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This list contains PhD theses which are (partly) based on NOT data.
(Note, the list is probably not complete.)

  1. Abel de Burgos Sierra
    "On the evolutionary nature of massive B-type supergiants: a modern empirical reappraisal using data from IACOB, Gaia and TESS"
    2024, University of La Laguna , Spain

  2. Maria Babakhanyan Stone
    "Galaxy evolution through the lens of Active Galactic Nuclei, their host galaxies, and environments"
    2024, University of Turku, Finland

  3. Rebecca Forsberg
    "The Milky Way as seen through Neutron-Capture Elements"
    2023, Lund University, Sweden

  4. Emil Knudstrup
    "Starchitectures: Exoplanetary System Architectures and Host Star Properties"
    2023, Aarhus University, Denmark

  5. Carlos Cifuentes
    "Astrophysical parameters of M dwarfs with exoplanets"
    2023, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

  6. Nicholas Chornay
    "Probing Late Stages of Stellar Evolution with Gaia-selected Planetary Nebulae"
    2023, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

  7. Lauri Siltala
    "Asteroid Mass Estimation with Markov-chain Monte Carlo"
    2021, University of Helsinki, Finland

  8. Diego Hidalgo Soto
    "Detección y caracterización de exoplanetas con telescopios espaciales"
    2020, IAC

  9. Gonzalo Holgado
    "Spectroscopic and physical characterization of the Galactic O-type stars surveyed by the IACOB and OWN surveys"
    2019, IAC

  10. Grigori Fedorets
    "Studies of asteroids with exiguous astrometry from synoptic surveys"
    2019, University of Helsinki, Finland

  11. Christoph Franzen
    "Aeronomy of the Hydroxyl Airglow Variability by Means of High-Resolution Telescope Observations and Gravity Wave Simulation"
    2019, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

  12. Anders Nyholm
    "Supernova surroundings on circumstellar and galactic scales"
    2019, Stockholm University, Sweden

  13. Tiina Liimets
    "Nebulosities and jets from outbursting evolved stars"
    2019, Tartu University, Estonia

  14. Tiia Grenman
    "Dusty Globules and Globulettes"
    2018, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

  15. José Jairo Díaz Luis
    "Study of fullerene-based molecular nanostructures in planetary nebulae"
    2017, IAC

  16. Lucia Suarez Andres
    "Chemical abundances of volatile and refractory elements in stars with and without exoplanets"
    2017, University de La Laguna

  17. Lehtinen, J.
    "Variability of young solar-type stars: Spot cycles, rotation, and active longitudes"
    2016, University of Helsinki

  18. Stefano Zarattini
    "Observational properties of fossil galaxy systems from the FOGO project"
    2015, IAC

  19. Zanutta, A.
    "Photoactive Materials for Astronomical Holographic Optical Elements"
    2015, Politecnico di Milano

  20. Singer, L. P.
    "The needle in the 100 deg2 haystack: The hunt for binary neutron star mergers with LIGO and Palomar Transient Factory"
    2015, California Institute of Technology

  21. Erroz-Ferrer, S.
    "Morphology, kinematics and star formation across the Hubble Sequence of Galaxies"
    2014, University of La Laguna

  22. Parviainen, H.
    "Exoplanet Characterisation with Bayesian Methods"
    2014, University of La Laguna

  23. Lindborg, M
    "Spot activity of late-type stars: a study of II Pegasi and DI Piscium"
    2014, University of Helsinki

  24. Mikkelsen, K.
    "Applications of Grid-Based Likelihood Methods to CMB Analysis"
    2014, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo

  25. Roberto López López
    "Diseño, construcción y desarrollo de un sistema limitado por difracción para telescopios terrestres: FastCam"
    2013, IAC

  26. Geier, S. J.
    "Pieces to the puzzle of high-redshift galaxies falling into place"
    2013, University of Copenhagen

  27. Vornanen, T.
    "Circular Spectro-polarimetric Study of DQ White Dwarfs"
    2013, University of Turku

  28. Kankare, E.
    "Supernovae in Dense and Dusty Environments"
    2013, University of Turku

  29. Staley, T. D.
    "Lucky imaging: beyond binary stars"
    2013, University of Cambridge arXiv:1404.5907v1

  30. Smirnova, O.
    "Studies of the nonstationary processes in variable stars"
    2012, University of Latvia

  31. Barzdis, A.
    "Spectroscopy of metal-poor stars of the Galaxy"
    2012, University of Latvia

  32. Lietzen, Heidi
    "Environments of Acitive Galaxies"
    2012, University of Turku

  33. Nilsson, R.
    "Circumstellar Debris Disks - Observational Studies of Cold Dust and Gas Emission in Planetary Nurseries"
    2012, Stockholm University

  34. Micheva, G.
    "Unveiling the nature of Blue Compact Galaxies"
    2012, Stockholm University

  35. Miralles-Caballero, D.
    "Optically Selected Compact Stellar Regions and Tidal Dwarf Galaxies in (Ultra)-Luminous Infrared Galaxies"
    2012, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

  36. Campante, T. L.
    "Asteroseismology: Data Analysis Methods and Interpretation for Space and Ground-based Facilities"
    2012, Universidade do Porto

  37. Olofsson, S.
    "Extinction in Molecular Clouds : Case of Barnard 335"
    2012, Stockholm University

  38. Lorenz, D.
    "Long Period Variables: Period Luminosity Relations and Classification in the Gaia Mission"
    2011, University of Vienna

  39. Tziamtzis, A.
    "Observations of young core collapse supernova remnants "
    2011, Stockholm University

  40. Villforth, C.
    "Variability in Active Galactic Nuclei: Understanding Emission Mechanisms and Unification Models"
    2011, University of Turku

  41. Simpson, E. K.
    "The Discovery and Characterisation of Transiting Exoplanets"
    2011, Queens University Belfast

  42. Nordin, J
    "Spectral Properties of Type Ia Supernovae and Implications for Cosmology"
    2011, University of Stockholm

  43. Bayliss, M.B.
    "Broadband photometry of 105 giant arcs: Redshift distribution constraints and implications for giant arc statistics"
    2011, University of Chicago

  44. Buchhave, L.
    "Detecting and Characterizing Transiting Extrasolar Planets"
    2010, University of Copenhagen

  45. Almenara Villa, J. M.
    "Deteccion de Planetas en Sistemas Binarios Eclipsantes"
    2010, University of La Laguna

  46. Laursen , P.
    "Interpreting Lyman-alpha radiation from young, dusty galaxies "
    2010, University of Copenhagen

  47. Paraficz, D.
    "Strong Gravitational Lensing: Scale and content of the Universe as inferred  from  multiply imaged  quasars."
    2010, University of Copenhagen

  48. Julia María de León Cruz
    "Caracterización Mineralógica de Asteroides Cercanos a la Tierra"

    "Mineralogical Characterization of Near-Earth Asteroids"
    2009, University of La Laguna

  49. Järvinen, S.
    "Magnetic activity on young solar analogues"
    2009, University of Oulu

  50. Hyvönen, T.
    "Evolution and stellar content of AGN host galaxies"
    2009, University of Turku

  51. Gålfalk, M.
    "Young stars and outflows - case studies of three different regions"
    2008, Stockholm Observatory

  52. Luftinger, T.
    "The complex picture of the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 24712"
    2007, University of Vienna

  53. Granvik, M.
    "Asteroid identification using statistical orbital inversion methods"
    2007, Unversity of Helsinki

  54. Torppa, J.
    "Lightcurve inversion for asteroid spins and shapes "
    2007, Unversity of Helsinki

  55. Schnerr, R.S.
    "Magnetic fields and mass loss in massive stars"
    2007, University of Amsterdam

  56. Angel Rafael López Sánchez
    "Formación de estrellas masivas en galaxias Wolf Rayet enanas"
    2006, IAC

  57. Law, N.
    "Lucky Imaging: Diffraction Limited Imaging from the ground in the Visible"
    2006, University of Cambridge

  58. Biazzo, K.
    "Determination of physical parameters of magnetic active regions in stars with different evolutionary stages"
    2006, Catania University, Italy

  59. Harjunpää, P.
    "Carbon monoxide emission, optical extinction and polarization in nearby molecular clouds"
    2005, Unversity of Helsinki

  60. Jakobsson, P.
    "Gamma-Ray bursts and their hosts: A multiwavelength exploration"
    2005, University of Copenhagen

  61. Schultz, J.
    "Studies of Accretion Disks in X-ray Binaries"
    2005, University of Helsinki

  62. Virtanen, J.
    " Asteroid orbital inversion using statistical methods"
    2005, University of Helsinki

  63. Bensby T.
    Observational Studies of the Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Thin and Thick Disks
    2004, Lund University

  64. Freyhammer L. M.
    "Studies of Variable Sars in Stellar Clusters"
    2004, Vrije Universitet Brussel

  65. González Pérez, J.M.
    "From Close Binary White Dwarfs to White Dwarfs. A presentation of observational evidences to link these evolutionary stages"
    2004, University of Tromsø

  66. Grav, T.
    "Physical and Dynamical Properties of the Irregular Satellites of the Giant Planets"
    2004, University of Oslo

  67. Hackman, T.
    "Doppler imaging and photometric time series analysis of stellar spot activity"
    2004, University of Helsinki

  68. Katajainen, S.
    "Polarimetric studies of magnetic cataclysmic variables"
    2004, University of Turku

  69. Rekola R.,
    "Distance Determinations to Nearby Galaxies"
    2004, University of Turku

  70. Tubbs, R. N.
    "Lucky exposures: diffraction-limited astronomical imaging through the atmosphere"
    2004, University of Camridge

  71. Lott, D. A.
    "WAVS: The Wide Area Variability Survey"
    2004, Open University (United Kingdom)

  72. Kochukhov, O.
    "Magnetic and Chemical Structures in Stellar Atmospheres"
    2003, Uppsala University

  73. Brand, K.
    "The Triggering and Bias of Radio Galaxies in Super-structure Regions"
    2003, University of Oxford

  74. Ulvås, V.A.
    "Magnetic Activity of UX Ari"
    2003, University of Oslo

  75. Warell, J.
    "Regolith properties of Mercury derived from observations and modelling"
    2003, Uppsala University

  76. Örndahl, E.
    "Quasar host galaxies at intermediate and high redshifts"
    2003, Uppsala University, Sweden

  77. David Alcalde Morales
    "Determinación de la constante de Hubble a partir del seguimiento fotométrico de lentes gravitatorias "
    2002, IAC

  78. Andersen, M.
    "Gamma-ray bursts: Afterglows and host galaxies"
    2002, University of Oulu

  79. Bruntt, H.
    "Steps towards asteroseismology and a search for giant planets: studies of stellar clusters"
    2002, Aarhus University

  80. Dolk, L
    "Investigations of heavy elements in Am and HgMn stars"
    2002, Lund University

  81. Korhonen, H.
    "Surface structures of FK Com"
    2002, University of Oulu

  82. Nielsen K.
    "Atomic influences in stellar spectroscopy"
    2002, Lund University

  83. Burud, I.
    "Gravitational lensing as a tool for determining the age of the Universe"
    2001, Universite Liege

  84. Nasser, Mosab R.
    "NLTE accretion disc models fopr the AM CVn systems",
    2001, University of Tromsø

  85. Dall, T.
    " Spectroscopic analysis of delta-Scuti stars"
    2001, Aarhus University

  86. Wold, M.
    "The Environment of Active Galactic Nuclei: Excess Counts and the Nature of Their Host Clusters"
    2001, Stockholm Univeristy

  87. Dahle, H.
    "Weak gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies"
    2000, University of Hawaii.

  88. Fynbo, J.P.U.
    "Pieces to the puzzle of Galaxy Formation"
    2000, Aarhus University

  89. Ilyin, Ilya V.
    "High Resolution SOFIN CCD Echelle Spectroscopy"
    2000, University of Oulu

  90. Jaunsen, A.O.
    "Gravitational lensing and gamma-ray bursts as cosmological probes"
    2000, University of Oslo

  91. Pursimo, T.
    "Opitcal Studies of BL Lacertae Objects"
    2000, University of Turku

  92. Sollerman, J.
    "Observations of supernovae and their compact objects "
    2000, Stockholm Univeristy

  93. Østensen, R.
    "Time Resolved CCD Photometry"
    2000, Unversity of Tromsø

  94. David Israel Méndez Alcaraz
    "Gas ionizado y formación estelar en galaxias Wolf-Rayet"
    1999, IAC

  95. Hidalgo-Gamez, A.M.
    "A Study of Possible Chemical Inhomogenities of Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and the Influence on the Z-L Relationship"
    1999, Uppsala Univeristy

  96. Kaas, A.A.
    "Luminosity Functions of Embedded Young Stellar Clusters"
    1999, Stockholm Univeristy

  97. Larsen, S.
    "Young Massive Star Clusters in Spiral Galaxies"
    1999, University of Copenhagen

  98. Pietilä, H.
    "The Role of Binary Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei"
    1999, Unversity of Turku

  99. Festin, L.
    "The Faintest Stars A Study of White, Red and Brown Dwarfs"
    1998, Uppsala Unversity

  100. Heinämäki, P.
    "Groups of Galaxies: Observations of Groups and Simulations of Post-Merger Interactions of Supermassive Black Holes"
    1998, Unversity of Turku

  101. Kristen, H.
    "Dynamics of the Interstellar Matter in GAlaxies, Isolated Barred Spiral Galaxies Cloud Formation Processes"
    1998, Stockholm Unversity

  102. Snel, R .
    "Crowded filed photometry and luminosity function analysis as probes of galactic evolution"
    1998, Unversity of Lund

  103. Östlin, G.
    "On the Originb and Evolution of Blue Compact Galaxies"
    1998, Uppsala Unversity

  104. Kalus, K.
    "Laboratory and Stellar Spectra in High Resolution: Studies of Fe, Pt, and Ti in Peculiar Stars"
    1997, Lund University

  105. Alejandro Oscoz
    "Efectos relativistas sobre la propagación de la luz en diferentes escenarios astrofísicos"
    1997, IAC

  106. Nilsson, K.
    "Studies of Extragalactic Double Radio Sources"
    1997, Unversity of Turku

  107. Grundahl, F.
    "CCD photometry of disk globular clusters"
    1996, Aarhus University

  108. Gullbring, E.
    "Accretion and Time Variability of T Tauri Stars"
    1996, Stockholm Unversity

  109. Petersen, L.
    "Near-IR spectroscopy of giant extragalactic HII regions"
    1996, Aarhus University

  110. Sodemann, M.
    "Surface-Brightness Fluctuations in Elliptical Galaxies"
    1995, Aarhus University

  111. Joench-Soerensen, H.
    "CCD uvbybeta photometry of faint F-stars. Spatial and temporal variations of the metallicity in the disk of the Galaxy"
    1994, University of Copenhagen

  112. Hjorth, J.
    "Statistical Physics of Galaxies"
    1993, University of Copenhagen

  113. Kjeldsen, H.
    "High-precision photometry. Techniques and Results."
    1992, University of Aarhus

Licentiate theses:

  1. Jussi Harmanen
    Observational studies of supernovae and intermediate luminosity optical transients
    2020, University of Turku, Finland

  2. Ilyina, S.
    "A spectroscopic analysis of the magnetic field structure in some Ap stars"
    2001, University of Oulu

  3. Strid, K.
    "A Spectrum Analysis of u Sagittarii"
    2001, Lund University

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