Observing system

A returning problem when observing with NOTCam is that occasionally observations are skipped. The precise cause is not known but is being investigated. In general it concerns only one in a series of many (short) exposures, and having one image less can easily be missed. In many cases this is an image in a dither pattern where losing an image can affect the final reduction significantly. In the case when a dither script is used it is actually known a priori how many images should be produced at the end. A method based on comparing the number of expected images with the number of images recorded in database has been developed and implemented but needs to be tested.

The sequencer command that provides the option to define an image as `sky' image to be subtracted before an image is displayed was modified. Apart from the options to define the `filename' of a specific image, the `prev(ious)' image, or `no' image it is now possible to select the `prev(ious)-N' image.

Thomas Augusteijn 2012-02-21