The NOTCam calibration unit for spectroscopy is still only a temporary solution with arc and halogen lamps mounted on the inside of the telescope baffle lid, completely manually controlled. The lamps are not yet under computer control and no info goes to the fits headers. A list of suggested FITS header keywords, including those needed for the three calibration lamps, has been defined. Work is on-going on the technical side to integrated the calibration unit in the observing system.
The design of the new low-resolution grism is still in progress. With
the help of Micheal Andersen a design was made which covers the range
`ZJ' (0.705-1.317), `JH' (1.147-1.870
), and 'HK'
). We are currently looking for manufactures (see
for the corresponding order-selection filters above). The plan is to
both purchase the grism and filters and commission them as soon as