

  44. Meschin P., Gallart C., Aparicio A., Cassisi S., Rosenberg A.
    Cepheid Variable Stars in the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy: Constraints on the Star Formation History
    2009, AJ 137, 3619

  45. Oreiro R., Østensen R.H., Green E.M., Geier S.
    2M0415+0154: a new bright, short-period subdwarf B pulsator
    2009, A&A 496, 827

  46. Page K. L., Willingale R., Bissaldi E., Postigo A. De Ugarte, Holland S. T., McBreen S., O'Brien P. T., Osborne J. P., Prochaska J. X., Rol E., Rykoff E. S., Starling R. L. C., Tanvir N. R., van der Horst A. J., Wiersema K., Zhang B., Aceituno F. J., Akerlof C., Beardmore A. P., Briggs M. S., Burrows D. N., Castro-Tirado A. J., Connaughton V., Evans P. A., Fynbo J. P. U., Gehrels N., Guidorzi C., Howard A. W., Kennea J. A., Kouveliotou C., Pagani C., Preece R., Perley D., Steele I. A., Yuan F.
    Multiwavelength observations of the energetic GRB 080810: detailed mapping of the broad-band spectral evolution
    2009, MNRAS 400, 134

  47. E. Pallé, M.R. Zapatero Osorio, R. Barrena, P. Montañés-Rodríguez, E. L. Martín
    Earth's transmission spectrum from lunar eclipse observations
    2009, Nature 459, 814-816

  48. D. Paraficz, J. Hjorth, Á. Elíasdóttir
    Results of optical monitoring of 5 SDSS double QSOs with the Nordic Optical Telescope
    2009, A&A 499, 395

  49. K. Pavlovski, E. Tamajo, P. Koubsky, J. Southworth
    Chemical evolution of high-mass stars in close binaries - II. The evolved component of the eclipsing binary V380 Cygni
    2009, MNRAS 400, 791

  50. Pyrzas S., Gänsicke B.T., Marsh T.R. et al.
    Post-common-envelope binaries from SDSS - V. Four eclipsing white dwarf main-sequence binaries
    2009, MNRAS 394, 978

  51. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Capetti, A., Aller, M. F., Bach, U., Calcidese, P., Gurwell, M. A., Larionov, V. M., Ohlert, J., Nilsson, K., Strigachev, A., Agudo, I., Aller, H. D., Bachev, R., Benítez, E., Berdyugin, A., Böttcher, M., Buemi, C. S., Buttiglione, S., Carosati, D., Charlot, P., Chen, W. P., Dultzin, D., Forné, E., Fuhrmann, L., Gómez, J. L., Gupta, A. C., Heidt, J., Hiriart, D., Hsiao, W.-S., Jelínek, M., Jorstad, S. G., Kimeridze, G. N., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kostov, A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Lähteenmäki, A., Lanteri, L., Larionova, L. V., Leto, P., Latev, G., Le Campion, J.-F., Lee, C.-U., Ligustri, R., Lindfors, E., Marscher, A. P., Mihov, B., Nikolashvili, M. G., Nikolov, Y., Ovcharov, E., Principe, D., Pursimo, T., Ragozzine, B., Robb, R. M., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Sagar, R., Semkov, E., Sigua, L. A., Smart, R. L., Sorcia, M., Takalo, L. O., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Uckert, K., Umana, G., Valcheva, A., Volvach, A.
    WEBT multiwavelength monitoring and XMM-Newton observations of BL Lacertae in 2007-2008. Unveiling different emission components
    2009, A&A 507, 769

  52. G. Ramsay, S. Rosen, P. Hakala, T. Barclay
    2XMMi J225036.9+573154 - a new eclipsing AM Her binary discovered using XMM-Newton
    2009, MNRAS 395, 416

  53. Gavin Ramsay, Pasi Hakala, Thomas Barclay, Peter Wheatley, George Marshall, Harry Lehto, Ralf Napiwotzki, Gijs Nelemans, Stephen Potter, Ian Todd
    RAT J1953+1859: a dwarf nova discovered through high amplitude QPOs in quiescence
    2009, MNRAS 398, 1333

  54. Reed M. D., Eggen J. R., Harms S. L., Telting J. H., Østensen R. H., O'Toole S. J., Terndrup D. M., Zhou A.-Y., Kienenberger R. L., Heber U.
    Time-series spectroscopy and photometry of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 1219+534 (KY UMa)
    2009, A&A 493, 175

  55. M. Carmen Sánchez Gil, Emilio J. Alfaro, and Enrique Pérez
    Kinematical and Physical Properties of a 700 pc Large Bubble in NGC 6946
    2009, ApJ 702, 141

  56. A. Sandberg, J. Sollerman
    Optical and infrared observations of the Crab Pulsar and its nearby knot
    2009, A&A 504, 525

  57. J. Sanz-Forcada, L. Affer, G. Micela
    No first ionization potential fractionation in the active stars AR Piscium and AY Ceti
    2009, A&A 505, 299

  58. I. Skillen et al.
    The 0.5 MJ transiting exoplanet WASP-13b
    2009, A&A 502, 391

  59. Słowikowska A., Kanbach G., Kramer M., Stefanescu A.
    Optical polarization of the Crab pulsar: precision measurements and comparison to the radio emission
    2009, MNRAS 397, 103

  60. Southworth, J., R. D. G. Hickman, T. R. Marsh, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, B. T. Gansicke, C. M. Copperwheat, P. Rodriguez-Gil
    Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS. VI. The 4.5-hr period eclipsing system SDSS J100658.40+233724.4
    2009, A&A 507, 929

  61. Starling R. L. C., Rol E., van der Horst A. J., Yoon S.-C., Pal'Shin V., Ledoux C., Page K. L., Fynbo J. P. U., Wiersema K., Tanvir N. R., Jakobsson P., Guidorzi C., Curran P. A., Levan A. J., O'Brien P. T., Osborne J. P., Svinkin D., de Ugarte Postigo A., Oosting T., Howarth I. D.
    Constraining the energy budget of GRB080721
    2009, MNRAS 400, 90

  62. Stratta G., Pozanenko A., Atteia J.-L., Klotz A., Basa S., Gendre B., Verrecchia F., Boër M., Cutini S., Henze M., Holland S., Ibrahimov M., Ienna F., Khamitov I., Klose S., Rumyantsev V., Biryukov V., Sharapov D., Vachier F., Arnouts S., Perley D. A.
    A multiwavelength study of Swift GRB 060111B constraining the origin of its prompt optical emission
    2009, A&A 503, 783

  63. S. Taubenberger, S. Valenti, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, et al.
    Nebular emission-line profiles of Type Ib/c supernovae - probing the ejecta asphericity
    2009, MNRAS 397, 677

  64. Thoene C., Michałowski J., Leloudas G., et al.
    NGC 2770: A Supernova Ib Factory
    2009, ApJ 698, 1307

  65. P. Treuthardt, H. Salo and R. Buta
    Dynamical simulations of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245
    2009, AJ 137, 19

  66. C. Trundle et al.
    Possible evidence of asymmetry in SN 2007rt, a type IIn supernova
    2009, A&A 504, 945

  67. Tziamtzis, A., M. Schirmer, P. Lundqvist, J. Sollerman
    Observational and theoretical constraints for an H$\alpha$-halo around the Crab Nebula
    2009, A&A 497, 167

  68. A. Tziamtzis, P. Lundqvist, and A. A. Djupvik
    The Crab pulsar and its pulsar-wind nebula in the optical and infrared
    2009, A&A 508, 221

  69. Tanya Urrutia, Robert H. Becker, Richard L. White, Eilat Glikman, Mark Lacy, Jacqueline Hodge, and Michael D. Gregg
    The FIRST-2MASS Red Quasar Survey. II. An Anomalously High Fraction of LoBALs in Searches for Dust-Reddened Quasars
    2009, ApJ 698, 1095

  70. L. Valdivielso, E. L. Martín, H. Bouy, E. Solano, J. E. Drew, R. Greimel, R. Gutiérrez, Y. C. Unruh, J. S. Vink
    An IPHAS-based search for accreting very low-mass objects using VO tools
    2009, A&A 497, 973

  71. M.J. Valtonen, K. Nilsson, C. Villforth, H. J. Lehto, L. O. Takalo, E. Lindfors, A. Sillanpaa, V.-P. Hentunen, S. Mikkola, S. Zola, M. Drozdz, D. Koziel, W. Ogloza, M. Kurpinska-Winiarska, M. Siwak, M. Winiarski, J. Heidt, M. Kidger, T. Pursimo, J.-H. Wu, X. Zhou, K. Sadakane, D. Marchev, M. Nissinen, P. Niarchos, A. Liakos, K. Gazeas, S. Dogru, G. Poyner, M. Dietrich, R. Assef, D. Atlee, J. Bird, D. DePoy, J. Eastman, M. Peeples, J. Prieto, L. Watson, J. Yee, A. Mattingly, and J. Ohlert
    Tidally Induced Outbursts in OJ 287 during 2005-2008
    2009, ApJ 698, 781

  72. K. Viironen et al.
    New young planetary nebulae in IPHAS
    2009, A&A 502, 113

  73. K. Viironen et al.
    Candidate planetary nebulae in the IPHAS photometric catalogue
    2009, A&A 504, 291

  74. Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Larionov, V. M., Nikolashvili, M. G., Aller, M. F., Bach, U., Carosati, D., Hroch, F., Ibrahimov, M. A., Jorstad, S. G., Kovalev, Y. Y., Lähteenmäki, A., Nilsson, K., Teräsranta, H., Tosti, G., Aller, H. D., Arkharov, A. A., Berdyugin, A., Boltwood, P., Buemi, C. S., Casas, R., Charlot, P., Coloma, J. M., di Paola, A., di Rico, G., Kimeridze, G. N., Konstantinova, T. S., Kopatskaya, E. N., Kovalev, Yu. A., Kurtanidze, O. M., Lanteri, L., Larionova, E. G., Larionova, L. V., Le Campion, J.-F., Leto, P., Lindfors, E., Marscher, A. P., Marshall, K., McFarland, J. P., McHardy, I. M., Miller, H. R., Nucciarelli, G., Osterman, M. P., Pasanen, M., Pursimo, T., Ros, J. A., Sadun, A. C., Sigua, L. A., Sixtova, L., Takalo, L. O., Tornikoski, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Xie, G. Z., Zhang, X., Zhou, S. B.
    The correlated optical and radio variability of BL Lacertae - WEBT data analysis 1994-2005
    2009, A&A 501, 455

  75. C. Villforth, K. Nilsson, R. Østensen, J. Heidt, S.-M. Niemi, J. Pforr
    Intranight polarization variability in radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN
    2009, MNRAS 397, 1893

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