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This list contains refereed journal publications. For other (refereed) publications see the bottom of this page.

  1. Albareti F. D., Comparat J., Gutiérrez C. M., Prada F., Pâris I., Schlegel D., López-Corredoira M., Schneider D. P., Manchado A., García-Hernández D. A., Petitjean P., Ge J.
    Constraint on the time variation of the fine-structure constant with the SDSS-III/BOSS DR12 quasar sample
    2015, MNRAS 452, 4153
  2. Alonso R., Deeg H. J., Hoyer S., Lodieu N., Palle E., Sanchis-Ojeda R.
    HD 144548: A young triply eclipsing system in the Upper Scorpius OB association
    2015, A&A 584, L8
  3. Amanullah R., Johansson J., Goobar A., Ferretti R., Papadogiannakis S., Petrushevska T., Brown P. J., Cao Y., Contreras C., Dahle H., Elias-Rosa N., Fynbo J. P. U., Gorosabel J., Guaita L., Hangard L., Howell D. A., Hsiao E. Y., Kankare E., Kasliwal M., Leloudas G., Lundqvist P., Mattila S., Nugent P., Phillips M. M., Sandberg A., Stanishev V., Sullivan M., Taddia F., Östlin G., Asadi S., Herrero-Illana R., Jensen J. J., Karhunen K., Lazarevic S., Varenius E., Santos P., Sridhar S. S., Wallström S. H. J., Wiegert J.
    Diversity in extinction laws of Type Ia supernovae measured between 0.2 and 2 μm
    2015, MNRAS 453, 3300
  4. Anderson J. P., James P. A., Förster F., González-Gaitán S., Habergham S. M., Hamuy M., Lyman J. D.
    On the environments of Type Ia supernovae within host galaxies
    2015, MNRAS 448, 732
  5. A. S. Baran, J. H. Telting, P. Németh, Sz. Bachulski and J. Krzesiński
    KIC 8302197: a non-rotating or low-inclination pulsating subdwarf B star observed with the Kepler spacecraft
    2015, A&A 573, A52
  6. Barbarino C., Dall'Ora M., Botticella M. T., Valle M. Della, Zampieri L., Maund J. R., Pumo M. L., Jerkstrand A., Benetti S., Elias-Rosa N., Fraser M., Gal-Yam A., Hamuy M., Inserra C., Knapic C., LaCluyze A. P., Molinaro M., Ochner P., Pastorello A., Pignata G., Reichart D. E., Ries C., Riffeser A., Schmidt B., Schmidt M., Smareglia R., Smartt S. J., Smith K., Sollerman J., Sullivan M., Tomasella L., Turatto M., Valenti S., Yaron O., Young D.
    SN 2012ec: mass of the progenitor from PESSTO follow-up of the photospheric phase
    2015, MNRAS 448, 2312
  7. Battistini C., Bensby T.
    The origin and evolution of the odd-Z iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, and Co in the Milky Way stellar disk
    2015, A&A 577, A9
  8. Binks A. S., Jeffries R. D., Maxted P. F. L.
    A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods
    2015, MNRAS 452, 173
  9. Bognár Z., Lampens P., Frémat Y., Southworth J., Sódor Á., De Cat P., Isaacson H. T., Marcy G. W., Ciardi D. R., Gilliland R. L., Martín-Fernández P.
    KIC 9533489: a genuine γ Doradus - δ Scuti Kepler hybrid pulsator with transit events
    2015, A&A 581, A77
  10. Cabrera J., Csizmadia Sz., Montagnier G., Fridlund M., Ammler-von Eiff M., Chaintreuil S., Damiani C., Deleuil M., Ferraz-Mello S., Ferrigno A., Gandolfi D., Guillot T., Guenther E. W., Hatzes A., Hébrard G., Klagyivik P., Parviainen H., Pasternacki Th., Pätzold M., Sebastian D., Tadeu dos Santos M., Wuchterl G., Aigrain S., Alonso R., Almenara J.-M., Armstrong J. D., Auvergne M., Baglin A., Barge P., Barros S. C. C., Bonomo A. S., Bordé P., Bouchy F., Carpano S., Chaffey C., Deeg H. J., Díaz R. F., Dvorak R., Erikson A., Grziwa S., Korth J., Lammer H., Lindsay C., Mazeh T., Moutou C., Ofir A., Ollivier M., Pallé E., Rauer H., Rouan D., Samuel B., Santerne A., Schneider J.
    Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission XXVIII. CoRoT-28b, a planet orbiting an evolved star, and CoRoT-29b, a planet showing an asymmetric transit
    2015, A&A 579, A36
  11. Cano Z., de Ugarte Postigo A., Perley D., Kruhler T., Margutti R., Friis M., Malesani D., Jakobsson P., Fynbo J. P. U., Gorosabel J., Hjorth J., Sanchez-Ramirez R., Schulze S., Tanvir N. R., Thone C. C., Xu D.
    GRB 140606B / iPTF14bfu: Detection of shock-breakout emission from a cosmological gamma-ray burst?
    2015, MNRAS 452, 1535
  12. Yi Cao, S. R. Kulkarni, D. Andrew Howell, Avishay Gal-Yam, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Stefano Valenti, J. Johansson, R. Amanullah, A. Goobar, J. Sollerman, F. Taddia, Assaf Horesh, Ilan Sagiv, S. Bradley Cenko, Peter E. Nugent, Iair Arcavi, Jason Surace, P. R. Woźniak, Daniela I. Moody, Umaa D. Rebbapragada, Brian D. Bue & Neil Gehrels
    A strong ultraviolet pulse from a newborn type Ia supernova
    2015, Nature 521, 328
  13. Casares J.
    A FWHM–K2 Correlation in Black Hole Transients
    2015, ApJ 808, 80
  14. Castro N., Fossati L., Hubrig S., Simón-Díaz S., Schöller M., Ilyin I., Carrol T. A., Langer N., Morel T., Schneider F. R. N., Przybilla N., Herrero A., de Koter A., Oskinova L. M., Reisenegger A., Sana H., BOB Collaboration
    B fields in OB stars (BOB). Detection of a strong magnetic field in the O9.7 V star HD 54879
    2015, A&A 581, A81
  15. Chen T.-W., Smartt S. J., Jerkstrand A., Nicholl M., Bresolin F., Kotak R., Polshaw J., Rest A., Kudritzki R., Zheng Z., Elias-Rosa N., Smith K., Inserra C., Wright D., Kankare E., Kangas T., Fraser M.
    The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam
    2015, MNRAS 452, 1567
  16. Cole E. M., Hackman T., Käpylä M. J., Ilyin I., Kochukhov O., Piskunov N.
    Doppler imaging of LQ Hydrae for 1998-2002
    2015, A&A 581, A69
  17. Csizmadia, Sz., Hatzes, A., Gandolfi, D., Deleuil, M., Bouchy, F., Fridlund, M., Szabados, L., Parviainen, H., Cabrera, J., Aigrain, S., Alonso, R., Almenara, J.-M., Baglin, A., Bordé, P., Bonomo, A. S., Deeg, H. J., Díaz, R. F., Erikson, A., Ferraz-Mello, S., Tadeu dos Santos, M., Guenther, E. W., Guillot, T., Grziwa, S., Hébrard, G., Klagyivik, P., Ollivier, M., Pätzold, M., Rauer, H., Rouan, D., Santerne, A., Schneider, J., Mazeh, T., Wuchterl, G., Carpano, S., Ofir, A.
    Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT space mission⋆. XXVIII. CoRoT-33b, an object in the brown dwarf desert with 2:3 commensurability with its host star
    2015, A&A 584, A13
  18. Dahle H., Gladders M. D., Sharon K., Bayliss M. B., Rigby J. R.
    Time Delay Measurements for the Cluster-lensed Sextuple Quasar SDSS J2222+2745
    2015, ApJ 813, 67
  19. Danilovich T., Olofsson G., Black J. H., Justtanont K., Olofsson H.
    Classifying the secondary component of the binary star W Aquilae
    2015, A&A 574, A23
  20. de Jaeger T., Anderson J. P., Pignata G., Hamuy M., Kankare E., Stritzinger M. D., Benetti S., Bufano F., Elias-Rosa N., Folatelli G., Förster F., González-Gaitán S., Gutiérrez C. P., Inserra C., Kotak R., Lira P., Morrell N., Taddia F., Tomasella L.
    SN 2011A: A Low-luminosity Interacting Transient with a Double Plateau and Strong Sodium Absorption
    2015, ApJ 807, 63
  21. Delgado Mena E., Bertrán de Lis S., Adibekyan V. Z., Sousa S. G., Figueira P., Mortier A., González Hernández J. I., Tsantaki M., Israelian G., Santos N. C.
    Li abundances in F stars: planets, rotation, and Galactic evolution
    2015, A&A 576, A69
  22. Díaz-Luis J. J., García-Hernández D. A., Kameswara Rao N., Manchado A., Cataldo F.
    A search for diffuse bands in fullerene planetary nebulae: evidence of diffuse circumstellar bands
    2015, A&A 573, A97
  23. Donati P., Bragaglia A., Carretta E., D'Orazi V., Tosi M., Cusano F., Carini R.
    Photometric and spectroscopic study of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 2355
    2015, MNRAS 453, 4185
  24. Ergon M., Jerkstrand A., Sollerman J., Elias-Rosa N., Fransson C., Fraser M., Pastorello A., Kotak R., Taubenberger S., Tomasella L., Valenti S., Benetti S., Helou G., Kasliwal M. M., Maund J., Smartt S. J., Spyromilio J.
    The Type IIb SN 2011dh: Two years of observations and modelling of the lightcurves
    2015, A&A 580, A142
  25. Fang X., Guerrero M. A., Miranda L. F., Riera A., Velázquez P. F., Raga A. C.
    Hu 1-2: a metal-poor bipolar planetary nebula with fast collimated outflows
    2015, MNRAS 452, 2445
  26. Fong, W. , Berger, E. , Margutti, R. , Zauderer, B. A.
    A Decade of Short-duration Gamma-Ray Burst Broadband Afterglows: Energetics, Circumburst Densities, and Jet Opening Angles
    2015, ApJ 815, 102
  27. Fornasier S., Belskaya I. N., Perna D.
    The potentially hazardous Asteroid (214869) 2007 PA8: An unweathered L chondrite analog surface
    2015, Icar 250, 280
  28. H. M. Foster, M. D. Reed, J. H. Telting, R. H. Østensen, and A. S. Baran
    The discovery of differential radial rotation in the pulsating subdwarf B star KIC 3527751
    2015, ApJ 805, 94
  29. Fraser M., Kotak R., Pastorello A., Jerkstrand A., Smartt S. J., Chen T.-W., Childress M., Gilmore G., Inserra C., Kankare E., Margheim S., Mattila S., Valenti S., Ashall C., Benetti S., Botticella M. T., Bauer F. E., Campbell H., Elias-Rosa N., Fleury M., Gal-Yam A., Hachinger S., Howell D. A., Le Guillou L., Léget P.-F., Morales-Garoffolo A., Polshaw J., Spiro S., Sullivan M., Taubenberger S., Turatto M., Walker E. S., Young D. R., Zhang B.
    SN 2009ip at late times - an interacting transient at +2 years
    2015, MNRAS 453, 3886
  30. Friis M., De Cia A., Krühler T., Fynbo J. P. U., Ledoux C., Vreeswijk P. M., Watson D. J., Malesani D., Gorosabel J., Starling R. L. C., Jakobsson P., Varela K., Wiersema K., Drachmann A. P., Trotter A., Thöne C. C., de Ugarte Postigo A., D'Elia V., Elliott J., Maturi M., Goldoni P., Greiner J., Haislip J., Kaper L., Knust F., LaCluyze A., Milvang-Jensen B., Reichart D., Schulze S., Sudilovsky V., Tanvir N., Vergani S. D.
    The warm, the excited, and the molecular gas: GRB 121024A shining through its star-forming galaxy
    2015, MNRAS 451, 167
  31. D. Gandolfi, H. Parviainen, H. J. Deeg, A. F. Lanza, M. Fridlund, P. G. Prada Moroni, R. Alonso, T. Augusteijn, J. Cabrera, T. Evans, S. Geier, A. P. Hatzes, T. Holczer, S. Hoyer, T. Kangas, T. Mazeh, I. Pagano, L. Tal-Or, B. Tingley
    Kepler423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very old solar-like star
    2015, A&A 576, A11
  32. Gauza B., Béjar V. J. S., Pérez-Garrido A., Rosa Zapatero Osorio M., Lodieu N., Rebolo R., Pallé E., Nowak G.
    Discovery of a Young Planetary Mass Companion to the Nearby M Dwarf VHS J125601.92-125723.9
    2015, ApJ 804, 96
  33. Grassitelli, L.; Fossati, L.; Simón-Diáz, S.; Langer, N.; Castro, N.; Sanyal, D.
    Observational Consequences of Turbulent Pressure in the Envelopes of Massive Stars
    2015, ApJL 808, L31
  34. Gray R. O., Saken J. M., Corbally C. J., Briley M. M., Lambert R. A., Fuller V. A., Newsome I. M., Seeds M. F., Kahvaz Y.
    The Young Solar Analogs Project. I. Spectroscopic and Photometric Methods and Multi-year Timescale Spectroscopic Results
    2015, AJ 150, 203
  35. Hansen T. T., Andersen J., Nordström B., Beers T. C., Yoon J., Buchhave L. A.
    The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. I. r-process-enhanced metal-poor stars
    2015, A&A 583, A49
  36. Hartman J. D., Bakos G. Á., Buchhave L. A., Torres G., Latham D. W., Kovács G., Bhatti W., Csubry Z., de Val-Borro M., Penev K., Huang C. X., Béky B., Bieryla A., Quinn S. N., Howard A. W., Marcy G. W., Johnson J. A., Isaacson H., Fischer D. A., Noyes R. W., Falco E., Esquerdo G. A., Knox R. P., Hinz P., Lázár J., Papp I., Sári P.
    HAT-P-57b: A Short-period Giant Planet Transiting a Bright Rapidly Rotating A8V Star Confirmed Via Doppler Tomography
    2015, AJ 150, 197
  37. Hartman J. D., Bhatti W., Bakos G. Á., Bieryla A., Kovács G., Latham D. W., Csubry Z., de Val-Borro M., Penev K., Buchhave L. A., Torres G., Howard A. W., Marcy G. W., Johnson J. A., Isaacson H., Sato B., Boisse I., Falco E., Everett M. E., Szklenar T., Fulton B. J., Shporer A., Kovács T., Hansen T., Béky B., Noyes R. W., Lázár J., Papp I., Sári P.
    HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey
    2015, AJ 150, 168
  38. Hartoog O. E., Malesani D., Fynbo J. P. U., Goto T., Krühler T., Vreeswijk P. M., De Cia A., Xu D., Møller P., Covino S., D'Elia V., Flores H., Goldoni P., Hjorth J., Jakobsson P., Krogager J.-K., Kaper L., Ledoux C., Levan A. J., Milvang-Jensen B., Sollerman J., Sparre M., Tagliaferri G., Tanvir N. R., de Ugarte Postigo A., Vergani S. D., Wiersema K., Datson J., Salinas R., Mikkelsen K., Aghanim N.
    VLT/X-Shooter spectroscopy of the afterglow of the Swift GRB 130606A. Chemical abundances and reionisation at z ~ 6
    2015, A&A 580, A139
  39. Hernán-Obispo M., Tuomi M., Gálvez-Ortiz M. C., Golovin A., Barnes J. R., Jones H. R. A., Kane S. R., Pinfield D., Jenkins J. S., Petit P., Anglada-Escudé G., Marsden S. C., Catalán S., Jeffers S. V., de Castro E., Cornide M., Garcés A., Jones M. I., Gorlova N., Andreev M.
    Analysis of combined radial velocities and activity of BD+20 1790: evidence supporting the existence of a planetary companion
    2015, A&A 576, A66
  40. Hsiao E. Y., Burns C. R., Contreras C., Höflich P., Sand D., Marion G. H., Phillips M. M., Stritzinger M., González-Gaitán S., Mason R. E., Folatelli G., Parent E., Gall C., Amanullah R., Anupama G. C., Arcavi I., Banerjee D. P. K., Beletsky Y., Blanc G. A., Bloom J. S., Brown P. J., Campillay A., Cao Y., De Cia A., Diamond T., Freedman W. L., Gonzalez C., Goobar A., Holmbo S., Howell D. A., Johansson J., Kasliwal M. M., Kirshner R. P., Krisciunas K., Kulkarni S. R., Maguire K., Milne P. A., Morrell N., Nugent P. E., Ofek E. O., Osip D., Palunas P., Perley D. A., Persson S. E., Piro A. L., Rabus M., Roth M., Schiefelbein J. M., Srivastav S., Sullivan M., Suntzeff N. B., Surace J., Woźniak P. R., Yaron O.
    Strong near-infrared carbon in the Type Ia supernova iPTF13ebh
    2015, A&A 578, A9
  41. S. P. Järvinen, R. Arlt, T. Hackman, S. C. Marsden, M. Küker, I. V. Ilyin, S. V. Berdyugina, K. G. Strassmeier and I. A. Waite
    Doppler images and the underlying dynamo - The case of AF Leporis
    2015, A&A 574, A25
  42. Jerkstrand A., Ergon M., Smartt S. J., Fransson C., Sollerman J., Taubenberger S., Bersten M., Spyromilio J.
    Late-time spectral line formation in Type IIb supernovae, with application to SN 1993J, SN 2008ax, and SN 2011dh
    2015, A&A 573, A12
  43. Juncher D., Buchhave L. A., Hartman J. D., Bakos G. Á., Bieryla A., Kovács T., Boisse I., Latham D. W., Kovács G., Bhatti W., Csubry Z., Penev K., de Val-Borro M., Falco E., Torres G., Noyes R. W., Lázár J., Papp I., Sári P.
    HAT-P-55b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting a Sun-Like Star
    2015, PASP 127, 851
  44. Kankare E., Kotak R., Pastorello A., Fraser M., Mattila S., Smartt S. J., Bruce A., Chambers K. C., Elias-Rosa N., Flewelling H., Fremling C., Harmanen J., Huber M., Jerkstrand A., Kangas T., Kuncarayakti H., Magee M., Magnier E., Polshaw J., Smith K. W., Sollerman J., Tomasella L.
    On the triple peaks of SNHunt248 in NGC 5806
    2015, A&A 581, L4
  45. Kolbas V., Pavlovski K., Southworth J., Lee C.-U., Lee D.-J., Lee J. W., Kim S.-L., Kim H.-I., Smalley B., Tkachenko A.
    Spectroscopically resolving the Algol triple system
    2015, MNRAS 451, 4150
  46. Krogager, J.-K.; Geier, S.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Venemans, B. P.; Ledoux, C.; Møller, P.; Noterdaeme, P.; Vestergaard, M.; Kangas, T.; Pursimo, T.; Saturni, F. G.; Smirnova, O.
    The High A_V Quasar Survey: Reddened Quasi-Stellar Objects Selected from Optical/Near-Infrared Photometry --- II
    2015, ApJS 217, 5
  47. Krühler T., Malesani D., Fynbo J. P. U., Hartoog O. E., Hjorth J., Jakobsson P., Perley D. A., Rossi A., Schady P., Schulze S., Tanvir N. R., Vergani S. D., Wiersema K., Afonso P. M. J., Bolmer J., Cano Z., Covino S., D'Elia V., de Ugarte Postigo A., Filgas R., Friis M., Graham J. F., Greiner J., Goldoni P., Gomboc A., Hammer F., Japelj J., Kann D. A., Kaper L., Klose S., Levan A. J., Leloudas G., Milvang-Jensen B., Nicuesa Guelbenzu A., Palazzi E., Pian E., Piranomonte S., Sánchez-Ramírez R., Savaglio S., Selsing J., Tagliaferri G., Vreeswijk P. M., Watson D. J., Xu D.
    GRB hosts through cosmic time. VLT/X-Shooter emission-line spectroscopy of 96 γ-ray-burst-selected galaxies at 0.1 <z < 3.6
    2015, A&A 581, A125
  48. Kundert A., Gastaldello F., D'Onghia E., Girardi M., Aguerri J. A. L., Barrena R., Corsini E. M., De Grandi S., Jiménez-Bailón E., Lozada-Muñoz M., Méndez-Abreu J., Sánchez-Janssen R., Wilcots E., Zarattini S.
    Fossil group origins - VI. Global X-ray scaling relations of fossil galaxy clusters
    2015, MNRAS 454, 161
  49. Kurtenkov A. A., Pessev P., Tomov T., Barsukova E. A., Fabrika S., Vida K., Hornoch K., Ovcharov E. P., Goranskij V. P., Valeev A. F., Molnár L., Sárneczky K., Kostov A., Nedialkov P., Valenti S., Geier S., Wiersema K., Henze M., Shafter A. W., Muñoz Dimitrova R. V., Popov V. N., Stritzinger M.
    The January 2015 outburst of a red nova in M 31
    2015, A&A 578, L10
  50. Liu C., Feltzing S., Ruchti G.
    The nature of the KFR08 stellar stream. A chemical tagging experiment
    2015, A&A 580, A111
  51. Liu C., Ruchti G., Feltzing S., Martínez-Barbosa C. A., Bensby T., Brown A. G. A., Portegies Zwart S. F.
    Quest for the lost siblings of the Sun
    2015, A&A 575, A51
  52. Lundqvist P., Nyholm A., Taddia F., Sollerman J., Johansson J., Kozma C., Lundqvist N., Fransson C., Garnavich P. M., Kromer M., Shappee B. J., Goobar A.
    No trace of a single-degenerate companion in late spectra of supernovae 2011fe and 2014J
    2015, A&A 577, A39
  53. Maíz Apellániz J., Negueruela I., Barbá R. H., Walborn N. R., Pellerin A., Simón-Díaz S., Sota A., Marco A., Alonso-Santiago J., Sanchez Bermudez J., Gamen R. C., Lorenzo J.
    The little-studied cluster Berkeley 90. I. LS III +46 11: a very massive O3.5 If* + O3.5 If* binary
    2015, A&A 579, A108
  54. J. Maíz Apellániz, R. H. Barbá, A. Sota, S. Simón-Díaz
    The little-studied cluster Berkeley 90. II. The foreground ISM
    2015, A&A 583, A132
  55. Maldonado J., Eiroa C., Villaver E., Montesinos B., Mora A.
    Searching for signatures of planet formation in stars with circumstellar debris discs
    2015, A&A 579, A20
  56. Mallonn M., Nascimbeni V., Weingrill J., von Essen C., Strassmeier K. G., Piotto G., Pagano I., Scandariato G., Csizmadia S., Herrero E., Sada P. V., Dhillon V. S., Marsh T. R., Künstler A., Bernt I., Granzer T.
    Broad-band spectrophotometry of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-12b from the near-UV to the near-IR
    2015, A&A 583, A138
  57. Marion G. H., Sand D. J., Hsiao E. Y., Banerjee D. P. K., Valenti S., Stritzinger M. D., Vinkó J., Joshi V., Venkataraman V., Ashok N. M., Amanullah R., Binzel R. P., Bochanski J. J., Bryngelson G. L., Burns C. R., Drozdov D., Fieber-Beyer S. K., Graham M. L., Howell D. A., Johansson J., Kirshner R. P., Milne P. A., Parrent J., Silverman J. M., Vervack R. J., Jr., Wheeler J. C.
    Early Observations and Analysis of the Type Ia SN 2014J in M82
    2015, ApJ 798, 39
  58. Martins F., Simón-Díaz S., Palacios A., Howarth I., Georgy C., Walborn N. R., Bouret J.-C., Barbá R.
    Surface abundances of ON stars
    2015, A&A 578, A109
  59. Mediavilla, E., Jiménez-vicente, J., Muñoz, J. A., Mediavilla, T.
    Resolving the Innermost Region of the Accretion Disk of the Lensed Quasar Q2237+0305 through Gravitational Microlensing
    2015, ApJL 814, L26
  60. Melandri A., Bernardini M. G., D'Avanzo P., Sánchez-Ramírez R., Nappo F., Nava L., Japelj J., de Ugarte Postigo A., Oates S., Campana S., Covino S., D'Elia V., Ghirlanda G., Gafton E., Ghisellini G., Gnedin N., Goldoni P., Gorosabel J., Libbrecht T., Malesani D., Salvaterra R., Thöne C. C., Vergani S. D., Xu D., Tagliaferri G.
    The high-redshift gamma-ray burst GRB 140515A. A comprehensive X-ray and optical study
    2015, A&A 581, A86
  61. Miles-Páez P. A., Zapatero Osorio M. R., Pallé E.
    Rotational modulation of the linear polarimetric variability of the cool dwarf TVLM 513-46546
    2015, A&A 580, L12
  62. Negueruela, I.; Simón-Díaz, S.; Lorenzo, J.; Castro, N.; Herrero, A.
    Open cluster Dolidze 25: Stellar parameters and the metallicity in the Galactic anticentre
    2015, A&A 584, A77
  63. Olspert N., Käpylä M. J., Pelt J., Cole E. M., Hackman T., Lehtinen J., Henry G. W.
    Multiperiodicity, modulations, and flip-flops in variable star light curves. III. Carrier fit analysis of LQ Hydrae photometry for 1982-2014
    2015, A&A 577, A120
  64. Ortiz M., Gandolfi D., Reffert S., Quirrenbach A., Deeg H. J., Karjalainen R., Montañés-Rodríguez P., Nespral D., Nowak G., Osorio Y., Palle E.
    Kepler-432 b: a massive warm Jupiter in a 52-day eccentric orbit transiting a giant star
    2015, A&A 573, L6
  65. Ozbey Arabaci, M.; Camero-Arranz, A.; Gutierrez-Soto, J.; Zurita, C.; Nespoli, E.; Suso, J.; Kiaeerad, F.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Kiziloglu, U.
    Detection of a large Be circumstellar disk during X-ray quiescence of XTE J1946+274
    2015, A&A 582, A53
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  • N. Elias-Rosa, A. Morales-Garoffolo, A. Pastorello, L. Tartaglia, S. Benetti, E. Cappellaro, G. Terreran, L. Tomasella, M. Turatto, U. Noebauer, E. Ishida, S. Taubenberger, J. Harmanen
    Spectroscopic classification of PSN J13215756+3843229 in NGC 5112 at the Nordic Optical Telescope
    2015, ATel #7223
  • P. Pessev, S. Geier, A. Kurtenkov, L. D. Nielsen, T. Tomov
    Probable M31 Stellar Merger - NOT ALFOSC Photometry
    2015, ATel #7272
  • Stanishev V., Goobar A., Amanullah R., Bassett B., Fantaye Y. T., Garnavich P., Hlozek R., Nordin J., Okouma P. M., Ostman L., Sako M., Scalzo R., Smith M.
    Type Ia Supernova Cosmology in the Near-Infrared
    2015, A&A submitted
  • Thygesen A. O., Bruntt H., Chaplin W. J., Basu S.
    Rapid-Fire; Spectroscopy of Kepler Solar-Like Oscillators
    2015, ASSP 39, 105
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