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Up: Looking ahead
Previous: SOFIN
Various developments are planned for period 28:
- Proposal parser: Starting from the current deadline for
applications for observing time in period 29, a submitted proposals
will be parsed automatically to check basic validity and be assigned a
proposal ID for later reference. PIs will be notified immediately
after submitting the proposal. The plan is to further automatize this
process and integrate the system, combining the proposals, the
observing schedule, the required instrument set-up, the observing
logs, the weather conditions, the data archive, etc.
- Data archiving: If the problems with the CD carousel
persist, we have to look for alternative ways to archive the data. We
already have a fairly well developed plan to use a system with a
dedicated PC and a simple mechanical disk exchanger, which we would
likely use with DVD writers. The CD carousel might in that case be
used for the backup system of the SLO computers
- Data flow system: Currently we are working on various
aspects (proposal processing and scheduling, fits headers, data
archiving, observing logs, the sequencer, data reduction software,
etc.) of our general data flow system. An overall plan is being made
to include all these different components in a single system. The main
aim of this is to avoid any inconsistencies or incompatibilities in
the system
- Network access: The Web server, ftp server and Mail server
will be upgraded and moved to ORM to provide faster access. This will
also guarantee that the observers can access the web pages at all
- Network connection: Plans for improving the reliability of
the connection between the sea-level offices and the observatory are
being investigated in collaboration with the ING
- Web pages: A work plan for the web pages has been defined
with the aim of improving the use and maintainability. Once the new
web server is in use, updates to the web pages will take place
- Reduction computer: The observer's data reduction computer
in the control room requires a way for people to store any online
reduction they have made. A DSS3 DAT drive has been ordered, and we
are considering to also offer a DVD writer
Next: About this document ...
Up: Looking ahead
Previous: SOFIN
Thomas Augusteijn