
Various improvements were made to observing scripts and their documentation. A special section was made in the documentation with all the `spectroscopy' sequencer scripts. The instrument align instructions for the staff were updated removing references to the old BIAS system and integrating the description of the different steps. The software for the alignment was updated to include more grisms.

The plan is to modify the holders for the low-resolution grisms #10, 11 and 12 (which are mostly use as cross-dispersers where there are mounted in the filter wheel)such that they can be mounted horizontally and vertically in both the grism and filter wheel without the need to change their position in the holder.

Work is continuing to make calibrations scripts for ALFOSC similar to the EasyThAr scripts for FIES which checks the illumination level and defines a proper exposure times.

Thomas Augusteijn 2010-05-27