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This list contains MSc theses which are (partly) based on NOT data.
(Note, the list is probably not complete.)

  1. Mikael Turkki
    Surface Heterogeneity on Near-Sun Asteroid (3200) Phaethon Through Linear Polarimetry
    2024, University of Helsinki

  2. Jeppe Sinkbæk Thomsen
    Comparing asteroseismic estimates with dynamical mass and radius for the red giant in the eclipsing binary KIC 8430105
    2021, Aarhus University

  3. Rebecca Forsberg
    Detailed chemical abundances of neutron-capture elements - from 523 local giant stars
    2019, Lund University

  4. Karianne Dyrland
    Time Delays and Microlensing of Gravitationally Lensed Quasars
    2019, University of Oslo

  5. David Gómez Fernandez
    Fotometría multibanda del sistema binario de rayos gamma MWC656
    2018, Valencian International university

  6. García Santiago, Alfonso
    Cambio de estado en el sistema binario de rayos gamma LSI+61303 a través de fotometría VRI
    2017, Valencian International university

  7. Villate Rodríguez, Mauricio Fernando
    Determinación del movimiento orbital de HMXRBs a través de velocidades radiales espectrales
    2017, Valencian International University

  8. Evan Benjamin Edmund Markel
    A Statistical Analysis of Strong Gravitational Lensing in Planck Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Selected Galaxy Clusters
    2016, University of Oslo

  9. Saario, Joonas
    Spectroscopic Studies of Fermi LAT Blazars
    2016, University of Turku

  10. Khansari, Marzieh
    Near-infrared observations of supernovae with the Nordic Optical Telescope
    2016, University of Turku

  11. Franzen, Christoph
    Using Background OH Airglow from astronomical Observations for atmospheric Research: A Proof of Concept
    2015, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

  12. Paco Ruiz de Peralta y Medina
    Fotopolarimetria y Sistemas Binarios de Rayos X
    2015, Valencian Internacional University

  13. Harmanen, J.
    Supernovan 2011ap kehitys lähiultravioletista infrapunaan (Evolution of SN 2011ap from near-UV to IR)
    2014, University of Turku

  14. Sanghvi, J.
    The low-mass end of the black hole-host galaxy mass relation in quasars at 0.5 < z < 1.0
    2013, University of Turku

  15. Kangas, T.
    Supernovien populaatio ja edeltäjätähdet starburst-galakseissa (Population of SNe and progenitor stars in starburst galaxies)
    2012, University of Turku

  16. Frimann, S.
    Analysis of the rapidly oscillating Ap Star KIC10195926
    2012, University of Aarhus

  17. Lykke, J.M.
    Age determination of delta Sct stars and solar-like stars
    2012, University of Aarhus

  18. Kiaeerad, F.S.
    H-alpha and Ly-alpha emitters characteristics at redshift 2.23
    2012, Stockholm University

  19. Thygesen, A.
    Fundamental parameters of a sample of red giants in the Kepler field
    2012, University of Aarhus

  20. Hansen, T.
    Formation of the Heavy Elements in the Early Universe
    2011, University of Copenhagen

  21. Ottosen, T.
    DS And & the TAMS case AL Leo: two unique eclipsing binaries
    2011, University of Aarhus

  22. Ine Skorbakk
    Star formation rate and dynamical state of galaxy clusters
    2010, University of Oslo

  23. Krog, B.
    Lya Emitting Galaxy-building Objects in Chandra Deep Field South
    2008, University of Aarhus

  24. Aarflot, H.
    Massefunksjonen for galaksehoper, nøytrinomasser og inflasjon
    2008, University of Oslo

  25. Stranius, N.
    Colors of structural components in lenticular galaxies
    2008, University of Oulu

  26. Nielsen, T. B.
    Age determination of open clusters with the Bayesian approach
    2007, University of Aarhus

  27. Oppegaard, C.
    A systematic search for gravitationally lensed quasars
    2007, University of Oslo

  28. Selj, J. H.
    Spectroscopic analysis of GRB 060526
    2007, University of Oslo

  29. Paraficz, D.
    Time delay and microlensing research of the gravitationally lensed quasars
    2006, University of Copenhagen

  30. Duro, R.
    AGN-selected fields as revealed by weak lensing and photometry
    2006, University of Oslo

  31. Holen, H.
    Fotometriske undersøkelser av QSO 0957+561 A,B
    2006, University of Oslo

  32. Ji Dai, Z.
    Observation Pertubation Method Applied to Near-Earth Asteroids
    2006, University of Oslo

  33. Lysfjord, N.
    AGN-selected clusters as revealed by weak lensing: MOSCA data
    2006, University of Oslo

  34. Vornanen, T.
    Spectropolarimetry of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
    2006, University of Turku

  35. Fohlman, M.
    Co and Mn abundance trends for 72 F and G dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood
    2005, Lund University

  36. Lietzen, H.
    Estimation of the cluster mass for the BL Lac object RGB 1745+398

  37. Ytre-Eide, M.
    Estimating cluster masses with gravitational lensing and photometric effects
    2005, University of Oslo

  38. Hansen, M.W
    Mutual Events of the Galilean satellites 1997, 2002 and 2003
    2004, University of Oslo

  39. Hyvönen, T.
    Evolution of BL Lac host galaxies
    2004, University of Turku

  40. Egholm, M.
    Ly-alpha emission in the field of Q0823+147
    2003, University of Aarhus

  41. Hjalmarsdotter, L.
    Cygnus X-3 - A Multiwavelength Study
    2003, Stockholm Observatory

  42. Evans, A. K. D.
    Deconvolution photometry of QSO 0957+561 A,B
    2003, University of Oslo

  43. Pasanen, M.
    Redshifts of RGB BL Lacs
    2003, University of Turku

  44. Weidinger, M.
    Ly-alpha emission at high redshift
    2003, University of Aarhus

  45. Haavisto, T.
    Optical and near-infrared study of the hot spots in the radio galaxy 3C 390.3
    2002, University of Turku

  46. Christensen, L.B.
    Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    2002, University of Copenhagen

  47. Jakobsson, P.
    Determining the Hubble Constant from the Gravitational Lens FBQ 0951+2635
    2002, University of Copenhagen

  48. Järvinen, A.
    Spectrum of optical afterglow of gamma ray burst 01022
    2002, University of Oulu

  49. Kjernsmo, K.
    Gravitational microlensing of quasar clouds : detectability in a worst-case scenario
    2002, University of Oslo

  50. Ovaldsen, J.-E.
    New aperture and PSF photometry of QSO 0957+561A,B: application to time delay and microlensing
    2002, University of Oslo

  51. Shafeitel, T.
    EGRET blazar host galaxies
    2002, University of Turku

  52. Grav, T.
    The orbital motion of periodic comet 46P/Wirtanen
    2001, University of Oslo

  53. Lundqvist, M.
    S-process elements in the red supergiant alpha orionis
    2001, Lund University

  54. Rönty, T.
    Nonaxisymmetric magnetic structures in RS Canum Venaticorum-type stars
    2001, University of Oulu

  55. Vinther, J.
    Fotometri med HST WFPC2. Aldersbestemmelse af fire metalrige kuglehobe
    2001, University of Aarhus

  56. Kragelund, J.
    Radiale gradienter af forekomsten af O, N og Ar i NGC 6946
    2000, University of Aarhus

  57. Toft, S.
    Measuring Extra-galactic Extinction Curves with Gravitational Lensing
    2000, University of Copenhagen

  58. Irgens, R. J.
    Virial Mass Determinations of Clusters of Galaxies
    1999, University of Oslo

  59. Knudsen, K.K.
    Dust in Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers
    1999, University of Copenhagen

  60. Laakkonen, T.
    Wind and shell features in the spectrum of the FUor V1057 Cygni
    1999, University of Oulu

  61. King, S.P.
    CO in the Spiral Galaxy IC 342
    1998, University of Copenhagen

  62. Seminovas, D.
    Modelling of the accretion disc spectra in AM CVn systems
    1998, University of Tromsø

  63. Aarum, V.
    Study of starspots on UX arietis using doppler imaging
    1997, University of Oslo

  64. Burud, I.
    Accurate photometry of the Einstein cross
    1997, University of Oslo

  65. Christensen, T.
    Empirical sulphur abundance determination of HII regions in spiral galaxies
    1997, University of Aarhus

  66. Hansen, J.G.
    Alder og afstand for den aabne hob NGC 6791 fra V og I CCD fotometri
    1997, University of Aarhus

  67. Korhonen, H.
    Surface imaging of FK Comae Berenices
    1997, University of Oulu

  68. Keränen, P.
    The veiling effect in RY Tauri and RW Aurigae
    1997, University of Oulu

  69. Soerensen, P.M.
    Lithium isotope ratio in disk population stars
    1996, University of Aarhus

  70. Wold, M.
    Galaxy cluster environments around radio quasars at 0.5 < z < 0.8
    1996, University of Oslo

  71. Sorensen, A.N.
    Design af adaptiv optik for NOT
    1995, University of Aarhus

  72. Dahle, H.
    Weak gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies
    1994, University of Oslo

  73. Jablonski, M.
    Spektroskopi med Nordisk optisk teleskop
    1994, University of Oslo

  74. Jaunsen, A. O.
    Gravitational lensing statistics
    1994, University of Oslo

  75. Østensen, R.H.
    QSO 2237+0305 Cleaned: Results from Four Years of Gravitational Lens Monitoring with the NOT
    1994, University of Tromsø

  76. Dahl, O.C.
    Astronomy of comets and asteroids
    1993, University of Oslo

  77. Bruvold, A.
    Analyse av hurtigfotometriske observasjoner av den varme hvite dvergstjerna PG1159-035
    1992, University of Tromsø

  78. Kjeldsen, L. T.
    Korrelasjonsanalyse av multikanals fotometriske observasjoner av polaren AN UMa
    1992, University of Tromsø

  79. Olsen, Ø.
    Gravitational lenses CCD imaging using the Nordic Optical Telescope
    1992, University of Tromsø

  80. Emanuelsen, P.-I.
    Lyskurveanalyse anvendt på AM CVn,
    1990, University of Tromsø

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