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If you have, or know of, a publication not listed here and which should be please inform .

This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. Barzdis A.
    High-resolution spectroscopy of two metal-poor red giants: HD 232078 and HD 218732
    2010, MNRAS 408, 1452

  2. M. Botticella, C. Trundle, A. Pastorello, S. Rodney, et al.
    Supernova 2009kf: an ultraviolet bright type IIP supernova discovered with Pan-STARRS 1 and GALEX
    2010, ApJ 717, L52

  3. Bouchy F., Hebb L., Skillen I., Collier Cameron A., et al.
    WASP-21b: a hot-Saturn exoplanet transiting a thick disc star
    2010, A&A 519, A98

  4. Bretherton C.F., James P.A., Moss C., Whittle M.
    Star-forming galaxies in low-redshift clusters: comparison of integrated properties of cluster and field galaxies
    2010, A&A 524, A24

  5. Bruntt H., Bedding T., Quirion P.-O., Lo Curto G., et al.
    Accurate fundamental parameters for 23 bright solar-type stars
    2010, MNRAS 405, 1907

  6. Buchhave L.A., Bakos G., Hartman J.D., et al.
    HAT-P-16b: A 4 M_J Planet Transiting a Bright Star on an Eccentric Orbit
    2010, ApJ 720, 1118

  7. Buta R., Laurikainen E., Salo H., Knapen J.
    Decreased Frequency of Strong Bars in S0 Galaxies: Evidence for Secular Evolution?
    2010, ApJ 721, 259

  8. V. Casasola, L. Hunt, F. Combes, et al.
    Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) XIII. The interacting Seyfert 2/LINER galaxy NGC 5953
    2010, A&A 510, A52

  9. W. Chaplin, T. Appourchaux, Y. Elsworth, R. García, et al.
    The asteroseismic potential of Kepler: first results for solar-type stars
    2010, ApJ 713, L169

  10. Clausen J. V., Frandsen S., Bruntt H., et al.
    Absolute dimensions of eclipsing binaries. XXVIII. BK Pegasi and other F-type binaries: Prospects for calibration of convective core overshoot
    2010, A&A 516, A42

  11. D. Coe, N. Benítez, T. Broadhurst, and L. Moustakas
    A high-resolution mass map of galaxy cluster substructure: LensPerfect analysis of A1689
    2010, ApJ 723, 1678

  12. A. Collier Cameron, E. Guenther, B. Smalley, I. McDonald et al.
    Line-profile tomography of exoplanet transits -- II. A gas-giant planet transiting a rapidly-rotating A5 star
    2010, MNRAS 407, 507

  13. M. Contreras, R. Vázquez, L. Miranda, L. Olguín, et al.
    Observational study of the multistructured planetary nebula NGC 7354
    2010, AJ 139, 1426

  14. Corradi R.L.M., Valentini M., Munari U., Drew J.E., et al.
    IPHAS and the symbiotic stars . II. New discoveries and a sample of the most common mimics
    2010, A&A 509, A41

  15. Corradi, R. L. M., Munari, U., Greimel, R., Rubio-Díez, M. M., Santander-García, M., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Drew, J. E., Leisy, P., Liimets, T., Sale, S. E.
    The ongoing outburst of the new symbiotic star IPHASJ190832.31+051226.6
    2010, A&A 509, L9

  16. Covino S., Campana S., Conciatore M. L., D'Elia V. et al.
    Challenging gamma-ray burst models through the broadband dataset of GRB 060908
    2010, A&A 521, A53

  17. C. D'Andrea, M. Sako, B. Dilday, J. Frieman, et al.
    Type II-P supernovae from the SDSS-II supernova survey and the standardized candle method
    2010, ApJ 708, 661

  18. Decarli, R., Dotti, M., Montuori, C., Liimets, T., Ederoclite, A.
    The peculiar optical spectrum of 4C+22.25: Imprint of a massive black hole binary?
    2010, ApJ 720, L93

  19. R. Decarli, R. Falomo, A. Treves, J. Kotilainen, et al.
    The quasar ( M_BH - M_host ) relation through cosmic time - I. Data set and black hole masses
    2010, MNRAS 402, 2441

  20. A.J. Delgado, A.A. Djupvik, and E.J. Alfaro
    Analysis of the stellar population in the central area of the HII region Sh 2-284
    2010, A&A 509, A104

  21. B. Dilday, B. Bassett, A. Becker, R. Bender, et al.
    A measurement of the rate of type Ia supernovae in galaxy clusters from the SDSS-II supernova survey
    2010, ApJ 715, 1021

  22. B. Dilday, M. Smith, B. Bassett, A. Becker, et al.
    Measurements of the rate of type Ia supernovae at redshift ≤0.3 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II supernova survey
    2010, ApJ 713, 1026

  23. E. Dunham, W. Borucki, D. Koch, N. Batalha, et al.
    Kepler-6b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter Orbiting a Metal-rich Star

  24. M. Fraser, K. Takáts, A. Pastorello, S. Smartt, et al.
    On the progenitor and early evolution of the type II supernova 2009kr
    2010, ApJ 714, L280

  25. A. García-Gil, C. Muñoz-Tuñón, A. Varela
    Atmosphere Extinction at the ORM on La Palma: A 20 yr Statistical Database Gathered at the Carlsberg Meridian Telescope
    2010, PASP 122, 1109

  26. Gendre B., Klotz A., Palazzi E., et al.
    Testing gamma-ray burst models with the afterglow of GRB 090102
    2010, MNRAS 405, 2372

  27. S. Gezari, A. Rest, M. Huber, G. Narayan, K. Forster, et al.
    GALEX and Pan-STARRS1 Discovery of SN IIP 2010aq: The First Few Days After Shock Breakout in a Red Supergiant Star

  28. Gorosabel J., de Ugarte Postigo A., Castro-Tirado A. et al.
    Simultaneous polarization monitoring of supernovae SN 2008D/XT 080109 and SN 2007uy: isolating geometry from dust
    2010, A&A 522, A14

  29. C. Grillo, T. Eichner, S. Seitz, R. Bender, M. Lombardi, R. Gobat, A. Bauer
    Golden gravitational lensing systems from the Sloan Lens ACS Survey. I. SDSS J1538+5817: one lens for two sources
    2010, ApJ 710, 372

  30. B. Hayden, P. Garnavich, R. Kessler, J. Frieman, et al.
    The rise and fall of type Ia supernova light curves in the SDSS-II supernova survey
    2010, ApJ 712, 350

  31. B. Hayden, P. Garnavich, D. Kasen, B. Dilday, et al.
    Single or double degenerate progenitors? Searching for shock emission in the SDSS-II type Ia supernovae
    2010, ApJ 722, 1691

  32. Holland S.T., Sbarufatti B., Shen R.F., Schady P. et al.
    GRB 090417B and its Host Galaxy: A Step Toward an Understanding of Optically Dark Gamma-ray Bursts
    2010, ApJ 717, 223

  33. Hrudková, M., Skillen I., Benn C.R., Gibson N.P., Pollacco D., Nesvorný D., Augusteijn T., Tulloch S.M., Joshi Y.C.
    Tight constraints on the existence of additional planets around HD 189733
    2010, MNRAS 403, 2111

  34. Hubrig S., Ilyin I., Schöller M
    Measurements of mean longitudinal magnetic fields in the Of?p stars HD 108 and HD 191612
    2010, AN 331, 781

  35. Hubrig S., Savanov I., Ilyin I., González J. F., et al.
    The magnetic field and the evolution of element spots on the surface of the HgMn eclipsing binary AR Aur
    2010, MNRAS 408, L61

  36. J. Irwin, L. Buchhave, Z. Berta, D. Charbonneau, et al.
    NLTT 41135: A field M dwarf + brown dwarf eclipsing binary in a triple system, discovered by the MEarth observatory
    2010, ApJ 718, 1353

  37. S. Järvinen, S. Berdyugina
    Imaging of stellar surfaces with the Occamian approach and the least-squares deconvolution technique
    2010, A&A 521, A86

  38. Joshi S., Ryabchikova T., Kochukhov O. et al.
    Time-resolved photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the luminous Ap star HD103498
    2010, MNRAS 401, 1299

  39. Kann D., Klose S., Zhang B., et al.
    The Afterglows of Swift-era Gamma-ray Bursts. I. Comparing pre-Swift and Swift-era Long/Soft (Type II) GRB Optical Afterglows
    2010, ApJ 720, 1513

  40. D. Kocevski, C. Thöne, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, J. Bloom, et al.
    Limits on radioactive powered emission associated with a short-hard GRB 070724A in a star-forming galaxy
    2010, MNRAS 404, 963

  41. D. Koch, W. Borucki, J. Rowe, N. Batalha, et al.
    Discovery of the Transiting Planet Kepler-5b
    2010, ApJ 713, L131

  42. B. Koester, M. Gladders, J. Hennawi, K. Sharon, et al.
    Two Lensed z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies Discovered in the SDSS Giant Arcs Survey
    2010, ApJ 723, L73

  43. Korhonen H., Vida K., Husarik M., Mahajan S.
    Photometric and spectroscopic observations of three rapidly rotating late-type stars: EY Dra, V374 Peg, and GSC 02038-00293
    2010, AN 331, 772

  44. D. Latham, W. Borucki, D. Koch, T. Brown, et al.
    Kepler-7b: a transiting planet with unusually low density
    2010, ApJ 713, L140

  45. Laurikainen E., Salo H., Buta R., Knapen J., Comerón S
    Photometric scaling relations of lenticular and spiral galaxies
    2010, MNRAS 405, 1089

  46. J. de León, J. Licandro, M. Serra-Ricart, N. Pinilla-Alonso, H. Campins
    Observations, compositional, and physical characterization of near-Earth and Mars-crosser asteroids from a spectroscopic survey
    2010, A&A 517, A23

  47. de León J., Campins H., Tsiganis K., Morbidelli A., Licandro J.
    Origin of the near-Earth asteroid Phaethon and the Geminids meteor shower

    2010, A&A 513, A26

  48. López R.; García-Lorenzo B.; Sánchez S., et al.
    The complex structure of HH 110 as revealed from Integral Field Spectroscopy
    2010, MNRAS 406, 2193

  49. Á. López-Sánchez
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies - V. Star-formation rates, masses and the importance of galaxy interactions
    2010, A&A 521, A63

  50. López-Sánchez, Á. R.; Esteban, C.
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. IV. Colours, chemical-composition analysis and metallicity-luminosity relations

  51. López-Sánchez, Á. R.; Esteban, C.
    Massive star formation in Wolf-Rayet galaxies. III. Analysis of the O and WR populations

  52. López-Santiago J., Montes D., Gálvez-Ortiz M.C., et al.
    A high-resolution spectroscopic survey of late-type stars: chromospheric activity, rotation, kinematics, and age
    2010, A&A 514, A97

  53. T. Lüftinger, O. Kochukhov, T. Ryabchikova, et al.
    Magnetic Doppler imaging of the roAp star HD24712
    2010, A&A 509, A71

  54. K. Maguire, E. Di Carlo, S. Smartt, A. Pastorello, et al.
    Optical and near-infrared coverage of SN 2004et: physical parameters and comparison with other Type IIP supernovae
    2010, MNRAS 404, 981

  55. Margutti R., Genet F., Granot J., Duran R. et al.
    GRB081028 and its late-time afterglow re-brightening
    2010, MNRAS 402, 46

  56. E. Martín, N. Phan-Bao, M. Bessell, et al.
    Spectroscopic characterization of 78 DENIS ultracool dwarf candidates in the solar neighborhood and the Upper Scorpii OB association
    2010, A&A 517, A53

  57. M. Martínez, A. Del Olmo, R. Coziol, J. Perea
    AGN population in Hickson compact groups. I. Data and nuclear activity classification
    2010, AJ 139, 1199

  58. A. Melandri, S. Kobayashi, C. Mundell, C. Guidorzi, et al.
    GRB 090313 and the origin of optical peaks in gamma-ray burst light curves: implications for Lorentz factors and radio flares
    2010, ApJ 723, 1331

  59. Meléndez J., Casagrande L., Ramírez I., Asplund M., Schuster W. J.
    Observational evidence for a broken Li Spite plateau and mass-dependent Li depletion
    2010, A&A 515, L3

  60. T. Metcalfe, M. Monteiro, M. Thompson, et al.
    A precise asteroseismic age and radius for the evolved sun-like star kic 11026764
    2010, ApJ 723, 1583

  61. Micheva G., Zackrisson E., Östlin G., Bergvall N., Pursimo T.
    The faint outskirts of the blue compact galaxy Haro 11: is there a red excess?
    2010, MNRAS 405, 1203

  62. Moreno, F., Licandro, J., Tozzi, G.-P., Ortiz, J. L., Cabrera-Lavers, A., Augusteijn, T., Liimets, T., Lindberg, J. E., Pursimo, T., Rodríguez-Gil, P., Vaduvescu, O.
    Water-ice-driven Activity on Main-Belt Comet P/2010 A2 (LINEAR)?
    2010, ApJ 718, L132

  63. Nissen P.E., Schuster W.J.
    Two distinct halo populations in the solar neighborhood; eidence from stellar abundance ratios and kinematics
    2010, A&A 511, L10

  64. Oláh K., Korhonen H., Vida K., Ilyin I., Dall T.H., Järvinen S.P., et al.
    Young solar type active stars: the TYC 2627-638-1 system
    2010, A&A 515, A81

  65. Østensen R.H., Oreiro R., Solheim J.-E., Heber U. et al.
    A survey for pulsating subdwarf B stars with the Nordic Optical Telescope
    2010, A&A 513, A6

  66. Østensen R. H., Silvotti R., Charpinet S., Oreiro R., et al.
    First Kepler results on compact pulsators I. Survey target selection and the first pulsators
    2010, MNRAS 409, 1470

  67. S. Pandey, C. Swenson, D. Perley, C. Guidorzi, et al.
    GRB 090902B: Afterglow observations and implications
    2010, ApJ 714, 799

  68. A. Pastorello, M. Botticella, C. Trundle, et al.
    Multiple major outbursts from a restless luminous blue variable in NGC 3432
    2010, MNRAS 408, 181

  69. A. Pastorello, S. Smartt, M. Botticella, K. Maguire, et al.
    Ultra-bright optical transients are linked with type Ic supernovae
    2010, ApJ 724, L16

  70. E. Puzeras, G. Tautvaišienė, J. Cohen, D. Gray, et al.
    High-resolution spectroscopic study of red clump stars in the Galaxy: iron-group elements
    2010, MNRAS 408, 1225

  71. G. Ramsay, I. Kotko, T. Barclay, C. Copperwheat, S. Rosen, C. Simon Jeffrey, T. Marsh, D. Steeghs, and P. Wheatley
    Multi-wavelength observations of the helium dwarf nova KL Dra through its outburst cycle.
    2010, MNRAS 407, 1819

  72. Rau A., Roelofs G.H.A., Groot P.J., et al.
    A Census of AM CVn Stars: Three New Candidates and One Confirmed 48.3-Minute Binary
    2010, ApJ 708, 456

  73. Reig P., Zezas A., Gkouvelis L.
    The optical counterpart to IGR J06074+2205: a Be/X-ray binary showing disc loss and V/R variability
    2010, A&A 522, A107

  74. Reylé C., Delorme P., Willott C.J., Albert L. et al.
    The ultracool-field dwarf luminosity-function and space density from the Canada-France Brown Dwarf Survey
    2010, A&A 522, A112

  75. Rowlinson A., Wiersema K., Levan A., Tanvir N. et al.
    Discovery of the afterglow and host galaxy of the low-redshift short GRB 080905A
    2010, MNRAS 408, 383

  76. C. Sánchez Contreras, C. Cortijo-Ferrero, L. Miranda, A. Castro-Carrizo, V. Bujarrabal
    Fast, gusty winds blowing from the core of the pre-planetary nebula M 2-56
    2010, ApJ 715, 143

  77. M. Schwamb, M. Brown, D. Rabinowitz, D. Ragozzine
    Properties of the distant Kuiper belt: results from the Palomar distant solar system survey
    2010, ApJ 720, 1691

  78. Simón-Díaz, S.
    The chemical composition of the Orion star forming region. I. Homogeneity of O and Si abundances in B-type stars
    2010, A&A 510, A22

  79. Simón-Díaz S., Herrero A., Uytterhoeven K., Castro N., Aerts C., Puls J.
    Observational Evidence for a Correlation Between Macroturbulent Broadening and Line-profile Variations in OB Supergiants
    2010, ApJ 720, L174

  80. J. Steffen, N. Batalha, W. Borucki, L. Buchhave, et al.
    Five Kepler target stars that show multiple transiting exoplanet candidates
    2010, ApJ 725, 1226

  81. R. Street, E. Simpson, S. Barros, D. Pollacco, et al.
    WASP-24 b: A new transiting close-in hot Jupiter orbiting a late F-star
    2010, ApJ 720, 337

  82. Tautvaišienė, B. Edvardsson, E. Puzeras, G. Barisevičius and I. Ilyin
    C, N and O abundances in red clump stars of the Milky Way
    2010, MNRAS 409, 1213

  83. Thöne C., Kann D., Jóhannesson G. et al.
    Photometry and spectroscopy of GRB 060526: a detailed study of the afterglow and host galaxy of a z = 3.2 gamma-ray burst
    2010, A&A 523, A70

  84. Torrejón J., Negueruela I., Smith D., Harrison T.
    Near-infrared survey of high mass X-ray binary candidates
    2010, A&A 510, A61

  85. P. Väisänen, J. Kotilainen, M. Juvela, K. Mattila, et al.
    A far-infrared survey at the North Galactic Pole - I. Nearby star-forming galaxies and effect of confused sources on source counts
    2010, MNRAS 401, 1587

  86. C. Villforth, K. Nilsson, J. Heidt, L. O. Takalo, T. Pursimo, et al.
    Variability and stability in blazar jets on time scales of years: Optical polarization monitoring of OJ287 in 2005-2009
    2010, MNRAS 402, 2087

  87. T. Vornanen, S. Berdyugina, A. Berdyugin, V. Piirola
    GJ 841B - the second DQ white dwarf with polarized CH molecular bands
    2010, ApJ 720, L52

  88. C.J. Willott , Philippe Delorme, Céline Reylé, Loic Albert, Jacqueline Bergeron, David Crampton, Xavier Delfosse, Thierry Forveille, John B. Hutchings, Ross J. McLure, Alain Omont and David Schade
    The Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey: Nine New Quasars and the Luminosity Function at Redshift 6
    2010, AJ 139, 906

  89. M. Zapatero Osorio, R. Rebolo, G. Bihain, V. Béjar, et al.
    Infrared and kinematic properties of the substellar object G 196-3 B
    2010, ApJ 715, 1408

  90. Z. Zhang, D. Pinfield, A. Day-Jones, B. Burningham. et al.
    Discovery of the first wide L dwarf + giant binary system and eight other ultracool dwarfs in wide binaries
    2010, MNRAS 404, 1817

  • Barisevičius, G., Tautvaišienė G., Berdyugina S., Chorniy Y., Ilyin I.
    Chemical Composition of the RS CVn-type Star 29 Draconis
    2010, BaltA 19, 157

  • Tautvaišienė G., Barisevičius G., Berdyugina S., Chorniy Y., Ilyin I.
    Chemical Composition of the RS CVn-TYPE Star Lambda Andromedae
    2010, BaltA 19, 95

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