As in the last semester, we had various (10) reports throughout
the semester which noted problems during telescope power-on and
possibly in a few cases caused an automatic power-off of the telescope
which all appear to be related to errors of the power supply of the
AltAz motors. In general these problems caused little (or no) down
time. The total amount of down time caused by this over the whole
semester is difficult to estimate precisely as in some cases the error
occurred when the telescope had to be powered-off and -on for some
other reason that caused the bulk of the down time in the specific
report, but is not more than 2 hrs. In general, it seems that these
errors only occur when powering-on following a power-off after the
telescope has been powered-on for some time. However, it is also not
entirely clear that all these problems have the same cause as, e.g., a
building crash can also cause this type of error. Further tests are
being planned in the near future.